God Sup Forums stahp it
STOP HAVING FUN. You're too old.
God Sup Forums stahp it
STOP HAVING FUN. You're too old.
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Fuck em, kids have been ruining gaming forever.
What's more worrying is you actually have to create a f2p social app devoid of gameplay to get people interested in Pokemon again.
The glory days are over, back when fandom was spread and supported by trading cards, video games Anime, Books and merchandise, etc
Now kids are being introduced to the series in its most shallow form being a a phone app. That is a crime.
>to get people interested in Pokemon again.
But the actual games still regularly sell 10-15 million copies.
>implying anybody gives a shit about what some dumb sjw thinks
Yahoo always has shitpost-tier articles, especially if it's anything remotely related to Nintendo. They'll spin something like a Pokemon game selling well into "Successful handheld sales are Nintendo's downfall" or something similar.
>encouraging small children to use smartphones
>encouraging them to use them in school during class
Nah, fuck this cunt. Kids dont need electronics to give them an excuse to play outside. They already naturally want to be crazy wild fucks. Lazy adult fucks like me need Pokemon Go for an excuse
Imaginary pokemon beets pokemon go pokemon anyway
Kids don't even know the pokemons featured in this game
>F2P game with microtransaction business model that only adults are going to be able to afford
What retarded cunt wrote this article?
dude I work in a comic store
the pokemon card game sorta started to replace yugioh with people as the alternative to magic, I've heard yugioh really became trash in recent sets, but recently we've been selling tons of cards to young kids
I'm telling you dude, sun and moon are going to turn a lot of copies with kids, pokemon is a massive fad again with young kids.
Adults being into it just means young parents are willing to drive their kids places to catch pokemon or buy them a 3ds.
Pokemania is back.
This millenial style of writing just bugs me so much.
They state a position, and then spend two or three paragraphs clarifying and defining it for the sake of preemptively deflecting criticism of people who disagree with them. "I'm not saying we should stop X, but X is a problem", do you even have a point, then?
Have the courage to actually argue a position without cushioning yourself with mitigations.
Aso, that title:
Thanks for letting us know you're bravely martyring yourself for arguing the controversial viewpoint that adults shouldn't harass kids.
>game is aimed at (young) adults in the trailers
>To my fellow millenials
Found the problem.
this is an 18+ board user
Haven't played but I thought the game was free?
And it used to move 100 mil units right?
That's really heart warming news to be honest and I'm glad that is happening.
I still dont agree with pokemon go though and largely believe it being a massive mainstream hit outside of smartphones will perhaps never happen again
>And it used to move 100 mil units right?
Not even close
Tell kids to stop ruining online gaming, and everything else adult, we always gotta think of the children even with shit the children shouldn't even fucking have, can they stop that? no? oh ok, fuck off, and I don't even play Pokemon anything.
And yet, Pokemon is still going strong and its anime is nearing 1000 episode
>And it used to move 100 mil units right?
Um, no? Red/Blue/Green/Yellow sold 25-30m copies between the four games (five if you count Japanese Blue) and that was its peak. People never stopped being interested in Pokemon, people are just more interested now because it's a free smartphone app and not a $30-40 game on a $100+ device.
The article is literally saying to stop playing like an irresponsable fuckwit
>And it used to move 100 mil units right?
nope, the first games sold really well compared to the rest, but they were sorta the pokemon go of their day, a huge fad everyone took part in
pokemon has sold rather consistently and only really dipped in sales because the 3ds doesn't have as many users as the ds (which was sorta the ps2 of handheld systems in a lot of ways)
and honestly, the downturn of pokemon game sales really isn't a surprise, the videogame industry as a whole is doing collectively worse, but that is tied more to the economy then anything and people having less money
anyway pokemon has always been the most consistent moneymaker nintendo has, and probably the biggest cashcow in videogame history
If you live in a large city, maybe
It is free with the option of purchasing Microtransactions. Like most F2P phone games its the whales who make up the majority of the money revenue and those whales are usually adults with cards
>spending money with a credit card
>traveling long distances on foot
Pokemon GO was made for adults, the adults who grew up playing the original Pokemon games.
I wish I could see the profit margin for the the non 3d games.
Cheap as fuck to make and only needing a small team.
As if kids play pokemon these days. The target audience for pokemon go is adults who grew up with pokemon. This generation's version of pokemon is Minecraft.
You're right. I should be out playing pokemon go. I suggest you take the sagely advice of OP's pic and stop doing fun stuff. Continue working your wage slave job to pay taxes and subsidize my NEET lifestyle.
