Now entering: Hanamura
Prepare to attack
Now entering: Hanamura
I don't get it.
Hanamura is pure cancer for the attacking team.
Is it? Sometimes it's bad but I usually win.
>prepare to attack
>People still regularly pick Hanzo in comp
I want the meme to end.
but the game is skewed towards attackers
especially the assault maps.
when might we expect this title for Wii U/NX?
why is he not viable in comp? i know he isn't but i dont understand why
Some people are bad at video games and dont like free wins.
The people who play him are selfish assholes who sit back and snipe while the rest of the team is actually working to take/defend the objective.
Never once I have I seen a Hanzo dive on the objective in overtime. Never!
Nintendo doesn't get third party support.
Overwatch is severely skewed in defense's favor if you're playing with randos.
False. As defense you have to play well for the whole duration. On attack you only need one good fight/push to take a point. You get plenty of time.
By randos, he meant literal trash like 99% of Sup Forums. The same people that want torb nerfed and think bastion should be banned.
>it's a "map with only one entrance to the first point" episode
>play Lucio on Hanamura attack
>teammates wont just fucking walk through the door
>not even when i BREAK IT DOWN
>mfw stuck at 62 with retards
>playing as Mercy
>keep getting shit on by Pharah
>speak up in chat since judging by the killfeed she keeps getting kills
>"shut the fuck up and heal we're okay."
>continue to get shit on
>we lose obviously
>41 kill streak
Really wish Blizzard didn't remove the "avoid player" option.
people dont understand that in assault maos all youve gotta do is try to push and you usually will get really damn close.
> backdoor clean point and destroy teleporter
>team never pushes, get caught trying to kill a poking tracer
>lose game
>DPS bullies me and blames me for flanking with a """"tank"""" instead of staying with the team.
> on push the cart: attack
> forced to push the cart because the rest of the team is running all over the map trying to kill the other team
There's one enterence but always two seperate paths once you make it through. People complain about choke points but it's in incredibly easy to get past that first initial choke and start branching off in different directions.
Or you could just play Winston/D.Va/Pharrah and bypass thatbshit by flying straight over.
There are so many ways to break through these choke points, you're probably just a no-friend shitter
I haven't gotten Hanamura in days, kind of sucks.
>forced to play the objective
How horrible.
If they have a good mei, its actually extremely difficult to get through as it requires coordination/lucio speed boost to get through the 4 second gap between ice walls on the door. If no mei, its just walk in and go right or left with the reinhardt or dva or whoever.
As yes, pretty terrible senpai. It's why I often switch out. I like, but there aren't many opportunities to really play her if your teammates don't want to play their roles.
It's a
>you're playing KOTH and everyone fights off of the point or tries to flank and fails and dies episode while the enemy team is on the point 100% of the time and shits all over your retarded flankers which make up half of your team
>It's an episode of KotH where your entire team just keeps running in one by one and getting shredded despite your insistence you all group up
I hate that fucking episode.
I fucking yell at hanzos constantly because they rather sit outside objective to snipe
>"but I'll dieee"
You piece of shit
KOTH fucking sucks in this game. I wish I could blacklist it in ranked, the average player is too bad for it to be fun.
>play Lucio
>we kill their team and capture the point
>everyone immediately fucks off in all directions (no flankers on the team)
>get picked off 1 by 1
>can't fucking heal anyone
>drop the beat with only 2 people with me most of the time
>"wtf no heals"
>"switch Lucio"
>"why are you ulting only 2 people"
>this is rank 64
I'm rank 32. It's the exact same thing. Blizzard's ranking system at this point is pretty much random noise.
Either play with full team of friends, or pick Zarya. She can at least handle herself most of the time.
>guy picks rein
>pick a support tank
>guy immediately switches to Genji/Reaper
>same thing happens with healers
Fucking lovely
>5 tanks
>speend boost into the objective
wow, so hard
>Playing Lucio
>One guy thinks I should be his personal healslut
>"I need healing!" over and over again
>He's half way across the map
If you need healing so much why don't you go find a health pack, you selfish fucking prick!
