Say something nice about Star Citizen

Say something nice about Star Citizen.

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It isn't very good at taking money from suckers. That's pretty good.

It has awesome scat porn on the deepweb.

hooker here

they paid me $10000 to blow them

they offered me a virtual spaceship instead

but i said "no i'm not a faggot"

It paid for that neat space door.

It's probably never going to release, so at least that's something.

It will be the scam to end all scams

oh, who am I kidding, it's only going to get worse, people never learn

Strike commander was the first game to have goraud shaded polygons and the f-16 is my planefu.

Chris Roberts was a good dev back in the day.

The blogs that vendetta guy writes are pretty entertaining to read and without Star Citizen they would not exist.

Its very good at riling up autists that think games magically appear from nowhere.

It looks and plays great. Content will eventually come, just have to wait.

The ship designs are nice.

If they manage to get the manual planetary flight from space to city down and then hone in all their ship subsystems I will jizz my pants.

I loved WC3. Anyone else who loved it is bro tier in my book.

It will probably be better than No Man's Sky

>It looks and plays great

It triggers the everloving SHIT out on Sup Forums pretty much permanently, to the point they feel the need to express stupid fallacies to prove it a "failure"

>games undergoing development are exempt of bugs
Yes, and it's not finished either.

It might kill video game crowdfunding (cancer).

People are so desperator for TORTANIC levels of failure they actually root for the project to fail or be a scam. If it's a scam, then it's not very efficient for Roberts to hire 300+ devs and set up multiple studios across the world and hire S tier celebrities. He should have just ran with the money as soon as the kickstarter was over.

>boarding party
>cut hole in hull
>go from dogfighting to fps combat
>fighting off intruders as air rushes around your ears, your character slowly being pulled towards the breach as your enemies rush in.

more.... I need this v, recommend mea game that does it and I'll jump off this SC train immediately.

FPS weapon persists after dying
Add an "apply" button so we can tell the launcher to apply the bandwidth we just set up.
delete user config file the problem should have been solved
1. NPC pirates appear to prevent fixing. 2. USE the terminal fixes the uplink. 3. I pass go and get 1000 aUEC. 4. My play is not disrupted by having to kill friendly players to get Kareah and hack the terminal.
Proper looking weapon handling.
spawn after death with a body
Seeing the entire character with clothes and/or armor on.
Not be able to get through the door
Die from lack of oxygen
sniper rifle should have a sight. If not, how am I suppose to aim?
should have sight
Spawn into ArcCorp and walk around.


inb4 Shitizens get buttmad. You can't do those things in SC anyway.

That way people would just him. This way, he can milk the whales with false promises for years.

I personally love getting scammed by Mark Hamill!

>Milk the whale and dumping millions in programmer fees, renting office space, setting up mocap and hiring actors

Do you even think before regurgitating garbage?

Sick concept art, bro.

Star Citizen is saved

There was a gameplay video user guy.

You can board a ship and seamlessly change from FPS to ship combat even now.


it's not made by Derek Smart

You don't really think he's doing it for free, do you?

Yeah, the German journalists who visited the studios and played the latest build had hallucinations whilst staring at concept art.

What is your age? I refuse to believe there are enthusiasts of this genre who don't know why smart is an ass hat. You literally have to be too young to know.

The trailers for the ships are neat

So how much are you commandos in for?

>Say something nice about Star Citizen.

Its imminent failure will definitely ensure that Chris Roberts can't fleece any more sadbrains nerds in the future.


Really? Then would you be a dear and post it for us?

Please, be my guest and blow me the fuck out here and now.

I don't mind waiting. And by gameplay, I'm sure you mean actually in-game and not "in-engine".

hi derek

About 100 I think.


>mfw got a refund

None, most games suck. It's this or cyberpunk 2077. No other games match the aesthetic I desire.

>getting a refund now that things are moving along quickly
I don't believe you had a lot of interest for the project in the first place.

Jut use the search bar...

-4000. I cashed out years ago.

it has neat animations

1) What form does this exist?
2) If there were serious proof of procedural planet stuff why wouldn't it have been on their video releases? Or at E3?
3) I guess it could be at gamescom or citizencon but even then is it going to just be more in editor / engine footage that isn't actually in any game?
4) Assuming this is development they actually have what will the impact of adding this to the PU be?
5) Are they adding mechanics onto a flawed foundation? Where is the work on the foundation?
6) Will they have to redo all of this if they do find out that the engine needs to be redone? Is this wasted work from the start?
7) Why are they picking a flashy technical mechanic to focus on while people can't even walk from point A to B with serious bugs and game breaking issues?
8) What place on a priority list would most backers place procedural planet tech if they were being honest on what the game actually needed to succeed?

