Comfy games thread

Comfy games thread.

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There needs to be more cozy colony simulators

comfy multiplayer games?

Dying Light

Update when? I wanna replay it but I guess it'd be smart to wait for that big update they're making.

Nothing's cozier than late night SNES games. I think its the music, a link to the past especially

not the best card game out there but still comfy as fuck, immersive animations, tavern theme which is 10/10, well animated and voice acted, comfy as fuck.

Doesn't get much comfier.

SWTOR stops being comfy after you've exhausted all the good storylines.


Literal meme games.


Literal meme post.




I don't think you've played it or know anything about it

Of course I don't. It's such a hidden gem.

Well since you have, you should know it's not an edgy game by any means

If you think he was calling the game edgy, you have the loosest grasp of the English language that I've ever seen.

It's not the game that is edgy. It's you.

I didn't even post it

>Start a comfy game thread for comfy vibes
>Shitters start arguing about edginess

Guess OP had it coming

Jesus H Christ, tell how is DS comfy then. Maybe Silent Hill is comfy too? Or System Shock? Comfy on MY PC.

>tell how

Hey, I just got in here, I'm not the one saying DS is a comfy game or that it isn't.

Holy shit fuck off poo in loo.
How do you think minecraft or some other arbitrary shit is comfy? I can see how dark souls could be comfy. It has a good atmosphere, its not difficult past the first play through. Just going through it killing shit methodically while taking in the environments seems pretty comfy to me.

I still don't know what this game is about or why should I play it.

This game is trash though.

>some faggot posts ">edgy"


haha literal retards.

Oh man, you got me.


Fuck off Tanner

Slime Rancher

Terraria before entering hardmode.


It's a Harvest Moon ripoff but it's actually really good. I assumed it was crap until I actually gave it a chance.

>This game is trash though.
starbound is comfier tho.

R8 my comfy

>likes rimworld
>likes starbound
holy shit the shit taste is making me close this tab

>Sup Forums likes stardew
>Sup Forums hates rimworld

the shilling really paid off

shit/10 don't ever post it again

Livin' In The City/10

i've never played rimjob.

They're both good you shitfaced cockmaster.

It's certainly better than all of the HM titles we have had since FoMT. Not sure how you fuck up something as simple as farming.

>"hating lots of video games means my opinion as a gamer is refined."


is that your farm? pretty nice layout. what's the other side look like?


Hopefully grass or else he's fucked come winter.

No matter what I do, my economy collapses and everyone dies just when my town is getting large.

Pokemon Platinum
>Already cold mountain region
>Made even colder
>also surfing isn't slow as shit

Nope, my farm is mostly bee houses and tree taps with cranberries/strawberries everywhere.

GTA V is pretty comfy

Just driving to nice music around the highways or wherever really.

And now you know why it is comfy.

The winter is coldest when the fire is burning.

>village is getting too big too fast
>decide to halt population expansion by not building houses for a while
>the townspeople are now too old to make children

I wasted so much time in this game. The concept reeled young me in. It was like Jedi Academy crossed with Hogwartz. The music was amazing. Everything about it just oozed comf.

>go full ham like human-cancer spreading across the banished world
>die anyway due to starvation

great for the first ten minutes, then frustrating as fuck for the remainder of playtime.

Anno 1404 is probably the comfiest game I have ever played.

I love staying in on a cold as fuck day playing anno and making the comfiest village.

Halo 3 custom games. The only thing close is minecraft survival with a friend or two.

dat archery + dodge, tho

This is nice until you blow it all up.

What is this?

What's a good comfy game to play with friends?

not edgy games, comfy games. Try again.


I like TCGs and tavern theme sounds comfy, how easy is it to get into as a new player? How p2w is it?

lego harry potter.

build Cthun druid if you're new and want to do ranked. easiest cards to come by.

you'll feel duped sometimes, by anything really. it's a game with an element of rng that can ultimately decide a match between two good players. allows new people to storm on a veteran every once in awhile.

it's not really a comfy game


>that feeling as you watch helplessly as your colonists bleed out and die, all your hours of hard work erased by a bandit raid

Fuck mortars

How can you play Rimworld and not think how you could be playing Dorf Fort instead?

Every time I tried to boot it up the same happened.


For a game made by one man, the music is definitely top comfy for fall and winter. Shame i lost all interest for the game the second spring came by while realizing it's just a total grindfest despite the monsters you can fight

hotel dusk.There's nothing comfier than wandering around that hotel with that bossa nova playing

basically you drive from East Berlin back to Russia after the fall of the wall. Make repairs, gas up cross borders

>that 80's commie block synth radio
>that feel watching a sunset over the cooling towers of a nuclear plant
>step out to pick up some crate of cigars
>get struck by oncoming car, get lodged on hood

"Welp, guess I'm going to Dresden."

>grimrock 2

It generally becomes more p2w around the time that new card sets come out. If you want any sort of variety in complete decks then you're out of luck as a free to play player for the first few months starting out. That being said 'zoo' decks for the warlock class have been viable since the game's start if you want something that's easy to put together while also being consistently good if your opponent isn't trying to counter it with their own deck.

Ever played Startopia or Space Colony?

I'm surprised with how comfy va-11 hall-a is
>that music
>that art
>those stories

Seconded - never seen this one before. What is it?

Anno 2070

Looks like Brigador

Thanks - I'll have to check it out. Looks like that old mechwarrior game.