>1 lucio, 5 harambes attacking on temple of anubis
>first point is taken before the enemy can even get on it from camping to choke point
The amount of times I've played Lucio...
>any map with early choke points for defence.
>I'm in a group with a very good friend of mine, 3 of us push through.
>Zarya, soldier and genji stay back like idiots.
>break it down near the choke point to get the team through.
>The 3 staying back have now split from our team.
>they die.
>"oh my god Lucio, you wasted your ult, you are useless.
>constantly always Lucio because someone shit instalocks a genji, fucks off to the other side other map and dies.
>have 4 hours on Lucio (comp)
>deranked hard after leavers and dumbasses who can't group up.
>get this every game.
>get 2 golds each game.
>loose 2/3 matches I play, end up stuck between 50-56
>can no longer play comp because I am forced to play support.
Someone fucking save me.
>people picking reinhardt ever
Name one thing he does well since the patch.
Do damage?
Nope he does no damage at all
Block attacks?
Nope is a million times better
Tank attacks?
Nope any other tank besides winston is better for that
FUCK reinhardt he is dead weight.
You and me both know this doesn't work out nearly as well as your post implies.
>get enough points to go up a whole rank
>lose enough points to go down a whole rank
This ranking system is terrible.
6 Soldiers
tactitactitactitactitactitactitactical visor activated
objective securedededededed
heal heal heal up for days
D.Va is so fun to play as now.
Look at this. 50 kills 0 deaths.
>get 1/4th of a rank
>go down a whole rank, even if i carried with 4-5 golds
simply ebin blizzard
Did you have your friend be your pocket mercy or something?
I hate when people claim they're good when they have a pocket mercy
How bad at the game do you have to be to shit on Reinhardt? There's a reason he's the top pick for tanks.
if everybody is low rank, then nobody is low rank.
>Used to always loose on Hanamura Attack
>Now it's a win everytime
>Suddenly Volkskaya is now Instant Lose
Only us overwatchers am I rite !?
>competitive comes out
>play a couple rounds
>entire experience is awful
>lose all interest in playing
>tryhard as support and reach rank 70
>support gets fucked in the ass as they get less rating
>continue anyway and grind away
>make a grave mistake of playing on a Sunday
>get matched up with 59-62 literal SHITTERS as a rank 70 player
>get on a losing streak hoping things go better
>they don't
>end up falling to 58
>now stuck in 60-62 limbo with afromentioned retards
Why dont you make use of your speed boost and dodge the enemy instead of "tanking" with health regen and dying consantly?
>Does no damage at all
Haha., you're absolutely retarded if you think that. In enclosed spaces he's absolutely lethal. The problem people have with Reinhardt is they never drop their shield to attack. He can be pretty fucking crazy if you use him offensively.
> Block attacks?
> Nope is a million times better
5 second shield vs 2000 hp shield says otherwise.
I don't get it.
On high rank comp mode,
Attack is way too easy.
Defend is the harder one
Is there a better feeling than switching to bastion the last few min or so and wiping the enemy team and then re positioning and wiping them again when they try to deal with you and then wiping them again at their spawn because you have your ult just shoot rockets through doorways.
I'm going to stick my precision german engineering up your tight ass.
>>support gets fucked in the ass as they get less rating
Wait, does that mean that the amount of XP you gain from matches depends on the class you play? Who do I pick for max XP?
Lol what a fag
The real reason why it's so high: We were attacking on Dorado, and spent 6-7 minutes with the payload 1 meter from the final point. It was intense. The enemy wasn't killing any of us, but we weren't killing them fast enough to move the payload. They also had 2 meis and a lucio who were just stalling the entire time.
It was an incredibly fun match though.
Getting the POTG as you wipe them in the last seconds and proclaiming "gg ez game" can only enhance that feel
you know what helps taking the objective?
having enemies dead and respawning.
>people who main support just so some meaningless number is higher
play the roles you feel like playing and you'll git gud over time
>go Reinhart
>charge point and contest.
