How is this okay? Two headshots to kill most of the cast. One headshot and two body shots = dead. All done from the safety of corner peeking being basically completely invulnerable due to the shitty tickrate.
How is this okay? Two headshots to kill most of the cast. One headshot and two body shots = dead...
Work as a team behind Dva Defense Matrix or Reinhardts shield.
Don't forget that when he's paired with Zen he instagibs squishies. Hope you like the new ZenCree meta.
Don't forget that he blows people up in close range too due to his double fan. This dude has no weakness.
Hasn't he made Pharah obsolete in high level play?
>high level play
Tetris has high level play, not sure what the deal is?
Every tournament that has been going on this weekend has actually been decided by Genji. Mcree didn't change much
He's powerful, but that's sorta what he's supposed to be: a high-damage sharpshooter with low mobility and health.
>stun and headshot can kill full health Genjis and Tracers
>mfw they switch after I do it a few times
bye you little shits
Yes. Decided by if the Genji can kill the other teams Mcree.
Genjis Dragon blade is what moves the payloads Mcree is just on clean up
>implying Mcree players can hit headshots
>fast paced arcade shooter
I know what a joke xDDDD overwatch is so le dumb xDDD
It's not okay, he's most likely going to get nerfed again. Blizzard don't know what they're doing.
You don't even have to headshot to win with Mccree since his bodyshot damage is so high as well.
its neither
Fastpaced and skillbased arena shooter is Quake or even COD, not press Q to win
Once you get past the 60s McCree is mandatory and the McCree will headshot you.
I don't think he is game breaking. Bait the flashbang and then most people can 1v1 him. When the team uses him like a turret and just protects the McCree it becomes an issue.
t. 72
>press Q to win meme
You've never played the game.
When your playing against half competent players they know how every ult functions and counterplay is very common. Good timing and team coordination is required and simply throwing out and ult without any thought will either get you nothing or get you killed.
Oh so you've just a shitter. Interesting.
Ultimates get countered by other ultimates in high-level play. It's all about headshots, movement, etc.
To say the game isn't fast-pased is just a lie.
fuck off im rank 74 and 3/4ths of the time the mccree is pretty shit and was doing just as well as any average soldier was before this patch, the only time you see mccrees like the one you mentioned is when you go against the classic c9 premade that is way too fucking common in the rank 70s
>high level play
doesnt exist
>press q to win is a meme
no it isnt
>you havent played the game
>To say the game isn't fast-pased is just a lie.
Anyone who played actually fast paced games knows its not fastpaced.
>Don't forget that he blows people up in close range too due to his double fan
That hasn't been the case in a while. The fan is nerfed into uselessness. It's better just to take the time to aim for the head and hit m1 than use fth.
More like Nanoboosted Genji at high level play pretty much is a guaranteed team wipe.
fan is so god damn unreliable even if you have flash up, i have an easier time just left clicking with him. the only times i have fanned are times where ive been killed
>you havent played the game
Yeah because you haven't, your just a parroting meme spouting retard repeating all the other memes people throw around.
>Anyone who played actually fast paced games knows its not fastpaced.
Quake was my first PC FPS and UT2004 is the game that got me into PC gaming. Yeah those games are faster paced but calling overwatch a slow paced game is just a lie. Again you've never played the game.
You can blow up most people in the game barring tanks with the double fan combo.
He's kinda right though.
As it stand OW is too reliant on ultimates.
FTH is shit
we're back to McCree's left click adventure
Id say its pretty fast when compared to most fps, the only faster fps's i can think of are tribes and quake and whatnot
Get out of here you sub-40 shitter.
Post rank. If you're sub-70 then you don't even know what high level play is.
So he has NO hard counters? Not even Roadhogg or D.Va?
How is this okay? One headshot to kill most of the cast. Two body shots = dead. All done from the safety of corner peeking being basically completely invulnerable due to the shitty tickrate.
Yeah, if they stand still, are on cooldowns for everything and don't see you.
You could punch someone to death as tracer as well if they're dumb enough.
>main Reinhardt
>"it's high noon"
>turn around and see Mcree on our flank
>Shield entire team from his ulti
>Mcree's face when I do this every single time to every single Mcree player
Roadhog, Widowmaker, Zarya if you know how to shield, and D.VA with her new buffs can deal with McCree pretty well.
>but muh broken shooter IS competitive!
Overwatch is the Smash of FPS games.
Slowed movement while preparing to shoot.
Has to wait for a charged shot.
Has to scope, which lowers her peripheral vision.
>Fan is useless
Well it's not as effective as before but it's certainly not useless. If you're close enough you can do more damage than with left clicks. I've seen people not being able to kill after a flash because they don't use fan.
>People bitch that McCree is no skill flash+fan the hammer
>Blizz changes McCree to where you have to get headshots with a slow firing 6 ammo gun to get kills because soldier got nerfed due to script kiddies
>People still bitch
Theres no winning
You have a flashbanh that makes them stand still. Cmon man don't play dumb.
>Yeah because you haven't, your just a parroting meme spouting retard repeating all the other memes people throw around.
No i played it plenty and left it because its boring and shit.
"you havent played it you meme spouting retard" is the only counter any overwatchfag can come up with instead of accepting how bad and casual the game is.
>Yeah those games are faster paced but calling overwatch a slow paced game is just a lie.
Its not fast paced and i've never said its slowpaced.
It between the two.
But nice making up shit there.
>Again you've never played the game.
lol, im so on point. as i said thats all your faggots can say when someone points out how lame the game is
>CS-tier rank faggotry when game gets critized
like pottery
i know more about both high level and skill based gameplay thats for sure ;^)
How are you not getting blown up by the rest of his team when you turn around?
So you don't know what high level play even looks like, cool.
spot on self projecting
Blizzard isn't interested in what's "ok". They'll attempt to appease their "professional" players while regular players get the shaft. This will be true until they actually update their shit servers to have a playable tickrate overall and not just in eSports play.
The only thing low skill about OW is that most of the interesting stuff a hero can do is tied to Lshift and E.
Low skill bracket,.
>high-play doesn't exist
opinion discarded
Why are you replying to him you massive faggot
why are you so invested you massive faggot
Because you're making the player base seem like a bunch of autistic man children when it's actually half decent.
For .7 seconds. If their abilities aren't on cooldown, Reaper, Tracer, Genji can straight up get away and laugh at you or even turn the tables and kill McCree if he reflects in Genji's case, among others.
Flashbang makes them stand still, but it's always better to go for the m1 headshot than to fth these days.
e+lmb will kill tracer.
e+rmb ends with tracer rewinding back with full health and proceeding to do whatever she was already doing, all you did was waste a flashbang and maybe get yourself killed.
Because Mcree players are retards who don't coordinate their ults. Takes 1 second to turn and nullify his ult and turn back to protect from the rest of the team.
The only true threat I find as Reinhardt is a good Pharah or Tracer
also in the 60's
E+lmb always gets messed up when they get stunned in a way you don't anticipate. Dumping with right click is safe if you hug them while doing it. Its all situational.
FTH gets messed up too if you stun them in a manner you didn't anticipate or something.
FTH is only marginally better than lmb if they're pretty much sucking off Peacemaker when you start.
Rock is OP and Paper is fine.
- scissors
Opinion pls:
Mercy gets an option to map her slow descent passive mapped to jump like Pharah and her gas boosters.
Lucio get auto wall riding like genji and Hanzo have for climbing. This means you just toggle tap jump once to start a ride instead of holding.
No problems arise w these options right? If other characters have similar options they can too.