Protagonist is a teenager

>Protagonist is a teenager.

>Protagonist is a little girl

>protagonist is in his early 20s but seems much older

>Uses a sword
>First girl he talks to for more than 1 minute is his one true love
>Is a 'good person'

>protagonist is a high school student that no one understands

>Protagonist is a moralfag

>people make overused cliche threads every day

>protagonist is vietnamese
>it aint me starts playing

>Protagonist is a do-gooder with a heart of gold and is well loved by everyone.

>you post the same reaction image every thread

>Protaganist of the last game comes to kick the new protags ass

>OP makes these threads every day

fuckoff oldman

>protagonist uses the power of friendship to win

>people reply ironically

>Protagonist has sex scene with sister

>tfw you realize you're older than your favorite heroes
>tfw you still don't feel like you ever grew up

>protagonist is a strong black woman who don't need no man

>person reacts favorably to the idea of incestual sex

The older I get the more I'm turned off by games that do this. Especially JRPGs, the biggest offenders.

>Video games are meant for adults

>Protaganist is a prankster

shit you found amazing as a child is now shit (and probably always was)

>protagonist is an animes

this is a good image

i'm saving it whether or not you give me permission sorry

>protagonist is a silent tough guy with a soft heart

>antagonist is a loudmouth smart guy with a cold heart

Protagonist is an old, fat, muscular white guy with beard.

Fucking western games man, they always have fast and furious tier character design.

>protagonist is an adult
>acts like a teenager anyway

>Protagonist has amnesia.

>somehow is a genius that can hack any computer, out debate the main antagonist, work complex weapons and machines, and is strong enough to take down fully grown and heavily trained adults

>protagonist is a living legend
>you're quickly forced to play as some other whiny faggot and never get to switch back

MGS2, I presume?
>I actually didn't find Raiden that bad, to be honest.

>protagonist is an old man/adut man taking care of a younger person