>reminder Bethesda made aliens canon
>reminder Bethesda implies aliens caused the Great War
>reminder Bethesda is more about pew pew pew than things making sense and theme integrity
Is there anything Bethesda gets right with Fallout?
>reminder Bethesda made aliens canon
>reminder Bethesda implies aliens caused the Great War
>reminder Bethesda is more about pew pew pew than things making sense and theme integrity
Is there anything Bethesda gets right with Fallout?
>implying implications
Show me both how they made aliens 100% canon AND how it conflicts with previous canon or doesn't make sense
Mothership Zeta.
How is Mothership Zeta NOT canon?
No thanks.
the music in FO3
thats literally it go home
The same way the alien cameos in other games aren't canon
>easter eggs are now comparable to full fledged DLC
Fallout was always a joke series. Why do Obsidian fans think it was intended to be a super series narrative? It's like they've never played any of the games outside Fallout 3.
This is a universe with 200 year old decaying humans. And humans turned into basically orcs. And computers running entire metropolises without anyone knowing. And scorpions the size of ponies. And multiple underground facilities capable of sustaining entire populations for centuries. And a machine capable of turning deserts into paradise nearly instantly.
You think aliens are just too fucking far and crossing a line? Turn that autism down a few levels bro, you're gonna burn out.
>tfw you are okay with this, because the Mothership Crew mod is fucking amazing and gives a whole new dimension to the game.
Aliens didn't start the great war
Because the main narrative was treated as fairly serious. Having jokes and references outside the narrative doesn't invalidate something of being taken seriously.
This has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. Making the aliens the caused of the world ending Great War only takes a giant shit on the theme of Fallout.
But that's not true
Aliens didn't start the great war that's cut content
>a little fun shoot em up DLC with no real story and no impact on the world is now a full fledged DLC
Like they ever know, the whole series is fucked up from day one with the 1950s theme.
Beth should have rebooted from ground up to shut both sides up from arguement.
inb4 muh generic post apoc
To all bethfag and obsifag, deal with it. You guys lacks imagination.
>a full fledged DLC isn't a full fledged dlc
How? Also
>fun shoot em up
Fucking fallout 3 fans.
>trying to argue DLC isn't DLC
Canon until proven otherwise.
Cut content is still a window into the minds of Bethesda. Despite it being cut they still made aliens canon.
>turning humans into orcs
If you mean the super mutants, go home fallout 3 fag.
>you guys lack imagination
>hey, let's reboot this instead of making something ORIGINAL
Such delicious ironing.
What's wrong with aliens bring canon?
Ghost were made canon in Fallout 2
Psychic beings have been a staple in Fallout until Bethesda took over.
There was nothing fun about it but I agree with your point.
Lorefags are the worst.
>I will say anything to make this point seem valid
You said full fledged DLC, when it's obviously was supposed to be a joke. If the cameos don't make it canon, neither does this. That's like saying Far Cry Blood Dragon is canon
>lorefags are the worst
Explain in your own words why fans that want to keep the story intact are "the worst" ?
Sometimes I still can't believe Fallout was saved from obscurity from Bethesda, one of the best possible outcomes for one of my favorite franchises.
>It's supposed to be a joke
Prove it.
I'm just going to consider none of the DLC from any of the games being canon. It's better that way.
>Fallout isn't about shooting things
Avellone please stop posting on the internet, nobody likes you
>casuals praised Skyrim with guns
>you know damn well that they're working on Fallout 5 as we speak
>bethesda games fans
>you find a crashed spaceship that teleports you into space where you find a wacky crew of humans from different time periods and then fight to take over the spaceship and engage in space battle, none of it except you coming back to earth
Now you prove cameos aren't canon
>I'll summarize the DLC in the most simplistic way possible
>this is somehow proof the DLC isn't canon
Try again.
It's about as canon as Doctor Who in the Fallout Universe.
I swear NV posters are some of the worst posters on this entire board.
>I'll keep saying it isn't canon
>inadvertently saying Godzilla and Dr. Who are canon
>Why do Obsidian fans think it was intended to be a super series narrative?
They don't they just don't like it when Chris Avellone hasn't christened it with his cum
Fallout 2 was garbage tier and anything but serious.
Bethesda has done a good job of walking the fine line between too serious and excessive childishness.
I really don't get it but then again most BlackIslefags are the same guys who play tabletops still
Manchildren may be a meme but we know they exist and the cucks that whine about Bethesda making Fallout are exactly what you would stereotype for the typical MTG or warcraft player 10 years ago.
