Dragon Ball Gaming Thread 8000

You excited for Xenoverse 2? Have any faves in Dokkan? Want Fusions to come over? Still waiting for Heroes and Zenkai to come over?


This exists

>no yellow eyes
>human face with cat ears
>mis-matched clothes

The fuck is this?

If it still has the same shallow combat and boring as fuck non destroyable environments then it's going to be shit. Even my psp dbz fightan games were better than this shit.
Also no beam struggles.

He has great hugs

So Bardock is an evil now...

Wasn't he already evil, technically?

He was more of a anti-villain.

I want Angry Kamehameha

What if Pan was a guy

To be fair the combat looks way better but the environment isn't destroyable still.

However considering this game was literally made in less than a year, this is about all we could expect.

>his pants and shit is still there

Okay, I could buy the stupid "THE ARMOR IS REALLY STRETCHY" stuff but what the fuck is this, and his hair still resembles his normal hair? The fuck. God I hate when they try to give broly new forms and they do shit jobs at it
It's all just his legendary form too for that matter. Give me his superseded super saiyan shit fuckers

>Note just barely touches Beat and Not-17's hands
>Not-Raditz says "fuck that" and full-on grasps Note's hand

fucking lewd alpha-ass nigga

When Heroes runs out of forms to give Legendary Broly, they'll resort to slowly giving all the forms to regular Broly.

Gotta milk that Broly somehow.

someone has to know where pbx posts now somebody help my dick out

I only know half of those forms, what are the other half?

So Dragon ball heroes and Xenoverse are in the same universe? What?

Xenoverse takes place in DBOnline's storyline, Heroes just takes aspects from the storyline and makes crazy what-ifs.

XV - Age 850; XV2 - Age 852; DBH - Age 889; DBO - Age 1000; DBF - Age 2016

Any of you guys have that pic of Time Patrol trunks looking angrily at C18?

>No cat face
Not furry.

Please I know one of you regulars must have it.
I need it.

I didn't have it myself, but I remembered the filename so I went through the archive for you.

Thanks user. What was the filename?

>he doesn't main best dad

Explain yourselves.


Heh. Thanks again.

XV3 will have gods and y'all know it.

Go 2019!

It only looks good on girls.

I really want Note in a Xenoverse game.

Or at least the ability to make her.

In a perfect world God would be exclusive to girls, while SS4 is the male version of the God form.

NO fuck you I want my SS4 monkey waifus.

Males can have that shitty SSB.

Sure, that's fine too.

I wanna fuse Piccolo and Janemba

>best dad
Gohan grew up to be a cuck.

It's funny, because Mai is older than his mom.

What happens when that old lady who voices Gokou passes away and 1/3rd of the characters have to be recast?

"She said she was over forty!"

I wanna fuse Broly with Videl.

And a Maxi-Fusion with Goku, Goten, Bardock, Turles and Black Goku

In his timeline, she's like 63

I just beat the story to Xenoverse today, I actually really enjoyed it. I'm curious to what they will do with X2 story line. Will it follow some shit in Super?

I still haven't watched Super because I'm waiting for the English dub (yes I know dub blah blah blah)

Anyways I'm trying to collect all 5 of those crystals now and can't for the life of me get the last crystal on PQ 42. I just have to finish it with a ult right?

>Will it follow some shit in Super?
Probably not, XV2 was in production before Super started airing, so any Super related stuff will be DLC only. Thankfully.

Also, super is very bad.

I don't believe this. Super has been out a year and the game isn't being released until October. I absolutely believe they'll have Super, but Supers only original arc they can have is the multi-verse tournament

Also Super is better than Z

Imagine if Dimps made Xenoverse 3 with Heroes' 400+ roster...

>Also Super is better than Z

Look I know Z didn't exactly end on a high note, but come the fuck on.

>I don't believe this.
They literally said so. Super started airing during development, sure, but by then they already had their story and the design outline, they couldn't just go back and change everything to shovel in Super's stuff.

Also, "Z" is still a part of Dragon Ball, and Super is worse than GT, no joke.

Should I just watch it with the Jap voices? I'm just so used to the English dub I don't think I could watch it any other way.

But I heard Toonami was going to air the english dub in the fall of this year (for the dub of Super)

any dokkanfag can tell me when the WT starts

Did...did you really enjoy a battle taking 10 episodes and largely being screaming and non-sense filler?

English voices have always been trash outside of Piccolo and New voice Frieza

I personally think it's so bad it doesn't matter. I wouldn't recommend anyone watch it, but I also wouldn't recommend anyone "save themselves" for the dub.

Honestly I would wait a year or two for Team Four Star to reach Super and save that train wreck of a show with proper characterization and dialogue.

