Which side should one join in Skyrim? Stormcloacks, or Imperials? Which side is more morally in the right?

Which side should one join in Skyrim? Stormcloacks, or Imperials? Which side is more morally in the right?

It literally does not matter. Your quest rewards/ultimate outcome are virtually identical, save which retard will be running the country for the rest of the game.

That said, if you start the Imperial questline and just don't turn in the Jagged Crown, you can wear it around and shit and look like a fucking baller for the whole game.

We had a thread about this earlier user.

The Thalmor don't represent any threat to a united skyrim, only the war with the imperials gives them any presence in skyrim. There are no significant advantages to the nords allowing imperial rule.

Storm cloaks are the only choice for partisan non-retards.


I wanna say the empire

they may have given up a sole right of all human kind, but if they didn't sign the treaty everyone's shit would have been slapped to non-existence

that and Ulfric is just using the ban of talos worship to ascend to high king for his own personal game I feel like.

This is untrue. The elves are after Talos worshippers specifically and landmarks that hold the universe together. The throat of the world is deactivated prior to skyrim, so they're there to end Talos worship.

The Thalmor also just lost a siege in Hammerfell and it's implied they're only there because of the stalemate. I don't believe they represent the kind of threat the Thalmor have convinced you they represent.

My favourite side is to press the power button and never play Skyrim again faction.

The Imperials are morally and objectively correct in every way. That said, the game lets you play the Stormcloaks despite that, and that's pretty cool. You can be part of an ignorant rebellion that's ultimately hurting your country, your empire and even killing your God. Even after the game takes you by the hand and explains how in the wrong the Stormcloaks are, it never removes them as a faction choice.

I like that.

Stormcloaks are basically Brexit supporters.

Outside it being two countries leaving an Empire, there's literally nothing in common.

Now, if Skyrim were only allied with the shitty Khajiit and Orcs and decided to leave? Then it'd be a Brexit parallel.

>killing your God

>Have you heard of Horne septims? I've got some literature for you to read

Holy fuck this is why you don't let the imperials administer your government. Look at this blind indoctrination.

Always makes me laugh.

Imagine the look on the th almost faces when they find this mess. It's what I hope we do with Isis

Doesn't matter.
If you join the Empire you destroy one of the few places that oppose the Thalmor
If you join the Stormcloaks you weaken the empire and strength the Thalmor's grasp on it.

Either way the Thalmor win.

literally doesn't matter, just make sure you join the dark brotherhood to get rid of the poser, and then pick who you like.

elves won before the game starts and you can't change what happens to cyrodil.

personally I left the war til last, had the whole peace treaty scene, then went with stormcloak cause empire are so fucking stupid in this game. 'oh my did we try to execute you? yeah sorry about that', implying implications, no, you fuck off back south pal, not welcome here.

>inb4 Sup Forums

They have an Embassy in Skyrim they take people to to fight Talos worship.
>I don't believe they're a threat
They want to destroy the world


if i remember right the arrows from killing imperials sell way more per weight then most items you get.

so the answer is obviously stormcloacks.

user didn't say they weren't a threat or that they weren't bad but rather that they're not the threat that they want you to believe they are.

Reading comprehension, man.

Stormcloaks are essentially Trump supporters.

I avoided it all together in my second and third playthroughs.
The war was such a huge part of the story and selling point of skyrim yet the quests around it were piss poor for both sides.

>literal retards that are following a man with no plan for anything beyond building a wall that won't actually fix anything in the long run.
makes sense

>Reading comprehension, man.
It was >implying
Why are you here

Annoyed at their government for selling them out?

Imperials desu ulfric is a bitch who couldn't even beat a kid in a duel.

Yeah basically that. All 30 Thalmor in skyrim and the main campaign don't give me the impression their lofty plans could have ever succeeded in skyrim. They might be evil but they're not a threat to the nation

Mad that their government allows Thalmor to roam around and commit acts of terrorism?

Ah yes, the pretending excuse.

ulfric is the one who let them in the first place.

>wanting another 8 years of PC culture, special benefits for blacks and women, and being bullied and bombed back into the Stone Age by a Muslim majority
I have never understood the cuck mentality

Imperial rule because nords are retards unfit to govern themselves.

Those are European problems not american problems

Has anyone here does the entire imperial/stormcloack questline before starting the main quest? what happens if you talk to the jarl of whiterun while doing the quest?

He tells you to get the dragon stone.

Europe is your warning America, better wake up before it's too late

The quest is locked to the main story. For example the Whiterun guy won't accept the axe if you haven't fought the dragon at the watch tower.

the bill of rights makes it nearly impossible for those things to happen here.

Of course Strormcloacks

Always go against the globalists

Whatever you man child.

The threat I believe the Thalmor represent is that they want to destroy the mortal realm and become Gods. It's undeniable that this is their goal.

It's great to have goals but some of them are stretches.

Gameplay-wise? Nothing.