>distract enemy
>team comes wipe them up
>charge next point and win in less than 5 minutes.
gg all me
In quick play the opposite is true. People generally aren't goode/experienced enough to organize an offense strategy and they ALWAYS trickle in. In competitive even in midrank people are somewhat organized and communicate. Like I've never seen anyone pick Hanzo on attack like Sup Forums likes to bitch about
>have some insufferable turd one game
>next game you get put with him again
>wait 3 minutes before queuing.
>he is there again
if they main a support they feel like playing a support
>Like I've never seen anyone pick Hanzo on attack like Sup Forums likes to bitch about
Have that 90% if my team have a korean.
There's something with the koreans and Hanzo & Torbjorn
they like to bring their shitty meta in and lose the game.
>tfw the only way to get to high ranks is to solo queue with a character that can carry the team
>60-62 limbo
Its not just me? I dont know how i got past it the first time but every fucking game is tjorb pickers now.I just wanna get up to 72 again...
It's bad for attacking teams who are uncoordinated idiots.
So your average quick play pub.
In Quickplay I've seen some people with ridiculous hours on torb and they play him on offense and koth we usually lose when that happens and I assume they do it to farm ez wins against teams who can't deal with it and think it works on every situation. That only happened once in comp but I was with 4 friends so we carried it
>Play Reinhardt
>Attack on Dorado
>Push the payload, rest of team fucks off
>Litterally me and my friend pushing the payload, team is fuck knows where
>get to third objective
>Enemy team flanks from behind
>Put up shield and defend while friend shoots them down
>rest of team berates me for having my shiled up facing backwards when there was a Bastion way ahead that I couldn't reach
>I immediately rush and kill thew Bastion
>Rest of team still won't push payload or help me, end up losing the match
>Whole team berates me for being a shitty tank, when we only got that far because I moved the payload
Maybe I am bad, maybe I'm just salty, but that team wouldn't have gotten past the first objective had I not been on the payload. Fucking bullshit.
>get good placement games
>calibrate 58
>realise i will never get any higher
>no reason to play until next season
that's koth_suijin
Hes literally the opposite, hes the single most useful and effective character in the game, on most maps. His shield is incredibly strong, and he deals loads of damage, and is the ideal person to be ulted by Ana.
Usually whether or not we have a reinhardt on our team determines if we win or lose, more so then any other character.
Yes, I'm sure this is a completely unbiased and accurate description of your contributions during the match. :^)
Somebody stop me
thanks for the 3 money sucka! ahahaha
dude your info wtf
t. hanzo main
Seriously, tho. Should I get this game? I wasn't bothering since Blizzard it so stupid to direct you to the $60 version instead of the $40 version. Almost lost them a sale. But $40 seems reasonable.
Holy shit user this is beyond the usual Sup Forumsirgin stupid.
>blizzard exists
>but a company called LOLOW makes the arcade games with blizzard characters
Overwatch lore is weird
NO the game is extremely forgettable. Nothing really stands out or is very fun.
>on defense playing mercy
>2 genjis
>don't heal either of them
>"wtf are you only going to heal that guy"
>respond "I dont heal idiot genjis on defense"
>"wow dude are you retarded?"
>respond "are you?"
>no response
We lost the game, certainly due to Me but it was worth
Thanks, now I can buy games. Thank you user. Many thanks to you
>falling for the bait
neo-Sup Forums is here to stay
let's see how many people are so eager to pounce on an apparent mistake that they make complete fools of themselves
Do you have friends that play? I have seven other people that I've known for over a decade to play with so I bought the game a few days ago. It's pretty fun but playing solo is suffering.
>yolo reinhardt charge the point
>cap unopposed
And then the second point happened and that's why this game needs a forfeit option.
nice try
No wonder you don't have any friends
if you're not doing your personal best to maximize your chance at winning then you deserve to lose
Just one cousin.
why the fuck would you post your credit information
It was quick play before I was 25 to play comp, I was curious to see what happened if I just refused to heal them for being retards. I agree with you, it was hard because I always try to contribute to my team as much as possible
>tfw 0 playtime on hanzo or mei