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holy shit I love it when creationists try to strawman evolution
Jack Chick is truly the hero we need
Oh shit, my parents have this book.
thing is I wonder who this book is for
the .5% of the population that'd buy it is already convinced by creationism anyways, the other 99.5% believes in evolution
all i have
It's also a really good teaching tool for what evolution ISN'T.
That same example has been shown to me in high school biology, and again in undergraduate evolutionary biology as both a joke and a primer on intermediate forms
Is that what creationists think a transitional form between a whale and their ancestors looks like? How retarded are those cunts?
Holy fuck, what the shit did I just read? I can't even hold all these keks.
For creationists teaching their children in religious private schools/home schooling
im not saying i disagree with the point this is trying to make but this is just a well drawn "I AM SILLY" comic
I can't find it in myself to get angry at creationists at this point, like I used to when I was younger. Nowadays, I just pity them and their willful ignorance. Evolution is not a hard concept to grasp, but they don't even try.
This is Texas public schools standard biology book
check this stale post
the biggest issue with teaching evolution is twofold
on one hand the simplified ways of explaining the concept are filled with inaccuracies which are relatively obvious and easy to point out.
on the other hand the actual fully detailed explanations encompass several fields of biology and biochemistry and require years of training to understand
this is further compounded by people delivering the simplified explanation not being aware of the actual complex mechanisms and the fact that even if they were said explanation would start to sound like technobabble to less educated people.
Then add onto that the misinformation campaign on the part of creationists who have consistently tried to paint the perception of evolution as a system of belief rather than a scientific theory and you got yourself a sticky situation
does anyone have the edit for this?
I can't believe there are christians that actually think they're objectively correct
To teach a child, yes.
But by late highschool they should already know what DNA and genes are, have some sort of elementary grasp on ecology, and have already taken cell biology and chemistry.
organic chemistry was part of my highschool chemistry curriculum which covered DNA and amino acids and that's more complicated than the basic knowledge it takes to understand evolutionary theory
That's essentially the Apple of beverages.
Nothing he did in that .webm makes the liquor taste better, it just looks cool.
The problem is that most people don't pay attention to that in school or, alternatively, don't think about it for years after school and thus forget it.
Hence you can be talking to a college educated, successful man and have to start with child level in explaining these things.
There is a middle ground between completely simplified explanations, and the full scope of the scientific theory and the evidence backing it up m8.
With high school education, you should have a rather reasonable understanding of evolution, and the mechanisms that drive it, if you paid any attention in biology classes.
You don't even need to start delving into the genetics outside of the mere basics in order to explain evolution adequately.
Shit ain't hard.
Living beings that reproduce produce offspring that have slight differences both between each other, as well as their parents--->the offspring who are the most successful at surviving and eventually reproducing pass on the beneficial traits they had to their descendants--->over multiple generations, those minute changes over the generations accumulate which leads to the emergence of distinct populations of any given species--->distinct populations will over time, speciate into different and new species altogether.
Vola, the basic gist of evolution. Of course, there is far more shit in it, than that bare bones description, but it gets the point across.
Evolution is just applied genetics, you know how you look like mommy and daddy, well you have our skeleton because of your monkey ancestor, you have your external ears because of your synapsid ancestor, you have your dry skin because of your reptillian ancestor, you have your lungs because of your amphibian ancestor, you have your eyes because of your fish ancestor, you have your bilateral symmetry because of your notochord ancestor, you have your nervees because of your jellyfish ancestor, and you have tissue because of your sponge ancestor.
Only a complete retard cant understand evolution.
oh, well that's a different problem entirely.
you could always give someone the skinny version of DNA-->phenotype
*tips fedora*
I actually thought it was the webm of the hockey player trying to drink gatorade when i posted it
Here you go.
if you hadn't noticed: those explanations are what I consider to be the simplistic ones
anyone with a bit of education can understand them sure
anyone with a bit of education can also poke holes into it as if it were butter
problem is that the creationists that do tend to gain popularity are usually NOT stupid people, they are frequently clever, educated and charismatic, most obvious when certain creationist works contain misinformation that actually requires a more than basic knowledge of biology and genetics to fabricate
>skipped right to "isn't losing something the opposite of evolution"
>cringed hard as fuck
This is awesome, how did I never know that somebody decided to act this whole thing out
They say that anyone can fall for a cult even if they're smart, but that has always sounded like absolute bullshit to me
the ending is cut off, but thanks user!
anyone with a "bit" of education would believe themselves to be poking holes into the theory like the people in the strawman comics think they are.
Evolution is just a series of random mutations the mutations are filtered through natural selection creating a consistency in the future mutations.
