Your fav super smash bros menu theme?

Your fav super smash bros menu theme?

Here is a comparison:

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Also, Brawl for sure,

Tr4sh and 64 has terrible themes

Melee > Brawl > 4 > 64

wait how did you know this was my first post? XD

The Sm4sh theme gets fucking annoying after a while.

Whereas Brawl never gets old.

I think all smash games have very good themes. i'm not new to Sup Forums btw, i post here literally since 2012

Smash64 had a good theme its just more avant-garde.

Melee and Brawl themes sound very iconic, honestly wonderful themes.

Smash4 theme is also really good but the iconic rhytmic orchestra of smash that appears in Brawl and Melee now also has an electric guitar.


Smash 4's gets really fucking repetitive after a while.

>The N64 one doesn't really sound like much of a theme. But it does give that sense that are in a locker room or something similar. Like the fight is going on elsewhere, and you're just waiting to just to join the fight!

>The N64 character select is like a contrast to what it had before, its getting you pumped or ready to fight. You can now choose your character and jump in.
>Melee has that feeling of being a tournament. The music sounds like something that would play when fighters gather to have a showdown or a competition to see who is best. It could almost play during a montage where an announcer tells you something about every character. While showing small clips of each character doing like a signature or something similar.

>The menu sound effects also help melee a little, as they help keep your attention. The second menu theme, is kind of a contrast to the first. It almost sounds like a reward screen or award ceremony theme. Like it's after whatever tournament/competition happened.
>Brawl conveys something similar to melee, but rather than for a tournament or competition it has that feeling that they are gathered to fight against something. Like an army assembling, rather than a cast of fighters competing. Brawl's menu 2 is the same as Melee's. And it still holds true.
>The Wii U version is the only one I think has the feeling of being a tournament just as much as melee. Only this theme sounds like its more of a friendly or open tournament than melee was. Since the 3DS and Wii U are the same basically, it applies to both.

Aren't all of them repetitive if you repeat them enough times

It technically counts now because of tr4sh.

brawl OP by far and brawl character selection but im not a big fan of any of them

You shouldn't calling it "Tr4sh". it literally improved upon issues that previous smash games had such as poor character balance and broken hitboxes with multi-hits that don't connect properly

Easily Melee's original menu theme.

Brawl's menu theme is good, but I was kind of sick of the main theme showing up everywhere in that game, even at launch.

Sm4sh's menu theme is also good, and it thankfully wasn't as overused in-game as Brawl's.

64's main menu music is fucking weird. It sounds vaguely ominous for some reason. 64's character select music, on the other hand, is fucking awesome (so awesome that it came back in Sm4sh as the match results music).

I don't really like the secondary menu theme introduced in Melee. I don't understand why, but I just don't like it.

You'll live, I dont know what hugbox you came from but you cant thought police people here.

Anyway, Improving on brawl is already a low bar, you're not exactly saying much by saying it was an "improvement". It's really not by much. Giving "free combos" isn't exactly an improvement. The movement is still absolutely horrible, the moves dont connect in any meaningful way other than what the devs let you have, there's no freedom. The shield stun sucks, the rolls and infinite air dodge are cancerous, recoveries have too much priority. It's not much of an improvement in amny aspects.

Brawl wasn't a bad game, it was very fun, it was just bad for higher level of competition.

Also your claims there is no freedom in combos is complete non-sense that only someone who doesn't watch alot of smash4 would say.

The shield stun doesn't suck and you can attack safely if you space your moves properly. Air Dodges are very punishable if you just spam them mindlessly. it's harder to punish mewtwo's airdodge though, but it's still punishable if he spams it.

Honestly you vastly underestimate smash4.

Underestimate how? It's all okie situations and guesses. Saying you can punish something doesn't excuse these overly safe options from existing.

And no, the shield stun is not ok because the aerials and moves all tend to be overly drawn out, have a ton of landing lag, or are just unsafe leading to reverse pressure situations if you try anything agressive. Anything aggressive in this game comes from defensive situations. The only "aggressive" options are non commital safe pokes. It's boring as fuck because if you just go in in this game you get destroyed. The fact that you have to poke with laggy projectiles, or one or two safe non laggy options just makes the gameplay skill ceiling EXTREMELY LOW. You're literally defending having less gameplay options by defending smash 4.

The same exact problems that plagued brawl (OP busted faggot recoveries, lack of follow ups from setups, laggy aerials, overly defensive non commital gameplay, poor movement) plague smash 4 as well.

Dont even try and call pivots, shield stops, and jump stops after running good movement either, yknow its complete bullshit.

Also this is going to be hype

A game doesn't need to have wavedashing to have good movement, LOL. being able to control the run speed and walk speed AND having slides and pivots is more than enough.

Your whole criticism towards smash4 stems from you not understanding how the game actually works. your claim that anything agressive comes from defensive situations is LITERALLY not understanding the game.

Some aerials are laggy and some arent in smash4. most of them aren't, it depends on the move, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, melee has lag too you know.

About your complaints about recovery and airdodges - smash4 is different from melee in those aspects, but not worse. its just different.

N64's menu music wasn't loud and annoying like the rest of the Smash games

call me crazy but i really like the weird shit that is smash 64's music

You are not crazy. tt's great

Brawl has best theme. No debate about it.