>look for youtube footage of some game to watch while I cook
>scroll down and click one video
>fairly decent gameplay, nice personnality/voice, some effort on production/effects
>realize it has less than 20 views
>look his channel
>around 40 videos with less than 50 views each
Youtube makes me feel bad sometimes
Failed youtubers
Other urls found in this thread:
>last video was from months/years ago so you know they know they failed and just gave up
>Good guy that does nice little gameplay videos
>suddenly disappears on youtube
>Rumors about getting run over by a taxi and dying in the hospital
>last video was 2 years ago
>see another video
>guy does call of duty videos
>last video 3 years ago
>Confirmed dead
>Got ran over by a train with his girlfriend on the way back from a bar
>tfw Latza is the best but no one realizes it yet
>cant even cook without watching video game footage
Sup Forums users make me feel bad about the future of humanity sometimes.
So you're one of them
t. TV pro
>Mfw 666theheartless666 is gone
I don't have a youtube channel, champ
>subscribe to a youtuber group because of their banter
>they stop updating for months
I'm now going to shill for them because they were posted in a gaming channels thread on here.
How's your youtube channel going, Sup Forums?
I'm just looking for new people to watch
>continually mixing and waiting 3-20 minutes between each step is so fascinating, I could do it all day!
Fuck off alright
I like GaLm, he's a decent player, has good criticism of games he plays, but avoid the comment section holy shit
who's that guy?
I was thinking of starting one, but OP's situation is pretty much why I didn't get into it.
I recorded a few of my RO2 games on Plays.tv, but I don't know how to edit videos and I don't have a mic, so it's just raw multiplayer gameplay and it might be a tad boring.
My contract ends in january so if I don't find another job immediately I'll put some effort into a channel
Dude galm is such a poor sport. He bitches and moans when he's doing bad and blames his team for everything. There's even vids where he gets angry and fucking screams. He's a child
Khad Banks is a good example of this. He use to be a fairly popular LPer on SA and got decent views, then one day I think Slowbeef and some other guys shit super hard on him, and now he averages 1 view and uploads videos daily, while maintaining a website for his lets plays.
I enjoy seeing failed YouTubers. Like [Redacted] who has about 35k subscribers and less than 15$ (4 backers) on their Patreon. They still pump out quality videos but they aren't being paid enough to do so.
Me and a bro started a coop LP channel but he's really dragging his feet.
>ran over by a train
How does this shit even happen? Railways aren't super wide. The danger zone is pretty fucking easy to avoid when a train is coming. Just don't be on or next to the tracks when it passes. You cannot fuck it up but somehow he still did.
yeah me and my bros ran a train on ur mom, happens all the time
>back from a bar
>rushing so they can fuck
One of the first people I ever watched, I knew he was going downhill once he started being other people in more and more and doing nostalgia games.
The moral here is to never try. You can't be disappointed if you never try.
This guy's getting a bit more popular which is good, but he has a fuck ton of knowledge about the games he runs and he runs a lot of weeb shit.
He's a bit autistic though sometimes
Probably looked one way and not the other, thinking the train had passed.
who else loves goldvision here?
he's got a fantastic sense of humor, a great style, a great voice, his editing is LEAGUES above any other youtuber I know, and he puts real effort into his videos
in december he put out a new 3-minute scripted video from a different game every day and called it the 25 days of christmas
none of those videos has over 20,000 views
pls check him out :^(
>tfw made £23 from ad revenue on youtube
>tfw google wont transfer the money to your account for under £60
3 years ago me and my ex were going back home early from a party because we've been whispering nasty shit in each's others ear for one hour.
We got nearly ran over by a bus and a bike crashed into me.
Next morning my foot was all swollen and they said at the hospital it was broken
idk man I've had a lot of both and regret is way worse than failure
>last video was 3 weeks ago
>before that it was 3 months
>before that it was 5 months
SO it has only gotten 3k in 2 days?
>in order for me to appreciate a youtuber, he has to produce 10 minute unscripted let's plays every single day with no concern for quality, like my favorite channel, the Game Grumps!
It's going well. Just playing games and enjoying this hobby.
post link to the channel
If he doesn't have a regular schedule what's the point getting invested in him
i will never ever stop checking back on l0rdvega every three months
still fucking miss that guy
>checking for new uploads of game for new Lets Player to watch
>find one I find neat
>check their profile
>dozens of unfinished lps
It was never meant to be
t. my mom left me when I was 5 and first gf broke my heart real bad
Nice projecting, I guess. I'm not sure why you're being so defensive about some youtube channel.
>tfw work hard and make YouTube videos
>Really happy with the result
>Only get 50 views
>Some memespouter makes a MLG overwatch compilation
he raises a valid point
My little brother has a YouTube channel
I don't tho.
His is pretty shit
Yeah, it's kind of depressing. Like you feel embarrassed looking at the page, and you can't help but think of the reaction the Youtuber has of his/her failed venture and cringe.
Even worse when they have an energetic personality, and you know they probably cry themselves to sleep and think of killing themselves.
On the otherhand, a lot of youtubers are shitty people, so those failed youtubers get to maintain their purity.
>tfw u see a failed youtuber grill who's really cute and you want to see her succeed, but she won't
I'm not the user shilling for a channel.
I just find funny people who consider watching youtube videos an "investement"
Like this guy.