How does one play like an irresponsible fuckwit in the first place?
>holding up lines in stores
>walking out into traffic
>walking off of a cliff
>walking onto private property
So is the game similar at all to Magic? I like Magic but I got super burned out on it a couple years ago. A different TCG would be fun.
There's nothing wrong with adults playing Pokemon Go or watching MLP, it's just people having fun and enjoying things.
Read the fucking article
You also may not have a choice depending on area. My friend lives in an area with 2 total pokestops in town.
Meanwhile there's literally 30 stops in a 1 mile radius from me
Then it's a slippery slope towards being genderfluid, going to cons cosplaying as female characters from cartoons and then having tumblr influenced opinions.
Fun fact, pokemon go killed and injured more people than any other game in the history of vidya
>considering it's their game
Why is it their game?
Fucking spook.
Fucking pokemon is older then the little bastards who are playing it.
By a fucking Majority.
If anything it's unintentionally intended for Millennials on the fucking go.
Hence. Pokemon GO.
This dude needs to go eat a couple spoonfuls of powdered lead.
Kids wouldn't play it correctly.
there is nothing wrong to jacking off to mlp butts either
Kids shouldn't have fucking smartphones, the only people who should even be capable of playing it in the first place are teenagers and adults.
but a lot less than tag
Gotta love how the first half of the article is WOW YEAH THIS GAME IS GETTING PEOPLE OUTSIDE AND INTERACTING
and quickly devolves into
I swear to god half of these "writers" just take a shit on a page to fill some quota they have. How can anyone unironically write shit like this for a job?
Why would people play a Pokémon game with such a shitty combat system? It's not like the original one was complicated enough to warrant being dumbed down.
>Pokemon GO is the experience we've always dreamed about
>Gee wiz I wonder why people who lived through the initial pokemon craze are way more into this than kids today
Does this writer have brain damage?
i think that's the sad part people really consider this a relationship miracle...a round of talk with some random guys..it's like our generation is made of only sad lonely people that goes berserk in the slight human interaction
>fellow millennials
this is a joke right? this cant be real
Why is it with alt righters, the salvation of mankind comes from restrictions in freedom?
What are millennials? I thought they were kids born AFTER 2000.
Why does everyone think 2D games were easier and lazier to make? They were constantly making new sprites (and animations) for each Pokémon with each generation, sometimes even making a completely different set of sprites for each version. Now they're able to just reuse the same 3D models for everything.
No, retard. Anyone after 1980. Fucking 36 year olds are millenials
>Now kids are being introduced to the series in its most shallow form being a a phone app
Not really? Kids have continued watching the TV show, buying the cards, and playing the traditional video games all these years, although. If anything, the only people I've legitimately seen being introduced to Pokemon through PoGo are the older folks, as in 40+ year old parents who learn about the app through TV and radio stories and the elderly
Nope. It's after 1980. Millennials follow Generation X. Retards like the guy you replied to don't realize that everyone on this website is a millenial. You have to be middle aged or older to still be part of gen x.
This type of writing is all over the internet today. This is what happens to a society that has it too good. They create something to struggle.
>We're the ones walking in front of traffic, holding up lines in stores, trespassing on private land, or setting lures to mug people down dark alleyways.
Do they not see how dumb it is to blame this on a game? Do they not see how "problematic" the idea of making people stop doing something they enjoy because a few idiots have misused it is?
>Retards like the guy you replied to don't realize that everyone on this website is a millenial
wheres the argument saying we arent millennials you b8ing retard
Nothing about "easier and lazier", games just had far far smaller dev teams back in the 90s. Pic related was the whole team responsible for Sierra On-Line in house development for example.
AAA games nowadays have teams in the hundreds and when including support staff the thousands
Nigga, I couldn't agree more with everything you just said. A big problem is that you can't escape this kind of writing; there is no place to find good journalism anymore.
Adulta can play of course, they just cant feel more superior than the kids about pokemon because they are adults or they played in their childhood. Thats just sad.
>This millenial style of writing just bugs me so much.
>They state a position, and then spend two or three paragraphs clarifying and defining it
Nigga have you ever gone to a post-secondary educational institution? Do you read essays? Do you read anything?
No one will refute this point. This point is also not at all close to the one made in the article.
Try again.
Did anyone actually read the reasoning in the article? It basically was
>adults shouldn't play the game because they ruin the game's reputation by doing stupid stuff (e.g. walking off cliffs, etc.)
