Hillary Clinton is responsible for the ESRB

>Hillary Clinton is responsible for the ESRB
>She blamed school shootings solely on video games.
>And is the reason all game websites have useless age gates

Keep that in mind in November...

>people are seriously going to vote for Hillary

I mean, I'm not saying Trump is good. He's just the least worst.

>people are going to vote for either of them
This is the worst decision in the history of the country.

they're both dogshit. Thank god for checks and balances

>tfw all I want is to see Putin and Trump in the same room trying to one-up each other

both hilary and trump hate vidya tho.

I'll make a birthday wish for you americlaps that Hillary will suffer a humiliating defeat

Sup Forumsddit will go nuclear if Hillary wins so that's good enough reason for me.

>being young enough to care about any of those things
It's no wonder most of Trump's twitter followers are too young to vote.

Daily reminder that the next president will be nominating at least 2, likely 3, possibly 4 SCOTUS justices. Please put immediate changes or likability aside and think about the kind of people Hillary will appoint in if she wins.

ESRB isn't a bad thing tbf

Trump will literally take your games away from you because they are unchristian and "muh morals"

Or rather the other Republican minions doing his job for him while he enjoys his celebrity status.

Obama had enough?

The entire news media, twitter, facebook and all of reddit that isn't the_donald will go nuclear if trump wins

>useless age gates
Maybe if we had one here, Sup Forums would have less shitposts like this


>caring about religion

Mormons don't even want to vote for him

Silence, cuck.


Trump's secular as fuck, he uses his christian upbringing as a way to reel in evangelist votes. Hillary is secular but has a hard on for muslims even though the vast majority of muslims hate the west and always will hate the west.

Put is 5'2 and Trump is 6'2, literally an entire foot taller.

You'll never see them in a room together and this is why.

The Simpson's Kang and Kodos work better because Trump and Hillary are friends personally

This. The country is already in the shitter but if I can get some delicious tumblr tears from his victory then its worth it.

We could have had Bernie, but you're all a bunch of pussies clinging to bullshit ideals invented in the 20th century and earlier.

>Silence, cuck.

I am a liberal. I am voting Shillary only for the supreme court nominations. Fuck her in the ass though.


i'm a literal commie and you fucking disgust me

You heard them folks,Trump has already won.

Hopefully Trump builds a wall to keep Sup Forums from contaminating other boards haha

>wanting bernie

She's just like us.

But seriously, Sup Forums: How does it feel knowing you will never experience the power and influence that she experiences every day?

>8 years

A Trump office might make it to 4 if they're lucky

Hillary for prison 2016
Trump for getting shot anytime

>championed by shreiking neon-haired landwhales
>attracting moderate voters

Pick one

>I want to condemn the world to decades of irreversible mistakes because "le sjws" will be annoyed
Typical manchild mindset, prime Trump voter

>somehow thinking Trump will nominate anyone worthwhile to the court
>buying into the idea that 'at least 2' is a guarantee, much less that 3 is likely
Passing out this kind of bullshit as truth publicly should be criminal.

>Bernouts are still around

The other repubs on the other hand

I mean cmon you got Newt fuckin Gingrich going to bat for him and they're only supporting him because
1. They want to win
2. They know they'll be doing the actual work while Trump is the face of the operation. You thought SJWs wwre bad get ready for the fuckin Moral police

I...what? Shes one of the most anticonstitutional candidates ever, why would you want her because of SCOTUS nominations? They're going to rape the 1st, 2nd, and 5th if she nominates.

>because they are unchristian and "muh morals"
Trump is a giant pile of shit, but he's definitely not one of those Religious Right Republicans. He'll ban video games if it helps get him elected, though.

fucking niggers

Don't have to deal with their shit so I don't care about them f@m


>hurting yourself to make someone mad
how does this even work

>Hillary Clinton is responsible for the ESRB
The wife of Bill Clinton's vice president was one of the people responsible for music industry censorship and the ESRB.

Trump doesn't even like videogames. At all.

ivanka trump is fucking ugly

>not voting for the status quo candidate Hillary

America is still a fucking wonderful place and I would rather let it decline slowly for a few more generations than to have it crash and burn and to leave it to my children to rebuild the whole fucking country.

stop pretending like he ever had a chance

>lets her husband sleep with other women
Post your face when you're not Hillary, aka female anthony burch.

Trump is a hero.

>implying Ginsburg wont be a mummy within 8 years

>mfw conservative Christian values are the only things that will save America

That's enough reason to vote Trump famm

I agree. Republicans are anti porn and anti freedom. The only freedoms they care about are guns. There are more important freedoms other than guns, and I say this as an avid hunter

>mfw the real reason Bernie lost was because he couldn't secure the black vote

Why did they do that?

