Is it going to be great?

Is it going to be great?

I'm pretty sure it will be a great game in its own right.

>not ever gonna be as good as the first one though

I'd imagine it will be alright, but not blow anyone away. Like you'll want to play and finish it but it won't ever be exciting or breathtaking. I'm gonna get it at £15.

might be good

No Malik, no buy

I'm optimistic about it. You guys are quick to forget how much people shat on HR and then when the leak happened the opinion did a reverse. have some faith yo

It will be alright, not great, but people will lap it up because we're starved for a good Stealth game.
The pre-order bullshit is a fucking abomination, though.
So what you're saying is, because we're hopeful, the leak will prove it's awful and all hope will be lost?

Your wiafu is a dead shit

Agreed, I'm going into it with cautious optimism but I'm not expecting a GOTY

Bought it off CDkeys for $34. I expect it to be more of HR and nothing else really.

She isn't canonically dead though.

The development team has a lot of people with a different political and social opinion then myself. Skipping it. 8 years of bullshit, I've done away with self filter. a wall (ie. Not engaging)works better no bullshit gets through.

Cyberpunk is the coolest genre, but it's not 'that' cool.

Caught up in the hype with how not-shit it was. On reflection HR was good, not great. Just making HR2 is disappointing in itself.

no sarif voice = no buy.

it looks rather shit and too much normie pandered. also Malik is canonically dead, so fuck this game and fuck the devs in the ass.
Also that forced social issue about augs reeks so much of sjw faggotry, it's not even funny.
I hope it bombs hard and they all eat shit and die.

I never cared for Malik that much, if anything I thought her voice was a little annoying and she never really had anything interesting to say.

Too bad there will be no other "leak" or demo to play to convince us how good the game might be because
I've yet to see a single game that uses this pc wrecking Taiwanese Bitcoin money laundering encryption that didn't suck shitdick.

said the virgin who never held a girl's hand in his life aside from his mommy's/sister's

How can you be this mad about somebody not liking your waifu?

Stop believing everything you read on Sup Forums.

ithat means it's not a game with a lot of quality, first warning sign right there.

>The pre-order bullshit is a fucking abomination, though.
I thought they stopped doing that?

>being this mad

fucking hell Sup Forums

This is based on everything the devs themselves said and showed through trailers/walkthrough demos etc.

They did but damn what a shitshow.
>Augment the way you give us your money
Great marketing SE

Sometimes Sup Forums gets it right. And because I've seen this pattern for years I'm inclinded to believe some of the negatives.

Go suck a dick.

>The development team has a lot of people with a different political and social opinion then myself. Skipping it
This sounds like ducking satire but it's not. God damn get out of your fucking safe spaces you losers.

Why not? Artists and craftmen always include part of themselves in their works. Based on that alone I can tell whether or not when to avoid something. Makes perfect sense.

No Walton Simons no buy

you are the cancer that is killing videogames and bringing in political shit


Who/What is this?

Well at least I know where to seek entertainment that isn't the cnn front page incarnate.

the cast of Seinfeld.


So what? those with opposing opinions tend to do the same thing. Not like I'm doing something others don't.

I genuinely forgot DXIW existed for a second there.

Don't we all


Wait, this game is going to have Denuvo? Oh then I'm not getting it anymore. fuck that

Doubt it

>gunther slides through the door frame
>I wanted some soda right? (whipes his brown and looks over his shoulder)
>wh-whell I put in orange
>gunthers eyes bogle as he takes a breath
>JC looks away and opens the fridge to break eye contact and escape gunthers tirade
>JC says nothing hoping the awkward beat and half his body stuck in the fridge will deter gunther
>it doesn't
>gunther looks behind him and backs away from the door before closing it without a sound
>he creeps towards JC
>he whispers into the fridge door
>I wanted orange!!!
>JC hits his head on the shelf of the fridge making a loud thud
>A silhouette stands in the now opened door
>Making a fool of ourselves, are we JC?
>JC grimaces......

How much different is the original dudesex compared to Human Revolution?

>That word salad
Are you okay?

The original is a more rooty tooty point and shooty and doesn't have cinematic takedowns.

how different are the augments?

It's been a while, but they're more like rpg skill trees and i remember skill points for swimming and hacking

Will Pritchard be in the game?

The original game is more an RPG with weapon specilization. Melee (and swimming) actually exists. Combat is less boring cover based shooting, more gotta go fast shanking and blowing up niggers (if that's your choice of playstyle). Level design is more open and not so obsessed with vents as HR. Crates actually have shit in them. There are aliens and chupacabras.

Fuck no, HR was trash

No I want to die

He'll probably be a cameo.

Not as much different as people like to pretend it is.

HR basically merged skills and augmentations. In Deus Ex skills are things like pistols, rifles, electronics, lockpicking etc. Skills can be unlocked by getting points through objectives and discovering shit, like XP in HR with less cheese.

Augmentations are not passive but are activated, and are unlocked through canisters you find. You're forced to choose between two augs in each slot. This gives you the shit like superspeed and regenerating health. They are upgraded by finding upgrade canisters.

Different enough for faggots to complain about "dated" gameplay