Fuck you super is great

>attack mode Giru
Oh please be playable in XV2.

>and non-sense filler?
Like the entirety of Super?

Who'd win in a fight, Gohanks or Gohanks?


>Did...did you really enjoy a battle taking 10 episodes and largely being screaming and non-sense filler?

Are you telling me you didn't enjoy Piccolo and Goku trying to get their driver's licenses?

Are you fucking kidding me?

I don't get the retard levels of hatred for Super. Is it just because the early episodes have such bad animation?

The multi-verse saga is far far better than GT or Buu or, honestly, even the Cell saga. It actually keeps a good pace, doesn't drag shit on, has interesting fights and shows actual character progression instead of a stagnated status quo of character personality.

And I honestly feel like the Future Trunks saga is looking better than any of Z's sagas except Frieza.

I also feel the animation got way better by the Trunks saga


Well they've already said that the reason they plan to support XV2 for at least a year after release is because they want to spend longer than usual developing XV3, so they've got to have something big planned for it.

is Mai really gonna be in the XV2? like that one time some guy said trunks takes her coat or some shit

>like the entirety of super
So...you haven't watched it?

We're not talking about those episodes. I mean the episodes that are filled with one character powering up for 24 minutes, dialogue banter between that character and the villain, and constant switching to some sort of tiny plot development or info found by the others.

Android and Cell sagas are full of this shit. It served solely to drag fights and confrontations on. Meanwhile in super, almost all fights are started and ended within 2 episodes. Goku does not spend 5 episodes powering up and listening to exposition from Hit, like Trunks or Piccolo once did to Cell

>Playable Giru
>His transformation slot lets him go to defense and attack mode like how Saiyans go through Super Saiyan forms

it's perfect

Beerus and Whis are top tier characters, the tournament arc was great and the future trunks arc is doing excellent, I really don't understand why some people hate it so much

Future Gohanks will be way cooler but job endlessly.
Kid Gohanks will have the power of PLOT but be really annoying.

>Is it just because the early episodes have such bad animation?
>early episodes

This happened what, 12 episodes ago?

>actual character progression
You mean heavy REGRESSION. See Chichi.

>And I honestly feel like the Future Trunks saga is looking better
I think it's the first thing super has done that's relatively interesting, but there's still plenty of room for it to shit the bed. The art is still awful and the animation is still bad though.

>I also feel the animation got way better by the Trunks saga
You're pretty wrong, last episode the art was downright horrid. Worst of DBZ tier.

Multiverse saga was shit
Fighting Tournaments are awful
Where is the sense of adventure? You know, the thing Freiza saga had and Imperfect to Semi Perfect Cell did in spades?

Sorry but when Dragonball came back after years of hiatus I was expecting a little more thought to be put into it.

>BTW here's Future Trunks who is dating Mai for some reason even though there's no possible way that could happen as it was a retcon the recent movies made, and yes it is supposed to be the same Future Trunks because why wouldn't it be shut up and enjoy the show

Sorry, but no.

>the tournament arc was great
Are you joking? The tournament was boring as fuck and the entire Deviantart team was a joke.

>even though there's no possible way that could happen
Technically, it's totally possible it could happen. And let's face it, it's the least bad thing Super has done.

Haven't watched super much outside of some clips. Why is the animation so rough? It's DBZ so it should have a good budget, am I missing something here?

>his SS3 equivalent is a newly designed form for Xenoverse
>he gattais with the Pilaf Machine to become a giant version of himself with aspects of all his forms

>Beerus and Whis are top tier characters, the tournament arc was great
No. Beerus and Whis ruin every scene they're in and seriously need to fuck off or be kicked off the totem pole.
The tournament arc sucked until Goku fought Hit.
Current arc started off strong, but the last 2 episodes have been weak.

Sorry but you either suffer from nostalgia vision or have terrible taste

>until Goku fought Hit.
That sucked too. Hit used timestop wrong so goku could hit him, Goku fought in base form because SSB apparently is more draining than SS3, and SSBKaioken is literally JUST fuck my consistency up: the powerup.

>You mean heavy REGRESSION.
No, I mean progression. See Goku, Gohan, Future Trunks, Mai, Bulma, Vegeta.

>This happened what, 12 episodes ago?
And the Goku vs Black fight was 3 episodes ago and looked fine. The animation gets far better at Future Trunks saga start.

I'm sorry you have crazy standards. Z had shit tier art as it is.

Go watch Revenge of cooler sometime.

>everyones a fucking saiyan

What a crock of shit

Well, DBZ is no longer the main series, that would be One Piece , hell even one piece is getting fucked as well. Same shit happened to the sailor moon reboot

Trumai is the best.