I thought they were going to argue something against adults holding down gyms, etc. - but no, they basically said that adults shouldn't play the game because they are being stupid with it.
What are some other mind numbing pokemon go articles
ITT: retards try to blame the article on supposed politics and the writer not being conservative enough
Welcome to neo-neo-neo-Sup Forums
The one about Pokemon Go being unplayable by black people was pretty good.
but pokemon selling well is bad for nintendo
You mean 2009?
So much this.
You should try to steer people to the MLP CCG, pokemon tcg is trash.
I'm not even a fan of MLP but the card game is genuinely good.
Why does seeing this term used trigger me so much? It comes off as condescending and ass-holey, like someone is saying they are better than someone else by age alone.
School essentially forces people to write that way
I remember reading that there was a sudden high in the sells of 3/2ds and pokemon games due to pokemon go
Bunch of old fucks who think their generation is any better. Keep in mind it was the fucking baby boomer faggots that got the economy in this mess in the first place.
Pokemon has constantly grown in terms of brand awareness, in fact over the past 3 years the pokemon company has went from $1.5bil to $2.1bil earned yearly in merchandise sold. Unfortunately the mainline video games haven't seen much growth due to the declining console gaming market.
I think he's mostly referring to the way the position is stated. They never say "This shit is bad. Here's why it's bad. Like I said before, it's bad." Instead they say "Now don't get me wrong, I totally love this shit, I mean this is shit is great, but hear me out, this is why this shit is totally bad. Now remember? I still love this shit, it's just that the shit is bad but remember I still love this shit but also remember this shit is still bad".
Pokemon Go! isn't a phenomenon, especially not compared to when Pokemon in general first hit the west. The mainline games still have a universal pull and stay in the limelight consistently. This is just today's facebook selfie kiddies with their tablets getting a small taste of something they get bullied for in school. If Go! wasn't a mobile 'game' it'd be business as usual.
Go's userbase is pure cancer. Genwunners are bad, but Go! brought in the bandwagoners, the ones that didn't haven't touched a single Pokemon game prior to.
why is it that anyone and everyone who says "unpopular opinion" is just a condescending prick
>fellow millennials
stopped reading there this is obviously not a worthwhile opinion
>the ds (which was sorta the ps2 of handheld systems in a lot of ways)
But the PS2 had a lot of good games.
It has microtransactions? What for?
>or watching MLP
Nice try slipping that in there, faggot.
You can buy pokegold my good goy.
Did you expect that nintendo wont be part of this?
What does pokegold do?
I'd seen people saying before that the game didn't have any way to make them money so I figured it didn't have any.
Too bad it's fucking garbage with only 2 of the original characters left.
Ash and Pikachu?
You can basically buy shit, its not like premium stuff, but lets you buy insane amounts of items and shit, weed joints to light up and gather more pokemons in one spawn area, shit like that.
though there may still be some minor characters left in there, like the policewomen and nurses
Misty was trash and was beyond saving when Togepi came in. Brock peaked at Gen IV when Misty and Max weren't there to cockblock him. Croagunk constantly jabbing Brock in the dick is more funnier than those two yanking him by the ear.
And don't you dare tell me Tracey was interesting. Misty is a wonder of the world compared to him.
What the hell is this article's argument, anyway?
It's seems like less "stop playing" and more "stop being irresponsible". In which case, well yeah.
I have diaahrea and i want to splop it on your face
>Work at Office Depot
>Some girl runs in
>Ask her if she needs help
>She runs off
>40 year old pedo fuck comes running in
>Just chases off in the same direction as the girl
>Another customer, some old man dressed like a cowboy hooks the guy in the eye thinking he was actually trying to kidnap the girl
>Cops just groan as we relay the story
I stopped watching around the 4th or 5th season, so I couldn't tell you anything positive past that. It was around the time that they stopped animated by hand and with computers that I felt the quality drop substantially.
The show would be better as a whole if it ditched those 2.
Got to love people who are the arbiter of who gets to do what when they're adults. That's a real mature outlook right there, telling people what they can do or not based on your own subjective standards.
>I've heard yugioh really became trash in recent sets
A friend still plays Yu Gi Oh and I sometimes see him play on a sort of simulator, they introduced some bullshit pendulum mechanic. I prefer the old way though, just because I'm a nostalgiafag.
Not him, but no, pokemon is pretty damn disimilar to magic. To any othet TCG, actually.
If you want a magic like TCG, check out duel masters. It's incredibly similar, but with a few key differences, and with better atr. But only like 5 sets came out in the US and it's been dead for fucking years