How did Bowser get into Peach's castle if he's bigger than the door?
How did Bowser get into Peach's castle if he's bigger than the door?
oh yeah good point
Clipped in through a parallel universe.
He aligned his qpu and hopped universes until he was inside
withdrawing to his shell
QPU alignment
She doesnt spent all day in her parents basement
He's a scatman
part of me thinks Peach wanted Bowser's big, scaly body to penetrate her Royal walls
Haha that's hilarious, also what if the mushrooms got you high
How does the Kool-Aid man deliver fresh nutritious kool-aid to kids around the globe?
>Break down wall
>Whomps fix wall
>Henchmen removes painting from castle
>bowser jumps in painting
>henchman replaces painting
>bowser jumps our
he doesn't. kool-aid is pure sugar
You know that short range teleport he uses in the Fire Sea? That's how
Parallel universes
keep that tail and throw the fucker away
>he got in using only a half A press
Rally mekes you think, huh?
Bowzer isnt in the castle
Did you miss the whole portalpaiting thing?
How did Yoshi get on top of the castle?
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
Nice meme
Gained my full respect and gold "oldfag" badge with this single post/ Well, that's just true strenght of original user for ya.
He used a feather and flew up. Not that difficult to understand.
the same way tyrone gets into your wife's puss
Well I mean, he literally did trap her inside a wall....
Does that count?
Jumped off another Yoshi
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...
He was already in the universe of the paintings, someone brought them into the castle, set them up, and then had Peach kidnapped via proxy.
Did you read thru all these letters? What do they say?
Magokoopa magic.
Bowser litterally trapped Peach in a glass window, not a painting. Not to mention he managed to project his voice from everywhere at once when you first enter. AND got a submarine inside the castle.
On another note, I'm saddened that discussion of this game will now be flooded with qpu alinement memeing.
>On another note, I'm saddened that discussion of this game will now be flooded with qpu alinement memeing.
No kidding.
Isn't Peach taller than that door too?
If she takes her crown off she's fine.
For her
She's a big princess.
>I'll let you in on the secret backstory of the rolling rocks video. Back in January, I got into a fight with my parents, which left me in a really bad mood. Like a really bad mood. I wasn't on speaking terms with my family, I didn't feel like seeing my friends, and I didn't feel like doing anything fun at all. So because I was so miserable, I wasn't in the mood to have any fun with my time, so I figured it'd be best to just convert all my time to productivity, i.e. by making videos. So for 11 days straight, I devoted all my time and mental faculty to making that rolling rocks video. From waking up to going to bed, all I did was work on it. In the shower, while going to bed, while eating - I would just be thinking about what to do next and ways to improve what I had already done. I had no distractions because I wasn't talking to anyone else or going anywhere - I could spend 24/7 in complete isolation in my room just working. That allowed me to conceptualize the whole video in my head and figure out exactly what to do to make the video coherent and informative - what would be explained when, what visuals to make, what jokes to make, how much detail to go into given the time constraints of the video, what the clearest way to present information was. It was a miserable existence for me, but there was nothing else I felt like doing because of my bad mood. Eventually I could have gotten rid of my bad mood, but I deliberately prevented it from subsiding because it was helping me get the video done. And so those are the circumstances that led to the creation of the rolling rocks video - a monument of my torturous ordeal. So now when someone says, "please make another video like this one!", I just think, "please don't make me go through that again..."
I cannot find anything on this. He's a fucking teacher you're full of shit.
You're a lying faggot but you posted best girl so I don't know how to feel towards you.
ok """"Henry""""
literally cringed
Buried deep in the comments section, in response to "Fractifis s". It's like the fourth comment down in the reply chain.
probably pooped an egg and threw it up there
i wonder if it's the same yoshi when the egg opens haha
why is good content always borne out of some kind of suffering
Does that mean that meme gods decide when and who will create memes?
He probably used a QPU displacement after reaching de facto velocity.
I don't like the argument that good art only comes from suffering. But suffering definitely motivates some people.
Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 4 years: 4 YEARS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to Gardevoir or whatever furbait you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're
"epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Sup Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.
He magically teleported in. Either that, or he shrunk down (with magic, a poison mushroom, or some other method) until he was small enough to fit through the door, then regrew back to his normal size.
aw thats a shame
goddamn nice spoiler you faggot
>tfw it's real
That's a shame. He should know that the video is brilliant regardless.
I think his main point with that comment is that the isolated, concentrated work that he put into rolling rocks is something he wouldn't like to repeat. I do think he will still create commentated content - it's just that he won't work 24/7 on a video.
Also, I do think he would create another commentated video. As he says in general, it takes incredible time - but I think, despite
>tfw even your fellow autists don't understand you
His submissions are fucking great.
What is even going on? has TAS competitions where people try to complete some arbitrary task as efficiently (quickly) as possible. Pannenkoek decided to participate and all of his submissions are literal jokes.
>goal is to collect 4 red coins and get a star
>collects 4 coins from different courses and then kills himself and erases his save file
That's pretty funny.
>TAS crawling
>Crawling through that stone path
Shit was tense.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Life is suffering
>using a scuttlebug to collect the star on the death plane
He knows what he's doing.
>teleported all five Bomb-ombs and made them explode at the exact same time right behind him
Any autist can just TAS through the level fast, but it takes a special kind of special to TAS through the level with style. He should have won that, actual criteria be damned.
Holy fuck these are amazing.
No wonder the other TASers seem to hate him, he's just too good.
the game is 20 years old, what else is there to discuss now aside from what our pioneering autist pannen is doing?
>That ending
Are you this guy?
I hear if you stand in front of Peach's castle, looking south for exactly 82 hours, 31 minutes and 23.2 seconds, Luigi will appear from behind one of the trees and wave. You have to be really quick though otherwise you'll miss him.
Nice virus link faggot.
Through her clit.
The world will never know.
I would like to believe it was a combination of the TOR threads where the question "HEY Sup Forums WHAT IF PEOPLE FROM THE BIOWARE FORUMS CAME HERE TO DEFEND THEIR GAME!?" and then people realizing acting like giant autistic sperglords got them attention and replies.
And this spergy child where Sup Forums realized again that spamming frogs and ree gets them noticed.
I know full well this place wouldn't stay the same as it once was in 05 or 06. Change happens.
But for fucks sake what is the point of coming here?
If it's not console wars it's bait threads.
If it's not witter threads it's unrelated video game STORY TIME threads where people bullshit about shit that never happened.
Want to discuss x? Too bad x sucks.
Want to discuss y? SHILL STOP VIRALING
>Discussing games
Now that's a rare occurrence.
He didn't even broke any criteria. He's so fucking amazing the other autists hate him.
with a half a press
>check this 8 nigger
good thread