any good rpg for the PS4?
Any good rpg for the PS4?
No, wait for Deus Ex and FF15
The Fairy Fencer F remake was pretty damn cool. I'm rebuying the English edition.
Star Ocean started off good enough, but sucked at the end. Still if someone is interested, it's $39.99 on Best Buy with Gamers Club Unlocked.
No. Buy a Vita or a 3DS. If you're looking for a WRPG, build a PC. PS4 is a waste of money.
Platinum stars for not having fake neet
She's a drawing, the very definition of fake.
Exactly fake neet
Hey now. I'd recommend a PSTV way before a VITA. Sales are still iffy on memory at the moment.
I know that, user. I bought it on launch like a complete dumbass. I just use it as a netflix machine.
Is Ni No Kuni a good rpg? Long story short I have it on ps3 but never really gave it a chance
Ni no kuno is alright but the gameplay is pretty bad
>Ni No Kuni
Not even remotely. The AI companions try using non-viable strategies. So you are left manually switching between them in live combat to prevent being completely overwhelmed.
Disgaea 5 or Atelier
If you care about your mother, don't play it.
The kid's mom dies in the beginning
I'm getting deja vu here
Tales of Vesperia remaster is coming out soon for PS4, it includes the PS3 content and is bundled with the First Strike anime OVA.
I wanna bully Sachiko
She would enjoy it.
>tfw there aren't enough doujins like this
Square Enix saved Sony's E3 last year. With games that still haven't been released yet.
>mfw PS4 only has dudebro fps and indie shit
Don't forget parallel releases of VITA games. With the exact same graphics.
>I'd recommend a PSTV way before a VITA.
Can't play Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice or DangitRonPaul. It's a piece of shit.
and is Japan only.
Joking aside, I would probably come west this time.
why do you think she got a punching-bag doujin?.
the fuck you laughing at
Your tiny dick user-kun.
but I don't have one
Holy shit user how did you just get BTFO by the easiest set up ever
>something so previsible and old
may as well kys yourself
that game sucks user
Why in SWEET FUCK are you remotely personally offended by a mere throwaway hypothetical situation I proposed? Or are you this fucking arseblasted because I said I found it more enjoyable to play a console game on my computer?
What exactly is your malfunction here?
What the fuck is wrong with you people? How on earth have a bunch of you managed to take an innocent passing comment and completely spin it into a massive strawman and get personally over it. Just how fucking insecure are you people? Jesus, get a fucking grip.
Kek, here have a tiny awoo
Omega Quintet.
Is the PS4 atelier actually good? I heard Shallie was trash and I also think these character designs are too lewd.
who controller is plugged directly into the power strip
what is she playing? electrocution simulator?
I can play all of those. You're a fag.
Sophie's better than the trash that was E&L and Shallie, but not as good as the Arland games or Ayesha
Thinking about getting Fairy Fencer f Advent Dark Force but unsure about it. I heard the ps3 version didn't do that well.
I thought E&L was supposed to be fine? I'm finishing off Ayesha later today.
What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?
What's that in the bin?
E&L is absolute garbage
I want to play video game with that loli
>He said as he posted touhou faggotry.
Help the world become a better place by committing suicide.
Gravity Rush definitely doesn't work on Vita TV, Soul Sacrifice works only if you have a nip copy and besides, these aren't the only games you'd miss. Wipeout 2048 doesn't work, nor does Neptunia or Tearaway. The Vita is a system already starved for games, why would you skip any? The lack of Wipeout should be enough for anyone to just ignore the piece of shit.
I have the whitelist hack and I bought my PSTV for the disappointing Wipeout 2048
I've always wondered if its the same guy that posts Simpsons reaction images. I guess thats kinda silly since even though its a "has been" show it had a big fanbase.
Purrsona 5
>loli licks the invisible mans cock and fingers the asshole
Tissues for sneezes, user.
Also I have a setup like that that I use occasionally. It is extremely comfortable, but getting into/out of it to go to the bathroom is kind of a pain.
I like the Japanese book design personally.
I don't like the MC being too lewd though, like totori.
Get the PSVR for starlight stage concerts.
I Am Sasuga
Flip this *grabs dick*
Touhou is not videogames 10 out 0f 10 reaction images agree.
Star Ocean 5
Only my second play though.
The games main issues is being held back by a micro budget. and no time to balance.
Kingdom hearts III