Here is a channel I really like that noone knows, gonna take the opportunity to shill it a bit. Guy makes reviews and analyses of retro games like Wizardry, Kings Quest and Prince of Persia, so its more for the /vr/ audience I guess. He has a strange accent and a weird as fuck humor but its delivered so laidback and lowkey and dry that it cracks me up. anyway, here goes:
This. The steps between cooking fucking ramen are too long for me to just stand there
When is the new Inside video senpai?
Need to see what happens to milo
Purity means shit when the popular YouTubers have a Patreon link on their page. The popular ones get paid for their hobbies, the failed ones continue to be wage cucks.
The thread asked for good youtubers. Obviously it's going to be an investment if you're looking for specific recommendations. How did you not understand that?
I just don't see the point in waiting literal months for a 7 minute video. It makes sense that no one gives a shit about the channel
>not dancing while you cook
Fuck off from my board, I don't want casuals here.
that one wasn't even me desu
I plan to upload a new video today
Just like in the good old times.
seems cool, thanks for posting it user
he's pretty alright, I liked his gta series.
Is there even succesful youtube that are just really good gameplay of a game
plz don't spam his youtube I don't want him to hate me ;-;
Saw yours yesterday
nice job pointing out how Bioware is shit with writing gays
I mean there's longplay channels that don't have commentary that are still going
Davepretendo is a really underrated channel.
Though I don't know if I would call him a "failed youtuber"
since he still makes videos and seems to enjoy it.
His streams are pretty chill too.
>favorite niche youtuber quits youtube because he gets hired by the company he mainly did videos about
makes me feel conflicted as fuck
what the hell is wrong with some of you, upload videos as part of a community effort. if it's about you it's going about it wrong entirely
>guys you can only upload videos the way I want you to!
Video game channels are oversaturated as fuck. Only way to get noticed is to scream into the mic and put some retarded clickbait title/icon.
Not sure why people still make these shitty channels.
A chance to shill? I'll take it
I do longform nuanced game analysis, it's mostly complaining because I hate video games now. I try to criticize games and developers from a perspective of objective gameplay analysis. I want to do vids on Furi and SFV next.
Not him but if you don't make videos that people want to watch people aren't going to watch them.
Thanks man. Working on a huge ME3 video.
look if you're doing for fame or attention there's two outcomes, both negative:
1. no one cares, you become super self conscious and stress every waking moment.
2. a bunch of autists with no social skills care, you become super self conscious and stress every waking moment.
don't understand why everyone has to be the next big personality and it's even stranger when there's attempts to monetize when most of if not all the content in the video is under copyright
good potential bro, get a better mic so we can hear you clearly
so what. Let people make the videos they want to make
>upload videos of decent gameplay regularly
>between 0 and 8 views
>some guy doing only gameplay and playing like shit get around a hundred
What's the secret
I post in Youtube threads on Sup Forums a lot. You guys are the ones that actually inspired me to get this channel going. We've got over 1500 subs now. Thanks.
How the hell do they not hear it then?
good thumbnail, tags, word of mouth, maybe extremely rampant forced viraling
You have a very interesting voice and sound a lot like Cryaotic. Where are you from?
>guy used to be well known and got a fair amount of views
>stopped being active
>came back and is active again but gets 5% of the views he used to
its always sad to see but the person is probably happier
ha, you want to see a failed youtuber in action? guy's a fucking trainwreck
The sound of the other train leaving masks the arriving train. There's a .webm that shows a few drunk guys dying this way.
>find youtuber making hitman blood money level walkthroughs.
>youtuber is funny as hell with lots of effort put into editing/script/length.
>only a couple of thousands of subs
>videos are made a while back with 2-3 months gap between uploads.
>he reaches 100 videos and makes a special video for that.
>uploads one video after that and disappears for 2 years.
>rumours about a gas station shooting.
Well he's back now and he stated he's trying to upload more regularly.
>local guy that you had class with did interesting niche gameplay videos and gave handy tips
>becomes absolutely fucking huge after making gimmicky vids and shilling on reddit
I don't mind watching his stuff now, but I wish it went back to before
I was looking for good players of red orchestra to watch cause I started recently and I suck. If you're good, I promise you at least one (1) view per video
>its a failed couples' lets play channel
I hope it wasn't the only thing that failed.
That's more than minimum wage for fun work
>favourite streamer gets a gf and moves in with him
>she doesn't shut the fuck up during streams
>constantly commentates from the "back seat"
Such a shame, he was the only streamer I watched regularly. Too bad her voice is so fucking annoying that I can't enjoy him anymore.
It's raw gameplay though, not youtube channel material
Damn boy you're one salty motherfucker.
That happened to me too, but not video games related, just some vlogger
I'll take a look.
Do you think people that made it big still have fun making videos for 12 years old boys to watch?
I used to make videos of me just being an asshole in video games by copying the playful activity of other youtubers, but then as soon as people think I'm going to be like them, I kill them or piss them off.
The times of video responses was fun.
Now all old videos are removed, I don't make videos unless I really want to which is maybe once a year or two.
Yeah I'm sure Pewpewdie cries himself to sleep on his bed made of dollar bills
>want to look a LP of Jak and Daxter
>this guy has a complete one, sounds nice and shy but is plenty successful
>realise troughout the videos that it's one of his first videos and he was struggling to get a hundred suscribers when now he has more than 100,000
It's a nice feeling, realizing someone you liked made it
Hit or miss?
dumb antifrogposter poster