They never grew the fuck up
Funny considering FO3 is a pretty serious game that tries to stay lighthearted despite the setting and does a very good job of it but because it doesn't have Obsidian slapped on it they hate it.
They're basically the same people who hate Bethesda because the ES series didn't freeze in time and stay exactly like that hot trash Morrowind in the titles that followed.
Stuck in their ways for reasons only they know
Suck my dick you immensely butthurt faggots
That was my first post in the thread, NVfriend.
All right, remove the word keep.
You're still wrong and retarded and can't even provide a simple explanation as to why it isn't canon.
Try Josh "Salty" Sawyer. Avellone was actually okay with FO3 and even praised a lot of aspects of it. Chris is pretty based, and now that he's left Obsidian, they have nothing to stand on.
Vault-tech did.
>Still can't explain why the obvious joke DLC is canon but a cameo is
Thought so
Aliens have always been canon. The gov used alien tech to make Skynet.
It has never been implied that aliens caused the war
I am interested in finding out what this is though
>everthing must align with my arbitrary rules.
>only Easter eggs are noncanon because I say so because it's the only way I can make sense of life
that's you. thats what you sound like
I'm not arguing Broken Steel isn't canon.
>ayyyliums cause WW3 because lawl so randum
>not the rapidly declining resources which modern civilization depended on to function, which were both the weapons used and the spoils of the final World War that saw the United States annex Canada, China invade Australia, and Europe collapse into squabbling nation-states all vying for the last dwindling resources on the planet Earth.
and then, of course, the great irony that scientists were on the cusp of a scientific breakthrough that would've solved all those problems, but then again how much can you trust a bunch of insane brains in jars or OLD MEN who turned into a techno-lich to be telling the truth?
>all these bethesdrones defending Todd's bowel movements
WeW lad
>calls it a joke DLC
>can't prove it's joke DLC
Everything should align with the original lore otherwise why would Bethe$$$da buy it?
Do you want Godzilla and Dr. Who to be canon or something?
>There's something wrong with a 1950's theme
Found the nigger
>theme integrity
now your just making stuff up
>shit, he's making much more valid points than my childish replies. Quick! Counter attack!
N-Nice try, user! Hehe
>that'll show him!
>average NVdrone post quality
>Be retarded
>Get corrected
maybe kill yourself? Only advice I got for ya
>2 games
It doesn't make sense, Fallout 1 and 2 were never 1950's theme. Fallout 3 and 4 basically look like the war happened just a few months before.
>aliens causing the war doesn't destroy the central theme: War. War never changes (unless it's ayy lamos xD)
Did you buy the Season Pass yet?
Bethesda at least have nice waifus
>literally still can't provide evidence has to why MZ is a joke
>the two original games
The evidence for aliens starting the war in FO3 is weaker than the evidence for bored AI's staring the war in FO2. Every alien log is a joke in Mothership Zeta including alien captive recorded log 17 where the aliens try and fail to get the launch codes.
Don't forget that NMAfags also hated FO2 and Tactics on release and only recently started retroactively loving them.
>I haven't played FO3
When is it alluded to that aliens had anything to do with the war
>Obsidian will die in your lifetime
>it's a joke
>it's a joke
>it's just a prank bro
Why can't you faggots just province one piece of evidence to support your retarded argument?
>I haven't played FO3
the aliens causing the war might not even be cannon. its just a suggestion.
Can someone post a snow mod for the xbox
I really wish this was the majority outlook of how htigns happened
Avellonefags are the same as the people who got butthurt over Skyrim, it's just sad how actual progress in a series(and not the kind of fuck everything that was great about vidya kind) gets torn down by neets and turbofaggots
Bethesda is literally the only major studio that hasn't gone belly up and become part of the mega conglomerates that plague the industry today and yet they get shit on more than literally all of them
A retarded suggestion in the first place, no surprise from Bethesda.
1>2>NV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cancer incarnate>>>>Someone explain how bethesda fallout communities are surviving on 200 year old food please
>they're working on Fallout 5 as we speak
They won't even storyboard for another 3 years
Do you not know how making a game works?
They get shit on because they over hype their buggy Oblivion clones like they're the second coming of Christ himself.
>release a game with barely any thought put into it
>make millions upon millions
>let your fans finish the game for you
Having some problems posting there, NMAfag?
they'll not die but lol they'll never touch fallout ever again
>Calling anyone Bethesda games fans
You do realize old fallout is dead right?