In terms of actual lore there's no reason to ever choose the Stormcloaks. They're led by an inept retard who's been manipulated by them before and is now being manipulated by them indirectly and they want it in documents you discover on a particular quest.

The Thalmore want Skyrim to attack the Empire so they grow even weaker and the Thalmor gain more influence in Cyrodiil.

'muh Talos though.

This entire question is basically proof that Skyrim isn't a roleplaying game. If it was, you wouldn't be asking this, you'd simply decide for yourself what your CHARACTER thought was the right choice.

Disgusting casuals...

Morals has literally nothing to do with it.
Its a political struggle not a moral one.

>some of them are stretches
They won the war and the human empire is their bitch, they actively parade around torturing Talos worshippers and the Empire gives them whatever they want.

Trying to weigh the cost of life, suffering, and freedom that comes of a political decision makes it both political and moral.

The documents in the embassy suggest he's useful. It doesn't say he's their pawn.

ulfric doesn't let the thamlor in, the empire do, if you read the journals properly you'd realise the elves consider him a wildcard asset, IE he doesn't listen to them, but they think they can shift him toward certain goals, which they for the most part cannot.

>basically trump supporters
nice argument. you got anything worth talking about?

>thalmor doesn't represent a threat
lol, learn some more lore or jog on pal. they may be weaker than they seam but they could wipe out cyrodil because of the cowardly emporer at 'present' relative to skyrim.

and for the record the elves have the same views as the stormclocks but for them not for skyrim, so how does that factor into your trump supporter arguments?

I feel like they want you to join the Empire. The game sort of leads you to leave Helgen with the imperial soldier, does it not? You don't HAVE to, but you're following him throughout the whole place.

Ulfric is a sleeper agent.

Dumb Stormcucks are playing into the (((Thalmor's))) hands.

Talos is kind of linked with Lorkhan though and that can never happened since the old gods fucked up.

"There will always be a hero" kind of thing.

stormclocks is obviously a typo...drawfags, do as you will.

How many books and lore did you have to read to piece that together. Reading through a wiki aside, I could never piece this together much. A few dialogues from main line quests and a few dabs here and there but that's it. Anything critical I should have done via side quests or npc conversations?

When I try to roleplay I just hit a roadblock.

For instance: why would your character even bother to get involved in the conflict? Why would they care about fetching the dragonstone for the Jarl? Most people in the character's situation would try to find a safe town to hide and start a new life. Only an adventurer-type character would take the risk.

None because it was among the most bug ridden quest lines Beth has ever done, I spent far more time then I would have liked trying to get this piece of shit to work. Mods were Skyrim's only saving grace and thank god for that.


Globalism is stupid though

Nobody ever mentions in these threads that by the time of TESV, the Empire has been run into shit. The Septim line was what made them great and a force to reckoned with and since Martin's sacrifice it's just been a shadow of itself.

>sentenced to death by imperials
>stormcloaks help you out
>'with me prisoner'
>empire torture room
I imagine that is the exact conclusion you'd come to if you wern't paying attention yes.

look at me. dominion is government now

Yeah. I sided with the storm cloaks when I left the first area. But ended up siding with imperials after they were sucking my dragon born dick

there's literally no way Skyrim will be able to oppose the Thalmor if they kick the empire out.

they WILL be defeated, they're weak, few, unorganized and devoid of true allies. Hammerfell and Argonia will not give a single rotten fuck for the Nords.

Careful of the stormcloaks. Leader might be a nigger.

This just shows that imperialfags have only played Skyrim and can't form their own opinions.

implyng the game doesnt lead you to side with the impartial greybeards in a retarded manner and everything else isnt bs.

>I don't have any reading comprehension: the post

The document you find in game mentions that he's an asset, not an ally to the Thalmor. And this only for as long as the war has no winning side.

>Cucked to no end
>Literally exists because the elves allow it
>Elves ultimately want to destroy Mundus
>Best choice

Most other provinces also became independent from the Empire because they know they're full of shit.

That's bullshit though. If you join the Empire the Empire now gains Skyrim back and it's been the biggest contribution to the Empire since day fucking One.

If anything it gives the Empire more loyalists to mankind and more influence against the Thalmore that are little more than puppet masters. Cyrodiil is basically cucked at this point. They need strong warriors from the old colonies. Same with Daggerfall and the Redguards.

It's why I think we need an Elder Scrolls Summerset Isles or Valenwood. We've seen the elves be assholes. We now need to know politics at home and in their controlled colonies.

reading comprehension, user

>The embassy document is the only reference to Ulfric's Thalmor involvement.

Are you new to these discussions? Or are you just a retard?

>muh racism
>muh Grey Quarter
>muh Nord 'prejudice'
Anybody who complains about the Stormcloaks because of shit like this never played Morrowind. Everyone in the ES universe is an asshole, and man/mer "racism" is tied into the fucking makeup of the cosmos.

