Is he "our" guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
who's that?
what's this guys name again?
Disgruntled Jose
This is his new girl
Fucking really? Damn he did well for himself
He bought her over the internet from Sweden, donated to her stream and begged for fans to pay for her trip
No, he's just the retard you spam every day. How do you live with yourself, you piece of shit?
He's alright. I thought he was getting a little too SJW, but he shit all over Ghostbusters.
Enraged Englasias
I do? Only did this today.
>Only did this today
He's impossible to watch, he's either paying you or you're 12. Fuck off.
Wow I would suck literal shit out from her asshole.
Stop replying to your own posts.
Jesus dude chill
>Replying in under a minute
Who are you talking to?
Also seven dollar menu
Go spam your diarrhea videos elsewhere, the board is for video game discussion.
did Mad Miguel suddenly become low test?
his old gf for comparison
Delrith-chan is video games
>Sup Forums
>discussing video games
Twitter screencaps isn't videogames. Fuck off.
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And Joe paid every penny for her
Asalieri is our guy
Asian Joe?
I would pay large sums of money to fuck the shit out of this girl, too.
Who the fuck is Joe and why is he angry?
More importantly, how is he video games?
Like a true beta
Did Angry Joe eat Jeff Gerstmann? What the fuck happened?
Do you have anything against my betaness, motherfucker?
Whatever floats your boat, but hey I'd fuck her too
he isn't he used to review video games, but now only does movie reactions and shit with his disposable friend other joe and some fat neckbeard guy that serve no purpose except to make joe look better.
Why doesn't fit joe get him off the burritos?
Wow that sounds pretty terrible.