>Tfw we will never get a TWEWY sequel
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I have a friend who owns a 3ds and is into all that gay J-pop nu-anime shit, would this be a decent birthday gift for her? Never played it myself.
>that dialog
Jesus fucking Christ how can people stomach JRPGs?
>Not playing one of the best games ever
Never been much of a JRPG guy myself, I promise I'll give it a shot someday.
Why do they talk like they're typing back and forth in IRC?
hip japanese kids
other than awful dialogue like pic related, I really want a sequel
just a heads up this gameplay doesn't really work on emulators, so if you wanna try it out buying a used copy would probably be the best way.
This is hip-hop/street culture more than anything, so no, I wouldn't say so.
10/10 game though.
>Tfw when one of the best games to date came out on the fucking DS
I played the Game on my ohone and couldn't even finish it. Boring as hell and the gampley was boring too. Just another generic weeb game
You arent supossed to play it on the ohone
Ds/Phone. android version and emulator. the same shit. The game its boring
Nope tje DS is superior with not one but two screens. The ohone port is shit.
Yes, this game is pretty much perfect for such a person.
Not liking something doesn't make it generic.
>unique combat that requires you to pay attention to two screens at once, using both the touch screen and the d-pad at the same time
>strength in battle is partially determined by what clothes you are wearing and how trendy they are as well as what food you recently ate
>you can adjust the amount of difficulty vs experience you gain in battle at any time
>game takes place in a hip and modern tokyo where nearly every song in the soundtrack has lyrics
>that artstyle
How the fuck is this game generic?
When winter comes I no longer need a sweater, for my wrath will keep me warm for all eternity
I'm playing on an emulator . I think its just a game for people who like anime
Who the fuck was this again? I can't remember this bitch, but that countdown was fucking bullshit
I really wish Square would port this game to PC. I'd even take it if it were the iOS version. Sure, its not as good, but it being different would give me more reason to play it a second time anyways.
>same shit
No they aren't. The gameplay is different and some of the music is different. The phone version is also easier.
The game is nothing like any anime that exists though. Like, the closest thing I can think of to it would be Durarara and even that's still a far cry from this.
>Playing TWEWY on an emulator
You're a special kind of retard.
It emulates on phones just fine you mongoloid.
Who the fuck is this bitch?
>emulate ds on phone
Ha! Who's the retard now?
Because TWEWY is basically mid-2000s japanese internet culture: the game
Shit game.
>It emulates on phones just fine
Let it go, user.
It's better this way.
Modern SE would find a way to ruin it.
It was a countdown to a F2P mobile game in Japan that was already discontinued
Twewy is a literal meme game
no one fucking knows. one could theorize that its neku future daughter
You know, this was one of the two or three new releases modern SE (which would be -just- SE) didn't fuck up
>pushing forced memes is a actual game feature required to progress
I really wonder how Sup Forums would've reacted to this game if it came out this year
>Modern SE
>ruining things
Let Star Ocean go user. It was already fucked by 4.
Holy shit, it's another TWEWY thread being shitposted by summerfags who didn't even play it. Go back to consolewar shit
I don't know. When i played it i thought the dialogue was very cringey. Not my kind of Game
Still triggers me.
I'm so fucking mad.
Is this worth getting on phone for 18bux or should I just emulate it?
Get a DS and a flashcart off a thrift store and play it like you ought. No point in playing it outside of a DS.
What was the jap mobile game even like? I can't remember
I really don't recall the dialogue being bad at all. I mean, even if it was on the verge at time, that is accurate to the age group they were portraying. The pic related in OP is from a mobile game spinoff, so I wouldn't count that against it
TWEWY go when, though I'm well aware there will be little to none of the combat mechanics
Tin pin slammer go
Normally, people that complain about the cringey dialogue haven't passed the first week, stablishing Neku's demeanors as something that could go on unchanged in the game.
Dud i'm not going to buy a fucking old dated system like the DS just to play a game. Not worth it, with that money i could buy a ton of Pizza
He exaggerated by saying the mobile version is worthless. But if you have a 3ds or whatever, you can buy the game on amazon for about the same price
it felt too tryhard in trying to be hip in the translation, yet nobody talked like that in years upon the games release year
Awesome music, awesome clothes, awesome plot and characters.
I don't think that is true. I knew people who talked in a pretty similar manner, and I wasn't even part of the culture it was trying to emulate, which I doubt you were either
Yeah, if you can find a DS copy. If not then gift it to her on iOS/Android.
>No point in playing it outside of a DS.
Nope. Incorrect.
The iOS/Android version is far superior to the DS version. I've played and finished the game and both and there's no question.
The only people who will tell you the DS version is better are MORONS who haven't actually played the mobile versions.
gameplay is much better on the ds, and the learning curve and multitasking between screens mirror the themes of the story and the character development in a way that is lost on mobile
the only person who says the mobile version is better is this IDIOT who couldn't appreciate the unique, demanding combat system and who separates every sentence with a line break
only people
This. The gameplay is 'less unique', but it's STILL a unique and fun experience.