What is the fucking point of arguing with someone who won't change their mind.

We can all agree that Bernie is at the very least better than Hillary right?

You're damn right I'm triggered

>so mad hahahah le epik butthurt xd

Stop trying to appear smug you literal disgrace of a human

t.beautiful neckbeard

I agree with everithing. But her nominations will be most likely culturally liberal while financially conservative. Trump will moat likely just pick an entire conservative judge/s which is far worse.

because BLM makes everything about BLM, even events that aren't about BLM because that means they're ignoring BLM

Who the fuck is Lena Dunham?

>german media are already focusing all blame for the munich shooting on "killer games"

here we go again, round 2 for germany

Is hunting in the Constitution? No?

Then it's not as important as guns, idiot.

literally the biggest cuck
>no one stops them because that would be racist

Berndog lost the primary the moment he said I'M TIUD OF HEAWING ABOUT YA DAMN EMAYWLS at the first debate.

The fundamentalists hate him.

A lot of moderate voters in my area say that they would prefer someone who isn't a criminal over Hillary or Trump.

Germany is fucking shit.

Stay mad commie

Because even if you're a white person who supports black people, they will still hate you.

Theres been countless reports of feminists being raped and murdered by refugees and blacks they tried to help.

Honestly, I hope trump wins and after he deports the mexicans, he deports the blacks too.

Not stopping them was the best move he could have made. Once they had control of the mic it turned out they had nothing to say and didn't know why they were there.


Fucking this, I'm not american and I want Trump to lose.

Sup Forums shitposting has leaked everywhere after Trump, if he loses it will be the cuckenning all over again, last time GG and a whole new chan were created, hopefully this next one shitposters will die once in for all.

>Former First Lady
>Former Senator of New York
>Former Secretary of State

Why are people against her again?

She's more qualified than anyone else from either the Democrat or Republican Parties


They hate black people and muslims more.

On the US

Build firewall!

>voting for a Putin fuccboi

>He fell for the Donald Trump meme

this is what a Sup Forumsturd looks like

>he thinks the 2nd amendment is for hunting

Fudds like you do more damage to the 2nd than actual gun grabbing libs do.

>Why are people against her again?

>Trump doesn't even like videogames.

Probably because he doesn't play them

Trump's reaction to video game controversy would be

>"Folks I gotta tell you, these violent video games, they're just the worst, really just reprehensible gory stuff, basically snuff films you can play, we gotta regulate this stuff, and I'll tell you, they're the worst, we're gonna regulate them"
>media blows up over Trump condemning the games
>he talks to people who let him know we had this discussion 20+ years ago and theres no evidence supporting violent games = violent kids
>"We're gonna regulate them... with smarter parenting"

>Trump is to wacky to have any of his policies go anywhere, it will just be 4 years of nothing
>Shillary is sneaky and political enough to actually pass a few things

I hate Trump because he's a full on NSA shill who hates privacy and thus freedum. But he's mostly harmless because America isn't a dictatorship. Meanwhile Hillary can probably change stuff, or at least influence stuff. Which isn't good.

>Implying all communists are maoists
>implying you know jack shit about politics

I bet you think Bernie is a socialist

Get out, underage

Welcome to American politics

If there was ever an election that deserved a third party candidate win, THIS IS IT

>status quo

That would imply that white people would still remain 60%+ of the population,something that Hillary will never let happen.

I hate videogames


>tfw either tumblrites or Sup Forumstards will get triggered as fuck

Feels pretty good desu, I will enjoy basking in either one tears

Emails leak and Benghazi

Oh and Republicans have always had a hateboner for the Clintons.

Trump blames violent games for real world violence too

>Hillary Clinton is responsible for the ESRB
>She blamed school shootings solely on video games.
Not solely but yeah. To be fair she based this decision off some will documented research on learned aggression. She just should've seen for herself how aggression in those studies is operationally defined.
>And is the reason all game websites have useless age gates
Uh, nobody cares

Reminder that Trump works for Hillary and it's all a ruse

>Sup Forums will literally vote for Hillary rather than the white man's candidate
Gosh, you're just so progressive.

Yeah, for about 20 minutes and then they'll deny ever liking Trump in the first place and return to posting Jew memes. It's 2012 all over again.

God, you're a fucking idiot. You literally are retarded if you can't see how hunting and guns aren't related

nice appeal to popularity broseph

Anyone but Shillary


>shooter in germany played cs and got vac banned