Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums,

memes aside, what are your expectations for Legion?

Other urls found in this thread:

Raiding will be awesome.

I want of Ion's wild ride.

Give me Tigole back, or fuck, hire the nostfags already.

>hire a bunch of frenchcucks that couldn't even run a functioning server

Even their hackjob private server was a better MMO experience then anything Ion has produced.

only one of them is still playable

I hope it is a lot like diablo 3, I loved diablo 3. I think that will happen.

Doesn't mean its good.

better than the now-dead piece of shit

>what are your expectations for Legion?
Disappointment and Regret
Regret only if I lapse and end up getting this expansion.
Disappointment is just a given.

I want three things, incentive, investment and reward.

They seem to be giving people a lot of options to end up at the same point. But incentive is going to fall off once the investment gets nerfed because people complain about having goals to reach those rewards and we'll be back to where we are now, just with increasingly smaller action bars.


Regardless of how shit an expac turns out in the end, I always get at least 3 months of fun from a release, even more if the raiding is okay and there's more to do than fucking WoD

Should I main this panda in Legion?

Casualized leveling where nothing can kill you
Dungeons where you can solo by yourself
Raids that have an instance with one room
PvP that is not fun which can be classified as taking 10 people to kill one healer.
Sounds like the game should just be single player

Yeah, no, and Legion isn't shaping up to be any different from WOD now that they're doubling down on antisocial features like personal loot killing pugs, instanced phasing limiting player interaction in the open world, and the majority of end game content is solo focused once more, with, and the group based end game is focused around 5 man Mythic+, which is just GRifts from D3, and no one wants that.

Great for casual mythic+ and herioc/mythic pugging, progressions mythic raiding will also be great as always; everything else will likely wear its welcome 2 months in and be garbage.

what is about pandas that appeals so heavily to autists?

When are they going to actually make games fun again by offering challenge

Fuck casual gameplay it is for bitches

Main this

I am not prepared.

And it's intro can't top WOTLK.

It is known.

Here lemme post a video of people playing on Shistalrius right now:

fat fetishists and furfags.

>memes aside
But user Legion IS the meme.

I'm referring to casual as in playing irregularly, not difficulty; mythic raiding has consistently been fairly difficult and Legion is looking to support PUGing somewhat with the generous +ilvl loot system


Tigole was the only person with any MMO experience on the WOW team when he made WOW, he knows exactly what keeps people playing MMOs, and he left to make Titan, which ended up being canned and scrapped into Moba FPS

Raiding is way harder now than it was in Vanilla

Oh shit nigga




>only one person at Blizzard knows how to keep people playing MMOs
>meanwhile any MMO that isn't WoW is fucking garbage and dead

resubbed for the prepatch and have been leveling a druid. resto and balance both seem fun and good. gonna try getting into pve in this xpac, since i usually just pvp for a couple months then quit.

Yeah, except mythic dungeons are a second job, I wish they'd create challenging content for casual players again, im so fucking sick and tired of LFR/LFD.

Hopefully the mythic only dungeons are fun and interesting, I would fucking kill for a mega dungeon like BRD or Blackrock Spire with dungeon sets and rare drops that are actually worth a fuck.

1 move every 5 minutes

>loot worth a shit

it's like you havent played in years



nice meme

From what we know of 7.1, it's supposed to have a mega dungeon, we don't know anything else about the scale of it though.

i've heard a few things about a mega dungeon coming in 7.1

It is raiding
Still is loot, should not reward people for afking in raids

Archimonde as final boss round 3 THIS TIME ITS PERSONAL

I am sure he never even got past level 20 in vanilla he is a faggot

Vanilla had no mechanics, the difficulty came from grinding frost resistance gear and mats for fucking months before you could even enter nax.
The difficulty came from telling Mages that they might as well reroll because fire is worthless in MC and Arcane is worthless everywhere.

The actually fights were just tank and spank with maybe one mechanic for 5 hours straight.

>people falling for some dumb fat fuck baiting by saying LFR loot isn't garbage

Mega dungeon in modern wow is a raid with 2 rooms

There will never be any mega dungeons like vanilla ever again

>all legion classes have been pruned down to a 3-4 button rotation
>meanwhile in FFXIV
But seriously though, how can you guys play a game that was so obviously built around being playable by soccer moms and preschoolers? Aren't you a little embarrassed?

You get shit for gear, the only reason people did it in MOP and WOD was for Legendary quest garbage and VP.

Pretending was talking about LFR in terms of difficulty and typing in all caps makes you look like more of an autist than the people who run that shit for gear.




Here we go again

>that was so obviously built around being playable by soccer moms and preschoolers?
Literally FFXIV if the end-game community is anything to go by.

nobody said anything about playing FFXIV

i prefer going into 1 room raids with 25 people who will just barely do any dps and still kill a boss down.

