What are some good games for this hunk of shit
What are some good games for this hunk of shit
It has none. Faggots will say bloodborne but that game is an unoptimised piece of shit with terrible framerate.
Bloodborne so far us about it. I'm thinking of picking up Alien Isolation and MGSV but I'm undecided on both. Maybe Witcher 3 but I didn't play through 2.
As a PS4 owner, i regret everything. It literally has no games.
infamous second son
uncharted 4
ratchet and clank
theres more if you are weeb
>that game is an unoptimised piece of shit with terrible framerate
Doesn't stop it being GOTY senpai
loks like nothing it is
quit memeing these games are good
Refund is a good game
but where are the games?
right here
stay salty
This one
where are more games?
they are coming, making video games are a lot more expensive and they take longer than what it used be. just be patient #greatnessawaits
PS4 is just a cheap way to play the current gen games.
Get Dark Cloud 1 and 2 on PSN
I wish I knew.
God Eater Resurrection
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
If you're into the hunting genre that is. Oh and KOF 14 is coming out later next month.
Out now or coming this year:
Grand Kingdom
Odin Sphere
JoJo Eyes of Heaven
Star Ocean 5
Uncharted 4
Atelier Sophie
Disgaea 5
The Last Guardian
Sword Art Online Hollow Realization
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X
Exist Archive
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
GT Sport
Gravity Rush 2
Rachet and Clank
Nights of Azure
Digimon Cyber Slut
>weeb shit
>this many old games
>comparing PS4 library with games that released way before PS4 released.
>this many shitty games aswell.
Are you proud of this list or?
ratchet & clank remake/reboot thing (yes it's basically the first game but it's really worth it, one of the best games i've seen visually)
gravity rush remastered (if no vita)
tearaway unfolded (same as above)
pvz gw and pvz gw2 (i'm assuming you have a pc + ps4 but pc has a low user base because it requires origin)
infamous ss and fl (actual exclusives)
i don't use a pc to play games so a lot of multiplats but Sup Forums doesn't like to include multiplats so i won't bother but ps4 is usually the best place to play multiplayer ones
You're welcome to provide a list of games coming this year that does not include indie shit and multiplats, I'll wait. no I won't, cause you can't
Hardly anything right now.
I'm still waiting on the Neo before I buy one.
You'd have to be an idiot to run out and buy any console at launch/before a revision. They're guaranteed staples since they make so much money for console manufacturers. By the time a revision comes out there'll be enough cheap games to make it worthwhile.
This coming from a PC owner. I can see how it would be worth it just go and buy one early on for somebody who exclusively plays games on consoles but they're beyond lazy anyway so let them spend more money in the long run. You get what you pay for.
i should stop being a neet and get a job so i can pre-order mafia 3, watch dogs 2 and south park but at the same time they'll probably drop quickly in price especially mafia iii but idk
i'm part of the minority that really liked the first watch dogs but i don't want to support the second if it's gonna be blm and anti trump shit
i see no use for getting a neo if you don't have a 4k tv, if the 3ds and new 3ds is a good example for how the ps4 and ps4 neo will be then i am fine with that
new 3ds has like two games total and one is a xbc port and a shitty port of boi and that's it, then there's a few games that hardly run on old 3ds like hyrule warriors but overall most games still work well on old 3ds since that sold so much so ps4 will prob be the same situation
There has already been one revision.
The only reason I'm considering getting a Neo is strictly for the VR at this point. If they can achieve a decent attempt at a bundle that really showcases it then I'm now. By that I mean a Neo+VR headset at around 450 dollars then I'm game.
Simply because for my current PC to do VR decently I'd need to upgrade to around a 400 dollar video card and upgrade my CPU which would add at least 2 or 300 on top of that.
It would be a far cheaper alternative but it's impossible to deliver such a bundle at cost-effective prices to Sony so it's pretty much a pipe dream for me at the moment.
I'll probably just end up picking up a cheaper older model of PS4 a couple of years from now and enjoying what games it has and properly upgrading my PC in a few years.
>450 dollars
>still posting weeb shit
>still no games
feels good being able to play games from current gen and past-gen with ultra graphics at 60fps
so much salt its giving me cardiovascular diseases
>implying even a quarter of those are any good
No games.
Exactly. I have no high hopes.
