Did you beat it?

Did you beat it?

Having trouble with the Maris fight

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>that episode where everyone thinks Frasier and Niles tried to dispose of Maris' corpse at sea after they murdered her

Did you try using those tossed salad and scrambled eggs?

Out of air time. The broadcast keeps ending!!!

Is it hard to romance Ros?

>Not Roz
Play the fan translation, they fucked up when localizing

How do you get passed nnnGi in the skiing level? He keeps getting into my room at night and then I get Game Over.

Dude you think thats bad, just wait till you get to the level where you have to battle Bulldog for the top time slot. Crazy difficult!

Can I drop Dad's old chair off the balcony onto Bulldog?

I would only do that as a last resort, since you only get one chair. But if you have Daphne in your party, try using her psychic wave attack, and also dont forget you have multiple chances to dispatch Eddie on the enemy

Who the fuck wants to play as Niles in this game?

kek. you fucking guys

Oh my god right
>Niles sword fight level with the translation mini game.

Fuclk that part

You have autism and I hope you will kill yourself.

Please do.

Wasn't this show just about upper class affluent new yorkers or something? I don't get how that was popular.

It was seen as the "smart" sitcom when compared to Seinfeld and Friends.

You're just mad they shut down the King of the Hill servers

No fun allowed, myah!

I wasn't huge on it, but I'm pretty sure it's seattle.

Frasier is a psychologist with a radio show or something. I will admit it has a lot more serious tones and is a little dryer than most sitcoms, but it's actually pretty funny.
I also think it's cool to see a sitcom about two sophisticated brothers who live with their old dad. Almost every other sitcom is just cookie cutter shit about average families.

I preferred Just Shoot Me, though.

I lost my Disc 3 of Just Shoot Me...

It's too expensive on Ebay.

Apart from that stuff, it was a spinoff of Cheers. That gave it some obvious pedigree.

[i]I fucking love that dog[/i]

it was more about making fun of the upper class. Fraiser and Niles snob like behavior was never portrayed in a positive light

you know I watched a bunch of Frasier back when it was first airing and I really don't remember shit about it except that Niles was a fuccboi and Frasier's dad was a wild card
also there was a dog

Who /Becker/ here

>[i]I fucking love that dog[/i]
what did he mean by this?

Why does Sup Forums has shit taste in comedies? It's always this or it's always sunny in pleblandia

This is the hardest game ever made.

>shit taste

I bet you main Martin too, you simple minded plebian.


The only good thing about Cheers is the intro.

How the hell did you even reach that boss? It's always a fucking fakeout and you end up fighting a miniboss, usually that latino maid.

People keep telling me to play Always Sunny, I just can't into it. Everyone's just nasty to eachother. Plus the chapters are so short.

And not in a fun way like Seifeld. Now THAT'S an RPG!

It wasn't super hard

fun as fuck though

I had a really good Finch build on that, but I preferred to use my "gone postal" postal worker build. Brian Posehn is the best.

I googled it just to be sure. You can never tell with old consoles.

>Not maining Nile E. Coyote
>not actrivating Corkmeister and following with a Stole the Bride into a The Montana combo

Seinfeld was clever, stupid and funny
Fraiser was smart, clever and funny
Friends was LE SMELLY CAT
Fesh Pince rounds out the trinity of Seinfeld and Fraiser desu

Very true

I read halfway through the thread before I realised everyone was joking.

I think I'm retarded.

>Just Shoot Me
I came for Laura San Giacomo, and then realized I enjoyed the show too.

You mean you didn't play Frasier?

I keep falling off the stage in the speech level. Is there some trick to get him to stay on the stage?


You might be retarded because the game actually did come out. Where have you been?

Newman builds four lyfe

>The Golden God was nerfed again
>Nazi Charlie's 'Rat Bash' got buffed AGAIN
Fucks sake, I don't think the devs even play their own game

Honeslty I think that level is bugged. Or just really fucking hard. Its on par with that one level from Lion King where you swing on monkeys.

shit taste senpai


>he didnt pick the daphne route

I just know they're going to do that for the sequel.
>Fraisier 2: Sons of Ribaldry
>First level is Frasier, spend the entire rest of the game as Niles.

But in Niles' campaign you have to fight Maris for the divorce before you can get to Daphne.

I know what I'm doing.

>he didn't avoid the Maris fight with the right dialog choices

>Wow, this really is our Final Fraiser

fuck this game, seriously

Someone needs to make a hi-res version of this with the back side

I want to make a custom box for this

Why skip fights when I need the EXP? Especially for the fight with Donny later.

Also who the fuck would pick the Frasier campaign. I mean it's funny but also really easy. Shit just plays itself by the end of the game.

How are you supposed to beat Frasier Day? I can't even get to the boss arena before the timer runs out?

If you can get Bulldog as a summon, it makes the Maris fight a bit easier though some kinda bug gives Bulldog XP as well, not sure if there's a fix for it yet.

The staring contests with Eddie were full-on horseshit.
Fucking epitome of artificial difficulty

They fixed that in the latest translation patch.

Though your savestats won't work for some reason.

Come to think of it, this isn't a very good game. I'd give it a 9/11

What were they thinking with this game?

>two psychologist mains with identical stats
>one retired fighter suffering from Old and Crippled with an incompetent Animal Companion
>a psychic physiotherapist/maid dual class
>a producer with 4x weakness to dick
Where's the white mage? Black mage? Monk?


I like fraiser senpaitachi

You're just mad that you couldn't get him to iron his pants without passing out

>pal version