So if life evolved in the water if it cannot mutate appendages that allow faster movement in water, it will instead mutate appendages for ground movement like the arthropods did where as we vertebrates mutated fins to swim through the water but only the bony fish mutated the swim bladder.
Once a mutation of the past is no longer usuable it slowly starts to mutate out of existence like our gills, our swim bladder, our amphibian moist skin or our primate agility.
That is evolution.
Why is the creationist the whitest and most physically attractive person in this video?
subtle lel.
Then what is the "hard" way?
Damnit. Well, here's the last picture, I'll fix it someday.
That student...? Albert Einstein.
studying the concepts are also fun
the different kinds of mutations to DNA, the ways in which speciation occurs that we actually have recorded history for, etc etc.
Not to mention other concepts like antibiotic resistance would make no sense without it
Hey I recognize that guy
you're doing a very fine job at explaining Lamarckian evolution
a concept which has sadly been disproven for more than a century
>a fag
It's a garbage economy, we use cubes of garbage as money.
It's a new goldrush.
An example of human evolution is by looking at all the races, at one time we were one single group of humans but we branched out and mutated into various subgroups. The africans have mutations for fast twtich muscular action thats why the are so good at sports. The europeans have mutations for high muscle mass thats why they are so strong. The asians have mutations for extra eyelids to block out the cold winds of the ice age Asia thats why Asians have slant eyes, and so on.
bress you, user-sama
>not the filthy Jude edit
Tfw I believe in a God but just think he started the big bang and then stopped toching anything afterwards kinda like Aristoteles thought.
I love how Jewish the professor looks.
It sure is great being a free thinker
Animals don't get to choose their mutations
It's more like a game where food is resources and if you get creative or lucky you get food that other's don't use, and the gradual arms race that ensues afterwards
I don't think he did it on purpose, but rather used a poor choice of words which is what gives the lay person the wrong idea in the first place.
Still, Lamarckian evolution does remind me somewhat of epigenetics which is very cool and observable.
I said the mutations are random but filtered by natural selection.
there is no real hard way, there is a gradual increase of knowledge which allows one to answer an increasing number of questions which goes all the way until the questions remaining are those the leading scientists in their respective fields are trying to answer
generally though in order to stay ahead of even the most educated and manipulative creationists you'd need equivalent knowledge to a bachelor level.
A blast from the past.
Thank you, user.
true enough, but it was sort of my point
its very easy to screw up a simplistic explanation of the theory of evolution as currently understood to the point a creationist could successfully attack your explanation
course he didn't mean it, don't think Lamarck has any followers at this point after all (any and all of his supporters may now rise and prove me wrong)
sup reddit
well, food isn't the only resource. Space and mating or some other examples of necessary resources. Populations falling into certain niches or speciating into different ones is the cool part
There's one thing that proves creationism wrong:
People believe nothing existed more than several thousand years ago. Yet we have documented evidence of shit from BILLIONS of years ago.
So yea, bible is full of shit.
something I personally find highly interesting in terms of evolutions and genetics in general is lateral gene transfer and its role in the evolution of early microorganisms
concept of which also helps a LOT with alleviating the problems of adaptation speed among those early organisms which is one of the means a highly educated evolution skeptic may assault the theory
Battle beast was a fucking awesome game
how many lies are there
>the other 99.5% believes in evolution
Just wish the final boss wasn't so difficult. Though really, the game was pretty clunky at times.
Yet, I'd kill to see a reboot. There need to be more quirky fighters, everything is either just a Street Fighter clone, a Mortal Kombat wannabe, or hoping to ape Smash Bros.
Where's the joke?
Jesus Christ do people actually believe this
The easiest way to explain it is just to change the context.
People always think of evolution in terms of things living and surviving and having offspring, like how a protagonist in a story will typically survive even whilst other characters die.
If you frame natural selection as a cold, unfeeling machine of endless death, and our ancestors as the lucky fucks that survived, it starts to make more sense.
very few people do actually
most "creationists" simply don't like the implications of evolution regarding their own importance and thus try to ignore it
it takes a supremely dedicated person to actively defend creationism
yeah that was really cool to learn.
That also tied in with mitochondria and chloroplast existence in eukaryotes, yeah?
well problem with framing it like that is its very brutal so people in denial will often not pay attention to you long enough to get them out of their denial
and sadly enough it takes quite a bit of knowledge to truly see the inherent beauty in the functional complexity of the system
bit like how some explanation regarding the universe makes the night sky less magical, but once you study astronomy it gains a whole new dimension like the classical realization that the night sky is literally a window into the past
why not something more stimulating? Like dualism vs physicalism/materialism?
If you love me, GET ME DOWN!
This hurts like a mutha.
I actually knew one
I'm glad that he was a complete fucking failure last time I saw him
I think framing it in the sense that it knits all of the concepts of biology together is better