It's never coming back and Avellone won't ever touch another game in the fallout universe
You're complaining about something that you have literally 0 stake in anymore
Zeta was pretty dreadful even if the spacewalk sequence and some of the holotapes were good it was still a slog through and it was entirely nonsensical. A little girl who has eluded an intelligent alien race on their own ship to the point of knowing it in and out and a misfit cast of a samurai, a pussy medic and a bitter cowboy. It's just hilarious.
What's NMA?
now someone answer my question
yea. I hate fallout 3 because I'm a Fat Retard Neckbeard with a Superiority Complex not because it goes against literally anything that makes a video game interesting in any way whatsoever by destroying any kind of meaningful consequences for actions or interactivity you faggot.
>bethesda release a silly DLC that doesn't affect the main story, the game's world, any NPCs, and is never mentioned again
bro just don't play it and just ignore it lol
>canon until proven otherwise
Then I guess same goes for the aliens in the originals, user
>cut content is still somehow canon
>my argument doesn't have to have any logical basis or reasoning
OK user, go back to your NV thread or NMA.
Which of these logs do you believe wasn't written and voice to be silly?
As retardedly bad as MZ was both gameplay- and storywise, it's still idiotic to say that it would have ruined Fallout lore forever in any way. We all know that it will never be referenced again and what happens in it is by no way infuencing anything else, so there's no real need to consider it canon. Yes, it was a full-fledged DLC, but lorewise it is still comparable to something like that smaller crashed alien ship, Dr. Who easter egg and other shit like that. Just consider it as an a big-ass wild wasteland encounter, nothing more.
>reminder Bethesda implies aliens caused the Great War
How is this shown or implied? It's been a long time since I've played it, but I remember no such thing.
Pretty sure its a parody on the overuse of preservatives in food. Protags often claim it all tastes horrible, but when you're starving, you eat what you can.
>What's NMA?
u cheeky cunt
I don't know about 4, but Avellone actually liked 3. Plus now that he's solo, there's a chance he'll work on the next one with Beth.
Yeah but his original fallout bible is what BlackIslefags sourced so much for their arguments
Didn't know he had left Obsidian though, good or bad terms?
Love how concise these points are.
>reminder Interplay made you going back in time and breaking Vault 13's water chip canon
That's what you sound like. Old fallouts also had shit like a crashed Star Trek shuttle that granted you a powerful energy weapon, and a literal Doctor Who reference with the TARDIS. Hell, 2 was chock full of pop culture references.
>he posts 7 year old debunked macro images
now post the others so I can laugh at you some more
aliens were always canon you fucking babies
I don't think it's implicitly said but the notion was that the zetans might have accelerated the great war through some fuckery.
There's this one audio log in MZ where aliens are trying to extract nuclear launch codes from a captured human. That's it.
Fallout 3 (& 4, for that matter) isn't canon.
Anyone with any brains knows that the true Fallout canon is Fallout 1, Fallout 2, New Vegas and POSSIBLY Fallout Tactics.
why didn't they start farming?
west coast was hit harder than the east but they still manage to have farms and ranches
>Using a broad term to typecast a group automatically applies to outliers
You're an idiot and should be banned from owning vidya
People like you are the reason games are getting harder and harder to talk about with other people literally anywhere
Easter Eggs are Easter Eggs.
>Bethesda is literally the only major studio that hasn't gone belly up and become part of the mega conglomerates that plague the industry today
Bethesda is one of the largest tumors in the industry, fuck off shill.
Don't know if actual post or parody of average NVfag
>aliens are canon now omgherd
who cares, they already fucked it up by swapping the IP around between companies, make a better game if you don't like it.
Op your such a fucking baby
> waaa I dont like aliens
> waaa aliens are canon
> waaa waaa waaa
Now your coming here wasting everybodys time.
Aliens influencing the war is great, leave lorefag.
I guess everything in this list is canon in the Fallout universe now
well, you did a good job at saying stuff without saying anything of value.
atleast it wasn't memes.
also, you're angry because I used "faggot" which was rude not at the actual substance of the argument.
what do you even mean? how is it debunked, how is it debunkable?
Here's the difference. Between f1/2 aliens and f3 aliens. F3 aliens were boring, cringey trash. F1/2 instances were so short that very little aside from "I get it" could be taken
If Zeta was a solidly written, fun dlc, this thread wouldn't exist