Haven't touched Sm4sh in about a year

>haven't touched Sm4sh in about a year
>haven't touched Melee since high school
>friends invite me to hang out
>they're super into smash bros competitive
>all huge Hbox dicksuckers who play jiggly
>whoop their ass
>laugh because I don't play smash
>"You were playing all random though and it threw us off"

Why are competitive smash players so cringey? You know what acting random in SF gets you? Crouching HP. You don't even need to shoryuken to punish those jump-ins.

>I play party games competitively

uh huh

Epic story dude. You totally fucked them! Showed the losers!!!

>Things that didn't happen
Come on. HBox dicksuckers? You can do better than that.

This happened.

dumb frogposter

*Shakes head condescendingly*
Dumb, dumb, dumb. Dumb frogposters

I dont own Smash 4 but I went to my friends house yesterday. He wins all the locals in Smash 4

I beat him 8 out of 10 times.

I play Project M mostly.

I wonder how bad the rest of the local scene is if i whooped him

>"You were playing all random though and it threw us off"

What the fuck does that even mean

muh matchup knowledge

>I beat those losers

you're the real loser for posting this trash.

Kys faggot

>shit that never happened: the post
The sheer amount of power and skill that competetive melee players have is really something else, so I'm pretty sure in reality they fucked your ass something hard and you came on to le Sup Forums hoping for a hugbox.

>hanging out with 12 year olds

>waah they beat me so everyone else must've lost to them

Lol stick to dark souls, kiddo.

>hes still playing that outdated fox simulator
>he hasnt upgraded to the superior game

lets hear those excuses fags

but I do play Project M. So does most everyone else in my dorm.

>go to friends for a LAN party
>be quake pro, hardcore gamer
>all my friends want to play crappy MOOBA faggotry
>god at arena fps but due to my natural skill and 185 IQ i'm a quick learner and can easily be leet at any game
>start off by playing 5 guys vs me
>never played a moba before
>all of a sudden i start seeing green numbers scrolling like the fucking matrix
>i black out
>friends start shaking me, i look at them amazed
>"dude that was fr*aking amazing, you beasted as all. you should play for navi or something"
>later that night 3 of their gfs sucked me off at the same time because they were so impressed
I never played a MOBA again after that day. I had so much power, but I couldn't tame it. I went back to FPS and pwning n00bs on pub servers.

Much worse for competitive play, way better for fucking around in free for all with friends though.
>bidou tech
It's cool, but no one uses it at high level. Stuff like L-canceling, crouch canceling, and jump momentum at different speeds are features that need to be present for me to care about competing.
Safe jab spamming and throw/counter kills get really frustrating when taking a game too seriously. Also it's much more difficult to string hits together into combos in smash 4.

Why do people hate crouch canceling?

you can't pick random in melee. i doubt you even know how to make the bootleg random selection work in the select screen

Yes you can you retard.
I barely even play melee and if you put your marker in the empty space next to roy it'll random select.


I'm afraid its even a worse situation than that because this never happened

dumb frog posting mobile poster

>project meme