There is no challenge of new wow.

>Tomb of Sargeras raid featuring:
>Brutallus, Mannoroth, Azgalor in the Pitlord Assault encounter
>Dreadlord Council with Mal'ganis, Tichondrius, Balthazar, Varimithras and Anetheron
>Kazzak and Kaz'rogal
>Twin Gul'dan Ghosts encounter
>Archimonde with mythic phase featuring Kil'jaeden

Yeah, you still get gear
they should not get shit.

The same as the last 3 Expansions.

>Art and music seem great, but then again they usually do
>Leveling seems decent enough. Being able to do the zones in any order will help a lot with avoiding burnout when leveling alts, especially considering that you can reach 110 with about 3 zones worth of questing. Also, from what I've seen from the beta, there's quite the decent amount of unmarked sidequests in each zone
>Raiding looks promising
>World quests look fun, and at least gives us something interesting to do at max level, unlike WoD
>Dungeons look good, but they better add some more in future patches if they want this Mythic+ idea to go forward instead of making people burnt out
>Ret paladins are now Arcane Mage meme-levels of retarded, they should be flogged for allowing that abomination to go live
>PvP will probably be hated because of templates limiting playstyle choices
>Holy fuck, they managed to make DHs even more darkedgy emo than DKs
>Devs are still riding the "muh Horde vs. Alliance" cock, even when this expac proves that HxA is just bullshit at this point. Our characters would rather create new, class-based organizations than to deal with Sky Admiral Rogers/Sylvanas/Greymane's bullshit
>Artifacts are a stupid gimmick from a storytelling and gameplay point of view, and will change little of our rotation/gameplay, since most of them are passive "[Ability] now does 3% more damage"/"[Ability] generates/uses more/less [resource]"/"You take x% less damage" bullshit


You may pick one, and only one.

MoP was good

I'm hoping for Illidan to not get ruined too much by his Warrior of Light routine.

I'm also hoping for a little more cross promotional stuff for Hearthstone and some of the other games they have. I keep waiting for Maiev as the Rogue alternate skin.

LFR is raiding retard


>All this insecurity
Play what you find fun. If a challenging rotation is too much stick to 3buttons, there's nothing wrong with that sweetie.

stop spreading this misinfo
he said they would probably add a dungeon
he used "mega" to mean "awesome" not BRD-like
go watch the vod again

Well I haven't played WoW in about two years and I just now went onto my account and found out my account was BANNED, seems like somebody got into my account. It doesn't say why my account was banned, just says "In-game activity" but I'm pretty sure someone was playing on my account.

Already wrote a ticket, I pray they'll believe me and some how can unban it. I'd hate to start all over again, unless I can transfer all my expansions over to the new account and what not. Fuck man, I'm so upset. Also whoever hacked my account bought me a copy of Warlords of Draneor, I know I sure as hell didn't upgrade my account to it but it says it was upgraded to it so I guess it was nice of the hacker to do that.

I really have no idea what the fuck is going on, I just know someone was in my account and it was perma banned, now I have to go through Blizzard support and hope someone can help me/believe me.

the best gameplay yet, with diverse spec representation, ez balancing via artifact trees has everyone actually playing what appeals to them.
a great leveling experience that's non-linear and has you hand-picking content for sweet rewards
finally great PvP and no more "everything single character can full heal and CC lock"
a vast improvement to the garrison system, giving you a satisfying sense of micro-progression without removing you from the server in a private instance all day
actual content for casuals and small groups with dungeon progression
incentive to hunt down gameplay changing legendaries instead of auto-piloting your souvenir legendary statstick quest
beautiful raids and dungeons
great music, of course
terrible story, complete lack of overarching narrative and character/lore consistency.

I'd say WOW is pretty dead now after Ion took over.

Every MMO that chased the WOW formula killed themselves, look at RS3, or the billions of WOW clones.

Then you have MMOs that came out before WOW, almost all MMOs that came out before WOW that still has active development still has a healthy subscriber base., like EVE, OSRS, hell even EQ1 still has a good number of subs, though of coruse you could never compare to WOW numbers.

You must understand, Tigole was a guy who pretty much lived and breathed Everquest 1 for 2 years until he was hired by blizzard, he was the leader of the biggest and most successful yet he was extremely pissed at SOE for doing the same kind of changes to Everquest as WOW is doing now.

it doesn't matter if he hasn't played in years, LFR gear can be titanforged up to mythic quality now

Happens often and you should be fine, though If I were in you I wouldn't play the shit that is wow nowadays, but then again you played still pandaland so you like this trash.

they increased server sizes for Legion so WoD launch wouldn't happen again. you pretend you know shit about what you're talking about and you can't even get the basic shit correct

WoD is part of the baseline game, since... a month or so ago. It might be that.

instead of mythic they should call it loot for babies
or for fags
or for casual fucking idiots

>solo by yourself
Solo generally implies being alone. If you're soloing, you ARE by yourself. Why'd you need to add that?