Everything else is far superior to the DS version, it's not even negotiable.
Who plays TWEWY for the gameplay anyway
>mobile idiot post an image already used in the thread
You want another, user?
I tried playing this once. I even still have the cartrige sitting just over there. I could NOT get past the completely obnoxious main character's voice
I should probably sell it because people will still pay like $20 for this over rated piece of shit
Yes :)
I just want more twewy content on the board
>Sup Forums won't shut up about twewy and has daily lore threads
>at least one post every thread shitting on it or calling it a meme game
what happened???
Don't we all
>there are people who still haven't played with the undub that fixes the music.
Truly ahead of its time
I know people were pissed as fuck about the misleading countdown, but shouldn't this image be more hope inducing with the implication of an eventual sequel?
>Didn't like the MC's voice
>Game is fucking overrated
>that image
but why
Dude, you dropped the game after the opening, meaning you haven't played it at all
Being a fag is hip user
It's not gay if it's a god.
I hope we get to see RW Shiki cameo if there's ever a sequel, without any impact on the plot. On the other hand, the girl in the teaser is holding Mr. Mew, so I feel like if we were to see her it wouldn't be so minor.
>This is hip-hop/street culture more than anything,
White people actually believe this.
Even when TWEWY came out, the culture in the game was severely outdated as "hip-hop" culture in America.
It's based on mid 2000s internet culture in Japan, which was influenced by what every Japanese teenager thought was cool, which was late 90s American hip hop.
You stupid fucking wigger.
Fair play
so it was based on a bastardized version of hip hop culture that was accurate to the game's location.
Why are you being retarded and claiming anyone thought it reflected American culture when it is set in Shibuya?
I don't get the outdated hip hop dialogue meme, I've been talking like this for forever.
played it enough to know I couldn't make it through an entire game of his voice
He sounds like even minor phrases are just completely blowing his fucking mind all the time, and on top of it it's a perfect blend of whining and punkish attitude that makes for the least likable primary character in my video game history
The game has great character development, so the latter isn't really what you should be complaining about.
Play an undub or something man. Or just play the game, voiced cutscenes are rare and the quick battle quips sound natural.
I know that just about every jrpg ever is a bunch of teenagers running around saving the world, but this game actually made them seem like real teenagers, and not in a good way
The clothing, the way they act and talk, it's like the real thing. And if there is anything I hate in this world it's a dipshit know-nothing whiny cunt teenagers
There are almost no voiced cutscenes. You have no idea what you are talking about. Drop a game after 20 minites if you want, but don't pretend you know anything about it. You don't
>Plays for less than five minutes
>Calls the game overrated
>tfw emulating TWEWY blind
>floored by everything - gameplay, plot, music, characters
>decide to start a new game, and try to 100% Completion
>resort to 100% Drop Rate and 1000 Pin Point AR Codes just to speed progression up
>doing Secret Reports while progressing in completion
>the stupid fucking "Close the Lid" Pig Noise stonewalls me
>haven't played since the time in pic related, because of uni semester the first half of the year and binge-playing Final Fantasy XII for 100% Completion over the summer
I'll get back to it youtube.com
Yes, user, it's about a teenager growing up and learning to understand the world around him instead of being an unlikable cunt with a dismissive attitude. He's supposed to be whiny fuckhead and everyone more or less brings it up.
The game is stylish as fuck though, so I can't really say the aesthetic is particularly juvenile. Everything feels very Shibuya so to speak, although that's coming from an American.
post her pic please
If I wanted to watch that story I would turn on Lifetime
Maybe the phone, single-screen version would be better for her.
TWEWY was the first game I ever 100%.
I liked the game a whole lot that I bothered to 100% it
And then I lost the cartridge.
I've never bothered to 100% a game ever since.
He wouldn't appreciate it cause he has remained an unlikeable cunt. Character arc wouldn't make sense to him
Man, the shopkeepers were so underrated. Some of them were max cute.
>physically losing anything
How is this possible?
Favourite one.
You know how the DS lite has shitty hinges? So one of them broke, but it still worked fine so I didn't have an issue.
I came home from school one day and I couldn't find it. My mom said she threw it out because it was broken.
Guess what was inside.
>implying lifetime has anything but women's issues movies on it
>implying coming of age/bildungsroman stories aren't everywhere and a great genre of narratives
Why even bother shitposting this thread? Game isn't popular enough to get the (you)'s in high numbers, and you clearly donMt know shit about it to have an actual opinion
See, this is why I tell people not to touch anything important I own. And never EVER leave cartridges in the DS
It has been so long since I owned a DS. I remember playing Pokemon Platinum, PMD Explorers of Darkness, and some more games.
And before that, a Game Boy Advance SP with Drill Dozer, M&L Superstar Saga, PMD Red Rescue Team, and some more that I've forgotten, lost to time.
Great, now I'm getting all these feels.
For what could have been, and for what was.
>gay J-pop nu-anime shit
yep this is perfect. She'll even have a small fandom to flock to once she's done with the game
I'm actually somewhat fucking pissed she would throw it out like that what the fuck