Why does time have to pass, Sup Forums? It's depressing as hell.
Why does time have to pass, Sup Forums? It's depressing as hell
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He's a dad now, and he's happy
Yeah, dude looks great
Time doesn't flow if there is no observer
There is no future or past, only a chain of nows
If you look at the universe from the outside, there is no time
He's 36 years old this year. He's getting up there.
honestly he still looks basically the same
I don't know what the big deal is
it's the hair bro. it's always about the hair.
I don't even know why Sup Forums makes a big deal about his hair when tons of middle age men get bald early. Hell there are even people that start getting bald at their late or even early 20s, James is actually okay.
Is that this year's comic-con? I thought Pat was sporting a beard as of late.
Hes doing just fine OP
>tfw turning 29 in a month
>still have schoolgirl figurines in a display case, and watch moe shit
age is cruel
thats not james
i'm fat, balding, wear glasses and have a bed in my kitchen. why do no hot girls want to fuck me?
its okay to keep a few childish hobbies I guess.
i mean your wife doesn't mind does she?
have you tried introducing your kids to anime yet?
>tfw the avgn's ultimate goal is to become the hvgn
ironically literally just got into that stuff and hated it as a teenager
>your wife
>think about movies, games, or anything
>think "Yeah that was just yesterday!"
>It was 10-15 years ago in actuality
doctor almost killed the baby, they broke alot of things during birth
Move to Japan and you'll fit right in with David and his maids
What ever happened to Akubar? Sup Forums went from 24/7 talk about him to nothing overnight.
>turning 30 in 20 days
>kissless virgin still
>literally got nothing going for me
>can't even wear what I want anymore due to age
I know I should cultivate my seed for the white race, but I have troubles just socializing as it is
Atleast I'm not a cuck.
>The earliest AVGN episodes are now older than some of the people who post here
Is there some meme now that people have to get married and have kids?
>someone took time out of their life to make that
God damn he aged fucking terribly he looks like a sack of shit now especialy compared to mike.
>Implying being an SJW is better
He's gonna take you back to the past...
To play the shitty games that suck ass?
Nigga if you compare anyone to Mike no wonder that person will look like shit.
>james reviews nostalgic things
>he has now also become a nostalgic thing himself
Yeah it's pretty popular meme right now, just started about 5,000 years ago
And died like 30 years ago. At this point it's forced solely by normies such as yourself.
>Turning 23 shortly.
>Autismal friendless NEET.
>Don't see life changing anytime soon regardless of effort.
Wizardhood is gonna be fun.
>that time he posted his dick pic on twitter
Does anyone have a gif of this?
>always worry about growing old lonely because I fucked up my high school years by only studying instead of hanging with people
>read posts like this
>remember I'm in my early 20s
>remember I'm going into my Bachelor's Degree
>remember I still have time to have kids, be the hip young dad, & be happy
I've already planned names & a healthy diet of vegetables & Castlevania to raise them on.
get out, japan
anime isn't anime
his production schedule
>can't even wear what I want anymore due to age
What do you mean?
Plenty of people have no interest in marriage. Marriage in 2016 is not like marriage in 1700 or earlier
No wonder Mike looks so young, the only part of his body that grows is his 12-inch dick
Do you think a 30 year old can wear the same sort of tshirts and clothes a 18 year old wears? On Sup Forums, we consider that very euphoric
I wore khakis & polos when I was 18.
The fuck kind of zany shit did you wear?
I guess if you dressed like an emo faggot, then I get it
You dressed like a preppy normalfag straight out of an 80's movie? Did you also have a towel draped around your neck and drive a golf cart?
Sup Forums considers any sort of graphic teas, jeans, shoes that aren't designer made etc to be euphoric. Also all hats that aren't trucker caps
>being this judgemental over what other people wear
>even the most normal of clothing objects
>while being self concious of what you wear
No user, you were the autism all along.
Because this place is filled with 15 year olds. Many of which will be going bald in the next 10 years. It's easy to laugh when you are young.
Im so happy I never believed the 'watch faggots on youtube' meme
all those months or years I potentially saved
to spend on equally useless endeavors
AVGN started before you were even born.
yeah he's lucky he made it to his mid 30's with hair
>tfw balding at 23
feels bad
>mfw a large number of people I'm acquainted with are in polyamorous "marriages"
>There is only ever ONE woman per group
>thought I was balding
>just a rash that needs medicine
>hair goes back to normal
suicide when?
This is work.
I do that, am 32, and still live with my parents
>in another world the Depressed Video Game Nerd struggles with alcoholism and addiction to paynekillers while putting out increasingly disturbed "reviews" as he edges closer to an hero
My nigger
I wanna fuck her, is that natural?
what do you guys put on your subway sandwiches?
I get Italian and Chicken breast
>doctor almost killed the baby
>not the bitch refusing to eat and take proper care of herself
>tfw 30 and no balding in sight
6" turkey breast on 9 grain with lettuce, spinich, and lite mayo. Toasted of course
My condolences
You just gotta take the blue pill, f'am.
Finasteride restode my hairline with no side-effects.
>watch one of his videos
>Red face, specially the nose
>Jaundiced eyes
Nigga is gonna die soon.
Did James ever go into detail about this? I heard from someone (a mother, actually) at a convention that she spoke with James before and his daughter had medical issues but didn't explain
Not soon enough.
I miss JewWario.
>Older brother is 30 shortly and his hairline hasn't changed in 10 years.
>Not worried normally as a result.
>Also got hit with virtually all of the family health issues unlike him
>End up scared for my hair sometimes.
I don't know what to feel.
>someone makes an image I like
huehuehue, excellent my friend!
>someone makes an image I don't like
that must have taken you all day to make. do you have no life?
>nothing we do in life matters because consciousness ceases after death
How do I cope with this Sup Forums?
Vidya and porn
Well thanks to denial I'm immortal. Give it a go some time.
Spoony has never once in his life been superior to anyone or anything.
James isn't a cuck, at least not any more. Getting Patton Oswalt to throw an embarrassing Twitter shitfit over opinions on a mediocre comedy movie is the last thing I'd associate with a cuck.
Nostalgia Critic's totally a cuck though.
This, shit he doesn't even look older minus the hair.
you'll grow out of it
>Cultivate my seed for the white race
>Can't even talk to a girl
Please don't breed, the world doesn't need more spergs
Start believing any any sort of religion.
Or you may have anxiety, you should go to a doctor and talk to him, it's a very easy problem to fix.
>Why does time have to pass,
All of us will be dead within 100 years
We will never see what humanity will accomplish in 2216, or 3016, or 10016.
>tfw the Ghostbusters nonsense probably slashes 10 years off his lifespan
How can I grow out of a fear I've had since I was 15? It's been 4 fucking years already. The thing that calms me down the most is shooting the shit with my friends.
With either hedonism or stoicism.
Suck it up and live day by day, or forget it by seeking immediate pleasure whenever possible.
>turning 30 in 20 days
Your long journey to wizardom is almost over
>oh his hair is thinning the tragedy
>muh time
Everyone grows up, we all grew up too.
Maybe all the others should look in the mirror and notice all the weight they gained, the wrinkles that developed, and the grey hair that is sparsely growing.
James' hair is only thinning, but he's still skinny and not aging horribly.
He's doing good for himself.
Lots of people put on weight once they get older.
We can't prove if it is true. 99% of things in this world is undiscovered user.
More like gives him an extra 10. He was 100% correct so he was totally vindicated. That blunder still hasn't even recouped the budget for the movie, let alone the 150 million they spent on marketing.
>Nostalgia Critic
Is that guy still doing videos or anything?