>High salt intake increases blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease
>still mad because no games
come on man, not good for your health
t.salty pcuck
>being proud of having just one good exclusive
>>being proud of not having exclusives
Its a piece of shit pls don't fall for the ps meme.
>he can't run Microsoft Office® on his Playstation 4
Toppest of keks
>cs go
>dota 2
>team fortress 2
>league of legends
>world of warcraft
>total war warhammer
>civilization v
>sam and max
>euro truck simulator 2
>star citizen
>E.V.E. online
>unreal tournament 2015
>quake champions
stay mad
For a board that hates the PS4 you all seem to love making threads about it
>being irrelevant pcuck
ITT: Fucking retards who think exclusives only count as games
I own a ps4 and it's just sitting there collecting dust, literally no games except for bloodborne. Switching to PC was the best decision i've ever made.
>>team fortress 2
Fuck off retard.
I PC only and all I do is play console games on it or multiplats. I do realize it has very few games of its own
Good for you.I don't even bother with pc trash.Buying pc = wasting money.
PS4 altheway.
>playing multiplats on a console
>Playing multiplats at all
Really quick way to heck if someone has shit taste. There isnt a single good multiplat game this gen
Okay bro, enjoy playing your one-game console at 30fps while i enjoy my steam library with over 200 games.
>trying this hard
It's fine if the PC port is shit.
But black ops 3 and ow are fine I guess?
>mfw sold my ps4
feels good man
Well i actually enjoy next gen graphics while pucks are stuck with indie trash tier visuals and begging for actual AAA console funded games...
>tfw I know someone that sold his PC for a PS4
You can only pick one (1).
>same fag
>next gen graphics
there are better examples man, this is literally vegetation spam
My nigga
Disgaea 5, Cyber Slut, Gundam Breaker, and SRW are the only games I care about desu
tralier=/=actual game
That's the multiplayer
What are good jRPGs on the ps4
>Caring this much about graphics.
Why in SWEET FUCK are you remotely personally offended by a mere throwaway hypothetical situation I proposed? Or are you this fucking arseblasted because I said I found it more enjoyable to play a console game on my computer?
What exactly is your malfunction here?
What the fuck is wrong with you people? How on earth have a bunch of you managed to take an innocent passing comment and completely spin it into a massive strawman and get personally over it. Just how fucking insecure are you people? Jesus, get a fucking grip.
those list are filled with pure shit as well. I'd prefer someone actually tell me from expeirence what the good games are.
Crysis looks like garbage aka your average pc game without console funded port.
Everything in that game looks ps2 tier(console from 2001)
when are nioh/Nier Automata/Gravity Rush 2 coming out? Waiting for them to come out to pick up a PS4
Until Dawn
Alien Isolation
Life Is Strange
More than your xboner. Sorry bro.
PC has all the games.
>framerate is graphics
wew lad
>PCuck talking shit about weeb games
>ask for ps4 exclusives
>get shit cross-released on ps3 and vita
Are sonyponies really this desperate?
Official thread theme:
of what I've played
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
I Am Setsuna (has a pc ver too, but from what I heard it's buggy on pc)
Gundam Breaker 3
Kingdom Hearts eventually
Persona later this year
>only 115 games
Step it up faggot, and this pic is a year out of date even.
You spent $2000 to play multiplats and last gen console ports. You also bought a wiiU that isn't getting a single game for the rest of the year while the PS4 swims in games
PS4 owners have way more better exclusives than PC and wiiU
>Gundam Breaker 3
Good taste. Dont know why so many people are afraid of that game but will easily drop coin on the latest multiplat at gamesttop
>no one posted the best game on ps4
what about the others
when do Nioh and Nier come out
I took it way back in may, now i have more games.
Also, reminder that the ps4 only has bloodborne and uncharted 4.
>the ps4 only has bloodborne and uncharted 4.
Yeah because you refuse to play games in Japanese.
what about Super Robot Wars 5?
Nioh this year
Nier early 2017
Hopefully end of the year. A new demo is coming out in August
>Nier Automata
I think February, not sure if a date was confirmed but definitely not 2016
>Gravity Rush 2
December 2
>weeb shit
If Sega woulkd localize this and phantasy star instead of trying to push miky and sonic in the west I'd happily buy all their games but nope. Sega hates localizing for the west
That's not out yet I don't think, will be importing as soon as it gets released though
>playing weeb shit
Got a ps4 a few months ago and it already feels like a waste. I can't even imagine how the early adopters feel.