which is the best star wars game?
Which is the best star wars game?
The pod racing one
Battlefront 2
Super Empire Strikes Back and Jedi Outcast 2
KOTOR or Rogue Squadron
In no particular order because it's impossible to choose:
JKJA - Still an amazing game with so many unique elements, despite its age.
Battlefront 2 - Also still an amazing game, basically Battlefield but Star Wars. It actually FEELS like a Star Wars game and feels like its own thing, I still play this once or twice a week.
Republic Commando - Though the linear missions are a little aged, the gameplay is still very fun. The squad camaraderie, music and atmosphere is fkkn excellent and it really gives a chance to show the war from a clones perspective.
Dark Forces 2 and KOTOR 2 are my favorites
K1/2 are some of the best games of all time, much less greatest Star Wars games.
Lego Star Wars 1 and 2
Fuck clone wars
Jedi outcast >>>> Jedi Academy
JA with Movie Battles 2 mod > Jedi Outcast > Jedi Academy
Depends what genre you want senpai
Dark Forces
>3rd person action
Jedi Knight 3
Pod racer on Nintendo 64
Lego Star Wars
Knights of the Old Republic
The Old Republic
RIP Galaxies
Empire at War
Star Wars has spanned a lot of genres that I'm sure I'm missing
Jedi Outcast.
But Rogue Leader is underrated. HD re-release when? NX?
legit the hardest game ive ever played
Also Empire at War with the really polished Clone Wars mod but vanilla corruption campaign is like the epitome of RTS.
Also Sins of a Solar Empire with the Sins of a Galactic Empire mod is god damned dank as fuck.
i never really played Outcast because I was 10 and couldn't afford it haha. JKJA came with my PC.
Stay mad, obsidrones
even Yoda is crying
KotOR 2, hands down, it just explores the force and the shole Jedi/Sith morality the best
>they changed Luke's face just enough so they didn't have to pay Mark Hamill any royalties.
Bravo, George!
torrent that shit man, I still play it from time to time
>Podracer on 64
PC runs better and actually has music during the races outside of the final lap.
>bigger and better maps
>can go prone
>no overpowered jedi
>the superior phase 1 clone armour
i wish there was a way to get this game again i mean i liked battlefront 2 i just prefer battlefront 1
Is your mom standing over your shoulder watching you type or something?
Yeah, I remember playing the shit out of BF1 and fucking loved it, then I rented BF2 and I couldn't believe how shitty and weird is was compared to the first, the space battles were bitchin tho.
I was really blown away by Shadows of the Empire on N64. Rogue Squadron 2 is a close second for me.
Jedi were plenty overpowered, you just couldn't play them yourself. I think it worked better for the balance overall.
I can never get that to work on my PC. Advice?
>i wish there was a way to get this game again
>what is modded BF2
I know what you mean, no idea why that's disappeared off the face of the planet.
The conversion pack for two is as close as you can get now.
The Star Wars Battlefront game made by EA DICEā¢ is very highly rated by all the gaming review sites. If you haven't tried it I suggest you do, I hear the season pass is very reasonable too.
Dude, not even EA PR talk like that.
Didn't even know it had a PC release
Outcast has aged like fine wine, you should play it sometime.
>no Clone Engineer
This is why BF2 is better
It gets some flack but I really liked force unleashed.
Is Lego Clone Wars actually a worse game for any particular reason or you just don't really care for the source material?
So is Battlefront 2 dead or are people still playing?
I generally hate those types of games but something about it in KOTOR 1, I must've spent countless hours when I was like 13 grinding that shit.
I've actually been playing through the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series for the first time the past couple weeks. I'm on MotS and not really liking it as much as DF 1/2 (possibly because of Mara Jade and the Hutt Palace level with her was designed like shit) but if JO and JA are as good as this thread is saying, then I'll get excited and stick through it.
JO and JA are both probably int top 5 SW games ever made, just be aware that JO starts out slow
my favorite of the bunch is DF2 for the right amount of classic star wars, classic shooting, and level design
MOTS is pretty much a worse version and the last 2 levels will make you want to tear your hair out
JO has amazing lightsaber combat with dismemberment on but the parts where you actually have to use guns are not good at all and the overall level design isn't anything to write home about
The thinking man's SW game
I actually preferred DF1 to DF2 just barely. The level design in it just blew me away considering it was a Doom clone. The puzzles and areas felt very Half-Life.
Lego Star Wars 2.
Outcast and Academy are the best ones lightsaber-wise.
Character-progression-wise JK1 is the best (finding secrets gives you force points)
Dark Forces is the best game in the series