Who'd win this fight?

Because it was trying to be more like Dragon Ball and this series has been channeling more of Dragonball instead of abandoning it like Z. There's far more light hearted humor and fun compared to Z. I enjoy episodes that aren't just about doom and gloom and fighting/ The show does have an issue with tension in that no one so far has been even a challenge to the gang except Beerus, and Beerus is a non-threat at this point. Any tension is created by Goku or Vegeta refusing to take enemies seriously.

I think the worst of this is Battle of F movie.

pretty cure usually looks better than one piece

both have a lot of bad times though

I don't think anyone who liked the U6 tourney is in a position to be calling other people's tastes bad.

>No, I mean progression. See Goku, Gohan, Future Trunks, Mai, Bulma, Vegeta.

Powerups aren't progression.
Same retard as always. Whis makes a point to say he fools around too much, he's still doing it 2 arcs later.
Arguably he's regressed to his highschool days when he abandoned all responsibility as the earth's strongest fighter. During the Buu Saga he learned he coudn't just relax if he was going to be able to protect the earth. Dropped for Super. And duringr RoF they even had him say that again, he was going to train. Dropped again. He's flipflopping all over with no consistency.
>Future Trunks
? He's pretty much the same. He has mai, that's cute.
Good stuff? But she was basically a gag character in DB that only showed up a couple times. Not exactly a developed character in the first place.
Progressed how?
The guy who finally got over his beef with Goku at the end of Dragon Ball is now back to his same old rivalry. He's regressed. And he's getting left behind again, which makes it funnier.

>And the Goku vs Black fight was 3 episodes ago and looked fine. The animation gets far better at Future Trunks saga start.
Dude, DBS has been airing for OVER 50 EPISODES. You don't get to say "only the early episodes had bad animation" just because the last 5 or so haven't had anything too laughable.

And honestly, the art of last episode was a fucking joke.

>Because it was trying to be more like Dragon Ball
And failing miserably. The humor falls flat most of the time. Hell, what is unanimously considered the best arc so far, the Future Trunks arc, is pretty heavy on the doom and gloom compared to the rest. Ironic, wouldn't you say?

>See Goku,
He's even dumber than TFS Goku now
>Future Trunks,
He stayed the same, but he's always been a good character
Her and the Pilaf gang suck
Beerus's bitch
Completely turned around on accepting Goku being his superior, does nothing but train. Is now useless since SSBKx10 is a thing.

If a fusion war were to occur, which fusion would you want as a partner in battle?

Also worth pointing out: in the Cell Saga and the Buu Saga, goku became concerned with passing the torch to someone else, so they wouldn't always depend on him.
Super dropped that completely. Pretty bad character regression here as well. And he's also stupider than ever.

>New voice Frieza

You consider everything else trash, but this is one of the exceptions? Get the fuck out of here.

Jesus user you sure hate super a lot, why do you keep watching?

To be fair, when he saw how incompetent everyone was without him in the Buu saga, he realized how bad of an idea that was.
Him being a literal retard that can't count and barely read was fucking awful.

I don't "keep watching". I skipped more than half the episodes of Super because of how bad they were. Even the movies were mediocre. I only watched part of U6, and have been watching the FT saga because despite the still terrible art, it's been interesting. I hope it doesn't shit the bed. I'm still a DB fanboy at heart I suppose.

Where the fuck do you get wrong opinions from? There isn't anything remotely compelling about Super. The animation even at it's best, isn't that great, and it doesn't make up for it's lows. That tournment arc was horrible, and all of the characters sans Vegeta and Goku have gotten negative development.

I just bought xenoverse without realizing 2 is coming out soon. Should I ask for a refund or just play the game?

Bardock will be the final boss of Dragon Ball.

play it
you can import stuff from the first game to the second

Play it, but use Cheat Engine to skip the worst of the grind.

It's literally four kids playing an arcade game with their Donut Steels, user. No fucking shit they're all Saiyans.

Honestly, their having tails makes it worth it. Fucking Toriyama and his sudden tailphobia.

Do I have to pick out of these, or just any period? Because I'd take Gogeta. That nigger is the only fusion we've seen so far that actually wants to get shit done and won't dick around when lives are on the line.

Hey, some are androids, namekians or Buus.

>Vegeta is too much of a douche to let us have just one canon appearance of Gogeta

>Make "Humanoid" race
>add a checkbox to decide if you're human, Kai, android or saiyan
>access to horns, pointy ears, skin colors, tails, etc

I'd be okay with that.

Point taken, I still enjoy super for what it is though

When are they going to let me marry 18?

Never but if you just want to fuck her well... doujins say Krillin is a legit cuck.