In the shadow of the New Vegas Thread I'd like to settle down

In the shadow of the New Vegas Thread I'd like to settle down

Some points of discussion

Companions to use instead of boone
Best Radio station
Best faction for the future of the wastes/vegas

Other urls found in this thread:

Raul is brotier.
>Radio station
Mojave Music > all
Govi Campaign rifle or Medicine stick
>Faction for the wastes
NCR for America if it can sustain its own mass, maybe house for vegas itself

Repairman Raul and upgraded laser E-DE are objectively the best loadout.
>Radio station
Radio New vegas, obviously.
The motherfucking police pistol.
House, obviously.

Why did the previous thread got deleted? Did the mods got fed up with these threads or else?

The followers really need to sort their shit out. Giving medical help to junkies isn't sustainable. At least pre 2281 they were teaching crop rotations and stuff but their prescence in the mojave is pretty pointless

fawkes is best
>Best Radio station
galaxy news
the rock it launcher is awesome
>Best faction for the future of the wastes/vegas
the BoS

>NV thread
>F3 content
Are you even trying?

I'm really bummed the followers get screwed in the Yes man ending, I'm idealized by them and did all their quests. I also helped out the kings and the NCR become best buddies, take down the Van graffs without killing them and basically did everything I could to protect Freeside. Why can't I send my robots in to unfuck everything?

>Implying new vegas isn't just a fallout 3 mod
I'm just playing the real thing thats all.

The followers kinda get fucked no matter what, it's ironic that with certain legion endings the followers are better off than under the NCR

>Companions to use instead of boone
>Best Radio station
Mojave Music
Hunting Shotgun/ .357 magnum
>Best faction for the future of the wastes/vegas

>I'm just playing the real thing thats all.
So why are you posting about FO3 then?

>changes a shitload of stuff compared to 3 that they're barely the same game except for the engine
>dude it's just a mod lmao
Is the "nv is a 3 mod lmao" maymay the only argument F3babbies have to justify actually playing the worst of the two?

I hope so. These threads are started by Bethesdrones to make people sick of NV and hate it by association.

What? The NCR ending is the best outcome for the followers.
>After the NCR's victory at the dam, in part thanks to Follower's medical support, NCR allowed the Followers to care for refugees as they see fit. Old Mormon Fort expanded its services and was able to aid more people, becoming a refuge for the less fortunate citizens of New Vegas


I'm using ED-E until I reach New Vegas and then I'll use Cass.
I've listened all the songs over and over and over, there's no point anymore. One more sorry for ya. Lone Star is the best song in the game though.
Don't know, I've started a energy weapons run and the Wattz laser rifle is my favorite so far.
>Best faction for the future of the wastes
The followers of the apocalypse/NCR.

Oh, my bad I think I accidentally killed Julie in my ncr playthrough lol

Post couriers

How do you accidentally kill Julie?

How do you accidentally kill Julie? Why would you even have your weapon out at the fort?

>using companions
>Radio station
Mr. New Vegas is cool and all, but nothing beats str8 up music.
I think it's called the displacer glove, whatever's the one that makes that weird gravity well-looking thing when you hit a dude.
>Best faction
Affirmative Guy. Legion's pretty cool, too.

I'm running an explosives and unarmed build.

>and then Cass
Why not both?

Just chillin' and enjoying the scenery

Walk around with weapon out most of the time coz my immersion of danger all the time in the wasteland, play on a small desk where I semi reguarly hit my clicking finger against keyboard leading me to click and I don't like savescumming even if it was for something accidental

>teach the Khans to make medicine
>shocked when the Khans make drugs instead
>now have to deal with the fallout of being indirectly responsible for the creation and propagation of the Fiends

Someone needs to tell them that just mindlessly sharing knowledge is a very dangerous thing

Nice clipping, you cock.

Today I will remind them

>moral of the story is "Letting go"
>you never have to let go of anything
>you can choose to walk out with a number of gold bars
>you can keep whatever loot you want
>you're given an infinite supply of stimpaks/chems/ammo/ect via the weekly supply of tokens to spend

But old mormon fort is the least dangerous place in all of freeside.

Does anyone know what outfit this is?

>Companion to use instead of Boone
>Radio Station
Radio New Vegas of course
Cowboy repeater early game, Medicine Stick late and mid game
Main : NCR
Sub : Kings, Followers
Genocide : Khans

this reminds me, are there any mods that you homeboys use that removes invisible walls/mountains that are inbetween prim and Novac? It's so bullshit that you can't go up them, same with anything east of the river. FUCKING SHORT DEVELOPMENT TIME REEEEEEEEE

Chillin with my hoe in TTW but cant remove her collar because bethsda are hacks.

Oh right, I forgot

I just killed Benny in the arena.

Make a general like you're supposed to. Do your jobs and delete this mods.

my god this hurts to look at I would buy you a new gpu so I don't have to look at dem jaggies ;-;

IWR, search that in the nexus

New vegas fucking sucks, wake up already. Tiny map, no interesting locations, exploration is awful, invisible walls everywhere, cowboy shit that doesn't belong in a post-apocalyptic game, shit story that felt like mass effect 2, barely any enemies or opposition to fight, crashes all the time, no fun enemies to fight like the enclave or super mutants, boring pretentious walls of text, main character has no reason to do anything he does, shits on the lore of fallout 3. It's just a bad fallout game, especially compared to 3 and 4.

/vg/ mods delete single game generals

Nice one famalam

>being this salty about what's posted on a taiwanese wood carving forum
Stay mad.