Ah yes, the strawman arguement.

>Blizzard did something so low pop isn't actually lowpop

>People are complaining about the Twintania Nerf
>They're asking for harder content, let's make Second Coil harder!
>People really like Second Coil let's make Savage!
>Hey, nobody is clearing Savage and everyone is complaining they can't enjoy the story because of T7
>We're gonna make Final Coil so easy everyone can see Bahamut Prime
>People are complaining that FCoB was cleared in a week
>Everyone wants Savage difficulty
>Let's let casuals enjoy the story and have a real savage mode!
>The casuals are complaining that they can't do hardcore!
>The hardcores are complaining that they don't want to learn their jobs!

I fucking hate this game.

>There are people getting excited over seeing other people in cities.
>This is now special.

mythic HFC or mythic dungeons? M HFC is kinda hard past council, mythic dungeons are ez though

Just looking at what they were offering I decided that this was it for me. The prepatch has only confirmed that I made the right choice.

I know someone told me if your account didn't have WoD and only went up to MoP then you got a free upgrade to WoD for no cost, but whoever was in my account wrote a support ticket saying "I bought WoD but I know you can exchange the game key for a free level 90 boost instead." So the person gave them the game key and got a free level 90 boost.

I know I didn't wrote that ticket, it was someone else that's why I'm positive someone hacked my account. This happened back at the beginning of June so it was quite recently, it freaked me out as well.

Ah yes, the "I'm a faggot" argument.

>I know better than Blizzard about their own goddamn game

Neo-wow is a solo experience

>The hardcores are complaining that they don't want to learn their jobs!
What did he mean by this?

Okay but my point still stands. There's no need to include "by yourself" when the word solo already means being alone.

>Those disappointed looks
>That facepalm


What specs/classes look IMPROVED in legion.

Hardmode: no shaman

It's really goddamn pathetic how the people that are the most adamantly against WoW are the ones who played it the most.

Get over your fucking victim complex and get on with your meaningless life.

Its okay newfriend, I know you're antisocial and like the lack of populated servers in your my little pony mount and pet collectathon game that WOW is now.

But show me any server that has even remotely any population left like pic related.

Oh that's right, you can't.


Tigole has no right complaining about changes to Everquest when he and his guild ruined it.

No idea. Tried the beta and it really didn't grab me. Maybe it was because everything you do in beta doesn't matter, or maybe me playing the game since July '05, I'm just tired of playing the game.

Admittedly, yes, it feels like a fresh experience, there's a ton of things that need to be addressed, removed, or whatever else.

only if you don't have friends or can't make friends
arms warrior
fire mage
demo lock
outlaw rogue

>I'm a Healer I don't want to DPS!
>I'm a Tank I don't want to DPS!
>I shouldn't need to use pots and food, I don't have the gil!
>You want me to never miss a gcd? But what if I have to switch sides!
>This fight is bad! I keep losing BotD / GL / Enochian

I just wanna play MMOs again.

All I got left is EVE, and im not a big sci-fi guy.

I will when you show me one instance where an actual MMO that wasn't run by a bunch of pathetic French faggots only had two server options

Oh that's right, you can't

To be fair, pots/food cost gil. Professions were pretty fucking backward in Heavensward.

I find earning gil to be somewhat difficulty outside of farming resources as a BTN.

Death Knight across the board
Restro Druid
Rogue across the board

>they increased server sizes for Legion so WoD launch wouldn't happen again.

holy fuck this is getting beyond desperate now.

you're right it's fucking sad that people think the game was any better in the 2000s than it is now

Unholy DK looks fun, and Windwalker Monk.
Enh looks good, even if not as fun as 6.2's version; Ele is basically the same thing, only now we have to deal with a new resource.
Rogues look like shit, ret IS shit.

disc, windwalker, sub, unholy, bear

It should not be a solo experience, the game should be challenging enough so players will get stranded without players

Blood and unholy maybe. But I think frost will be doomed to its usual fate; good to fairly strong early on in expansions and then falls increasingly far behind as the expansion progresses. It's a shame too because the playstyle is a lot like it was pre DS when Obliterate was the main rune spender, which is when it was the most fun for me.

You mean when he complained that they were rushing out broken content that lacked substance?

> ret IS shit.
>TFW Ret Pally is the only class I main and enjoy RP'ing as

I'll never get off the Ret Pally train, even if it crashes full speed into a wall and the remains turn to ash and scatter into the four winds.