If anything Ulfric isn't going hard enough. Full Pelinal. Remove piss-skins.

what are you a nigger? Literally have you played Oblivion? You can't say they are full of shit when they brought peace and stability not to say wealth through a united imperial governed Tamriel. They just wait for the appropriate time to fight back and allowing another state to fall of the empire just weakens that aim

they're just the lesser of two evils.

>Literally have you played Oblivion
A lot happens between Skyrim and Oblivion

So the Altmer are basically Jews, right? And nords are aryans, while Imperiale are eternal anglos

The narrative has shitloads of potential.

They could just leave all this behind and move forward 500 years at this point if they wanted.

You're literally the last Dragonborn and PERFECT for the throne in Cyrodiil. Regardless of decision you could just call on the remaining dragons to lead you there and place you as the next true leader of Cyrodiil and the world at that point.

Bam, the next protagonist starts off there and you get a few books explaining it. Bethesda doesn't even have to try at this point. I wouldn't get my hopes up. If anything I'd just do that.

Why would you choose a thalmor puppet?

the imperials are Italians/Greeks

have you not played Oblivion? The last heir to the emperor is dead, there are no Septims anymore

It's not the same Empire in Skyrim, it's been hijacked by a warlord

Skyrim's protagonist will probably just fuck off to Apocypha or some shit because his presence would be too destabilizing (or stabilizing) for anything Bethesda might want to write. Just like Nerevarine and Vivic, the former of which fucked off to Akavir, the latter just fucked off.

Imperials are obviously Romans you dumb fucking nigger

>commit crime
>fuck why are you giving me consequences for it as the authority here fuck you

But the empire cannot fall apart no matter the emperor, besides if you know the lore there was a talented man who put the empire together again what makes you think there wont be another one?

It's all been written already to some point. After TESO though Bethesda might just start pulling shit from their ass.

Ah, fuck. I forgot about that. He's technically tied to Herma Mora now canon wise.

Well, I don't know what they'll do.

I know what I hope they'll do and that's just have the next one be on Summerset Isle in the wake of the Skyrim crisis and you just play some guy there. That or Valenwood. Valenwood might actually be better but that seems like a really dull area. If they combine it with Elseweyre then I'm good.

if there is one, then it doesn't matter if the Empire wins or not, you fatalistic cunt

Reman was just fucking good and united every race, he didn't hijack the previous empire

>Markarth full of shiteating Reacharoundmen
>"Ulfric come fix this shit"
>"Let Skyrim worship Talos"
>Markarth is saved
>Elves get wind of Talos worship
>"Refuck this province"
>"lol okay"
>Empire locks up Ulfric
>20 years later, Ulfric gets out of prison and legally removes babby Tornig
>Empire sends in General Fuckup to run things because Elisif is a fucking incompetent teenager

>all these 'why would you choose a puppet' posts, ignoring posts itt explaining that

>siding with empire because 'thas racist'

despite not giving a damn about the outcome because like I said, the elves already won, i'm still glad I chose based on fact and not...whatever this abomination of a thread you call an argument is.

like I said, join the dark brotherhood.

Always Imperial so I don't have to betray Balgruuf "one of the few decent characters" the Greater

I was talking about Talos you fucking idiot and
>you fatalistic cunt
Where did I say let's just wait on our asses and do nothing? If you allow the stormcloacks to win its another victory for the elves and an even separated Tamriel without a strong opposition against those pointy eared jews

>''Yo Ulfric, if you kill these Reachfags, I will allow every Nord to worship Talos, just don't do it publicly''
>''lol okay''

>''Ulfric, please, the elves are getting angry''

Ulfric is literally Sup Forums tier

Where the fuck are those nigga elves?

10/10, best summary of skyrim's politics I have read

I don't know which I want more in the next game: Dead Emperor or dead Dark Brotherhood.

Dead Emperor is more interesting lore-wise, but DDB is more satisfying because the DB is just the pants-on-head-retarded bastard child of the Morag Tong and deserves to no longer exist.

Stormcloaks are in the right, as far as moral authority is concerned.

But seeing as how they made Ulfric a Thalmor puppet, all that shit goes out the window.

Dude are you fucking autistic or trolling?

Go Stormcloaks if you're not autistic.
Go Imperials if you feel like being wrong.
and autistic.

everyone in skyrim was already worshiping talos because the empire went out of their way to ignore the treaty and ulfric demanding it only gave the elves the excuse they needed to start killing them.

Shor is Lorkham. Talos is Tiber Septim from the imperial religion.

If that man really is talented, who cares if elves have the upperhand?

3 things can happen that would absolutely fuck over the thalmor's plans
First, Shezzarines (like the dragonborn)
Second, Pelinal coming back from the future (My lore is getting pretty rusty, but isn't he programmed to fuck elves up when they start flinging shit? Remember the aylieds (how the fuck do you spell that))
Third, the Hoonding (Very unlikely, because he only cares about Redguards)