>play as a female just for that scene with benny
>can't post-fuck fight him in the arena because legion are faggots
Well at least the scene was worth it

Arcade or Raul, i cant choose i just like them too much
>Radio Station
Mojave music radio simply because Mr New Vegas plays the same song every 5 minutes
Survivalists rifle nigga
>Best faction
The Kings

>shits on the lore of fallout 3
Spot the newfag who tries to fit in with his first b8post

Nigga u gay

you were given your own board to sperg out on because of how shitty your threads are

stay in containment

best way to spot a baiter

Epik xD

I thought my game was finally looking good :(

>Radio Station
Radio New Vegas
Mysterious Magnum
House + Enclave

No old age home can contain this munchkin!

i just like arcades sarcastic banter

>post on Sup Forums
>post on /vg/
>thread gets deleted
>post on /fog/
Stay asshurt

Don't listen to me lol if ur liking it roll with it senpai just enjoy vidya :)


>stay in containment
make me :^)


But seriously though, is FO3 any good? Gameplay wise, I know the story is shit


Boone, Raul
Arcade, ED-E
Lilly, Rex, Cass

I mean it's pretty much a more barebones new vegas. It's worth a playthrough if you're not a lorefriend. There's some interesting stuff in the world but honestly I'm sticking with NV m8


Definitely a step down compared to NV because they removed a lot of mechanics (strength req., RPGing, etc.)

It's not as bad as most here think it is IMO, but you'll need mods to make it enjoyable. It's more focused on exploration than roleplaying and it has casualized gameplay.

I have yet to play it, but apparently some mechanics related things were fixed up in NV, so TTW would probably improve those things?

Yeah, this stuff, didn't know exactly what was different.

Yeah, it's good but I prefer New Vegas. In FO3 at level 30 you end up being a untouchable superhuman. The gameplay of FO3 is basically a Stalker game with a Fallout theme and little RPG elements. Have fun.

I just remembered how edgy east coast Enclave armor is


If anything play TTW. Not only because it fixes the awful performance issues F3 has, but it makes the experience much better because it has the NV mechanics, even though it doesn't fix the shit writing and MQ.

He's a big survivalist

>tfw east coast enclave armor actually a brotherhood of steel armor but bethesda fucked up

The funny thing is that other than his obvious trolling with the last two sentences, he's kind of right.

Other than rabid wildlife and optional vaults, the actual opposition against you is very null, especially if you play somewhat neutral and dont make enemies with the NCR or the Legion, your entire playthrough is pretty much smooth sailing.

While Super Mutants and Brotherhood Soldiers do exist, they are only in 3 areas, and only one of them is even hostile to you immediately, and that's Repcon.

New Vegas doesn't actually "Get going" until like level 25.

It plays like nv, but it's more fun in the sense that there's more player freedom and places to explore and discover. The atmosphere is better too. Also don't make the mistake of thinking new vegas has a better story, it's just as bad if not worse. So if you don't care about autistic walls of text and a pretentious story in a fucking video game and just want to enjoy a fun open world game with lots of shit to do then play fallout 3. it's a lot better.

[linkin park in the background]

>autistic walls of text and a pretentious story
t. millenial

Here's your (You)

I agree user. I liked screwing around in DC because of the random encounter system which led to unexpected encounters while traveling between areas. This is why I like the DLC areas in NV, because they're full of stuff (not only enemies).

Goddamn I wish Obsidian would've made some random encounters for us. Not just groups of NPCs/creatures but more or less interesting encounters.


I agree with you.

I agree with everything you say.

But you fags that say "kys" or "t." or "f a m" should just die.

>getting this triggered by words on the internet
nigga like close your eyes

Raul or Arcade, if we're talking human only. Pair Raul with Rex and Arcade with ED-E.
>Radio Station
Radio New Vegas, with Mysterious Broadcast at a close second.
This Machine or Survivalist's Rifle
Fire Axe
>Big Guns
Cleansing Flame
Brass Knuckles
Plasma Grenade

Stop replying to the F3 fag.

But how can I communicate with you and tell you that you're wrong if I cover my eyes?

>Big Gun
>Not Mercy

>Not Ranger Sequoia


Also by
>Fire Axe
I assume you mean "Knock Knock"

>I assume you mean "Knock Knock"
Nah, regular Fire Axe.

is that the dust mod? is it any good? I'm kind of considering about playing either dust or obscurum pandemic.



Fuck you, user. I hate you.

Perhaps he prefers the skin of the base fire axe ?

New Vegas isn't all about min maxing you know

The perk system in 4 is actually better than the skill/perk system of 3 just so you know.



Epik xD

game is shit in the current year

you're all minecraft tier faggots

Don't reply to B8s

pic related, best gun

who cares, only use them for long enough to complete their quest. they make the game take longer to load and they can't take tricky routes over rocks and mountains, so they are pretty much useless.

>radio station
who cares, the ambient music is nice, the radio is obnoxious and distracting.

Annabelle (another reason i hate companions)

>Best faction
House, because the Lucky 38 is snazzy as fuck and i wouldn't want to live anywhere else. i like to imagine myself smoking a cigar in the lounge after a long day of deathclaw hunting.

That's a fine choice, as long as you're sidearm is this trusty salt of the earth revolver. tor

Not even the best 6 shooter mate, that belongs to the Ranger Sequoia.

Sure, if you like meme guns with obnoxious and ugly textures.

Not anywhere near as good as this beaut'

Why use any companion?

They always die as soon as you encounter anything bigger than a rat


Boone kill everything within a 2 miles range