>I have nothing

Thanks for letting us know.

There is already in-engine live "gameplay" of it.

Has been for months.

How does it compare to Elite Dangerous?

Explain to me, as if to a 5 year old, why "In Engine" is better than "In Editor" even if it isn't "In Game" footage

Not like he'll need to.

Elite exists so it's better by default.

In-editor is the same thing as in-game / in-engine

So you're retarded. Gotcha,

Point out the retardation for me, so I can laugh at you.

Considering the live gameplay has him flying about "in-game" then exiting into the editor immediately. Because they're the practically the same thing for all intents and purposes. If its in-editor, its in-game, and is de-facto in-engine.

I think that would take under 40 key strokes... You're lazy.

Fair enough.

>1) What form does this exist?
It's a magazine.
>2) If there were serious proof of procedural planet stuff why wouldn't it have been on their video releases? Or at E3?
Because you haven't bothered looking up.
>3) I guess it could be at gamescom or citizencon but even then is it going to just be more in editor / engine footage that isn't actually in any game?
>in-editor isn't ingame
Okay, you clearly are inexperienced with game development. In editor means in game, unless he's manually placing entities or some hypothetical nonsense.
>4) Assuming this is development they actually have what will the impact of adding this to the PU be?
Procedurally generated planets means atmospheric flight, ground missions, ground hubs, landing on planets.
>5) Are they adding mechanics onto a flawed foundation? Where is the work on the foundation?
No, they're taking the time of doing things properly. They are rewriting entire portions of the engine (renderer, netcode) if they don't like it.
6 : not relevant, they have CryTek engineers on board, they can switch any part of the engine they're not content with.
7: What the fuck do you want me to answer to that? It's not even remotely true, cherrypicked outdated videos do not reflect the state of the game, it's a free fly, try it for yourself.
8: Very high for myself, ask them yourself. Anyway they're developing parts of the game in parallel, it's not taking resources from something more important.

Underrated post


this but with first person shit

[citation needed]

In a few patches we got the entirety of Crusader, like 10 new ships, persistent inventories, shops, procedural generation and sq42 info. That's more than in the past year in its entirety since they were working on backend code.

It astounds me that people didn't jump on the grey market the instant it took off.

Do people not like money?

you enjoy committing fraud? you're proud about it?
>it's all fake
>it's just concept art
>it's an hallucination
>it's real photographs of another space faring civilisation



This was made before the funding got crazy.

Oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.

And who is gonna prosecute me for fraud? I got my refund the moment the Feds knocked on that bitchboy Robert's door.


Elite a boring hollow shell of a game. Even the tiny bits of Star Citizen right now are more entertaining and Elite has noyaw

Meant for

Woaw, man you're pretty serious and cool, teach me how to be that cool and serious.

CIG is gonna sue me for fraud in two weeks, I'm sure.

Your answers are non sequitur, I never mentioned fraud or anything, get your head checked.

It's one of the most brilliant scams I've ever seen.

You're the one crying because I got a refund, kiddo.

It's okay, I'm sure you'll get the best damn Minimum Viable Product ever.

Oh wait you're answering the wrong posts and get all upset because people rightfully think you're retarded.

>Woaw, man you're pretty serious and cool, teach me how to be that cool and serious.

Cry more, my man. This is your last (you).

It looks pretty

But you can refund at any time.

Note: Refunds only happen if you go to the district attorney.

I cant, even CoD looks better than Star Citizen.

Oh I mixed it up with Camelot Unchained.

Maybe if you have shit taste, user.

>on-rail garbage better than open-world sandbox
Worse than hitler

So this... is Squadron 42...



It sounded like a good idea.



It clearly says AUTOPILOT : OFF
Dumb shill

Why do people think it's vaporware anyway?

Don't they constantly give out production updates and shit? Wasn't there even an alpha or something?

Either way it just seems like they didn't think it would get this huge, so they keep adding shit onto it because they have a bajillion dollars and the fans request more and more and the cycle continues

I bet it will be great, but I'm just not willing to play a pay to win game. That absolutely killed it for me

>mfw people have paid thousands of dollars for pieces of code that aren't even written yet

Star Citizen threads are the only ones where you'll see people defend Derek Shart, define call of duty as a meaningful non-linear experience and pretend it's a scam to spend money on 300+ devs and a bunch of S tier actors to actually make the fucking game.

>sound in space

Clearly a concept art

>spending money on actors instead of the game

Wow I love Roberts now

>le derek boogeyman

I see it didn't take too long for the citizens to start crying about Voldemort.

The only people have any justification in being annoyed are those who expected the project to stay within a 5 MIL budget's parameters.
But Roberts jumped on all the cashflow and built a 300-man company and increased the scope drastically.