Why did journalists pretend to like this?

Why did journalists pretend to like this?

Why do neckbeard Sup Forumsirgins pretend to hate this?

Because they're dumb,

>muh citizane kane of video games
>muh pushing the narrative and medium forward

To think we have a thread about this single player focus game everyday

I actually played it and hated it........because it was too hard for me ;)

PS: It was harder than Dork Souls

But not Dork Souls 2

Which I really hate

Because it's pretty good.

Only people of a certain political leaning liked it. Not all reviewers did.

The political leaning of "humans are evil, let them rot in zombiearth"?

Thanks for sharing

it's a pretty good game

exceptional even

Joel did literally nothing wrong

It's a game with a heavy emphasis on story. Which often times means there is dialog. In the dialog certain opinions can be expressed, in those opinions people can often disgree. There can be a variety of things in this last part that can bring about disageance, and ultimately what one takes away from the experience 'dude'.

I don't see much inherently political in the choice made. Now ethical and philosophical yes.

That's your opinion based on your own world view. I'm not arguing here, just pointing out some key factors.

1) Money
2) Normies

It's kinda bizarre how every single journalist loved it, like there is some kind of conspiracy.

They didn't. It's a brilliant game and you're an idiot.

It's a really solid game, but Sup Forums hates anything that's popular, so there's no point in talking about games on here.

Because it has a slightly better than average story and game journalists want anything that will validate their career choice.

"muh movie"
"muh art"
"muh family socialization"

The "journalists" should be xxxx.

because the new contemporary of "game journalists" aren't actually gamers at all, they are only familiar with the past 10 odd years of the industry, young writers who couldn't find employment anywhere else. so to a person like that, who hasn't played very many games in their lives, a game like TLoU would be absolutely stunning, because they didn't think such a thing was possible outside of the film industry.

It's a good game but greatest of all time? Come on now.

It's called money

>If I dislike the game, then everybody else should dislike it

I enjoyed it a lot desu

gta v is a million times better

gta v is also the best game ever made to date

That projection tho. Neither of the people you quoted said it was the greatest game, they just said it was very good. Which, it was. Anyone who says it's not a good game is a buttblasted Sup Forumsirgin pretending to have patrician taste by going against what journalists say.

Hating shit because everyone else likes it is like the original hipster thing to do.

t. kid whose first gen was gen 7

I'm referring to the journalists, a lot of them consider this game to be one of the greatest of all time.

They don't really, they've already forgotten about it and are on to praising the next triple A regurgitation. Now Uncharted 4 is the greatest game of all time.

It's a great game, but Sup Forums like always is contrarian.

It's the videogame equivalent of oscar bait.

Final Fantasy VII is great bro
Sup Forums is just contrarian ;)

most "video game" writers are writers who have failed to acquire standard writing jobs. with their background in literature or whatever, they can understand "story" and "characters", so it's easy for them to write about it and fill up pages while knowing jack shit about good game design.

It has most of the makings of a good game, to top it off it had some really good character performances and the interactions between characters were pretty well done. Nowhere near the title of "Citizen Kane of vidya" but still a far better blend of multiple genres than most games that try.

Bioshock Infinite on the other hand, I'm still baffled about. That game was shit in almost every category and got stellar reviews.

its metal gear solid for normies

think about it

>Metal Gear Solid
Pick two

TLOU wasn't that bad though. It wasn't a 11/10 Citizen Kane of vidya like the journalists were saying, but it was solid and the visuals were fucking impressive considering it released on a console from 2006 with 256mb of ram. I think the worst offender of this was DmC. Everyone was suddenly an action game fan and shitting all over the original fanbase who had legitimate complaints about the game.

Is this an accepted word on Sup Forums yet?
Is the Sup Forums-reddit syncretism complete yet?