Japan: Land of No Fun

>Pokemon Go released in Japan
>Japanese Gov. doing everything it can to shame its citizens for playing the game

No wonder gaming sales suck in Japan.

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>Associate Producer at 8-4

He's not the government you cunt.


Despite producing so much anime and video games that shjit is still very niche in Japan in the adult world. Sure, in highschool and Akihabara it's all over the place, but you're an even bigger outcast there than you are here.

If you're looking to take a trip to Asia spend 3 days in Akiba and then just play out the rest of your vacation in Shanghai which is better at almost everything and cheaper.

OP must be an American, because as all Americans know, the media is the big authority on everything, and the big authority on everything has definitely gotta be the gubbamint.

You literally deserve death if you play Normalfag Go. I can't even believe it's still being spammed on Sup Forums, it's below farmville tier.

>Liking One Piece

Okay, Mohammad.

>I only do sophisticated things for sophisticated adults such as myself
>Like, complain on twitter

Good thing the US government doesn't do that

We have the gaming journalists tasked with that.

>Everyone likes One Piece, but anime is for otaku

>Everyone likes One Piece, but anime is for otaku

That's only because America has shifted to the far left and as such the media, video games, tv, and movies have been taken over by libcucks and Marxist and other radicals such as BLM.

everyone likes batman but comic books are for nerds.

Japan practically runs on shame.

Sometimes it's not a bad thing, but small wonder why they keep killing themselves.

>falling for a fake twitter
Nigger what?

but there aren't any live action shows or movies about one piece.

I understood what he meant. I just don't understand the logic.

>Too much fun
>This is not how adults are supposed to act

Go is cancer though

I preffer people killing themselves than going on school shootings and shit.

Shame culture > whatever the west does.

>Everyone likes wan piss

Shit like the Dark Knight and Daredevil are in, and obviously so.
The actors are studs, they're grim, dark, and hip, they're violent, and they have a lot of adult content.

Same with the avengers, all of the actors are either attractive super models or total beef cakes. It's hip.

I wanted to kill myself when living there too. I was thinking of jumping into the freezing river that I lived by a few times.

I remember that shit

The funnies thing is that if nobody talked to her, she'd be complaining about that too
>My experiences with Pokemon Go have reminded me just how much of a "boys club" gaming is. Bolstered by the hate speech movement "Gamergate", despite that I was obviously playing Pokemon Go and others were too, nobody offered any inclusion or support to me, not even so much as a "Hi, did you catch that Eevee?". I am so triggered by this blatant misogyny and exclusion. I mean come on, it's 2016.

It's a different kind of shame, but it still exists in the west.

With the exception of a few shows/manga like the big 3 and Berserk, people assume you're automatically a shitty smelly worthless otaku if you enjoy anything more than that.

Honestly, it's not that different from normalfags here. In fact, think of it like this: Berserk and the Big 3 are anime's equivalent of CoD and Angry Birds.

What's not to get?
Batman is cool, filtered through the normie machine and made more palatable for average audiences. That's fine, So Batman movies cool, I love Batman. Batman comics, that's kinda dorky user LOL he still has sidekicks? That guy he's fighting looks ridiculous. Superpowers? This makes no sense, how does anyone understand this? I've been reading for over two pages and I don't care to think for myself to make logic of these characters. Non-Batman comics. They make comics other than Batman? No thanks.
Meanwhile with Pokemon, you've got grown ass adults walking around breaking all sorts of social etiquette for a picture of a blob with angry eyes.

You're spot on with how she'd write the article

>Japan and Japanese games are idolized on Sup Forums
>even though Japan hates video games

It's a perfect fit

On the plus side there's way less brown people, violent crime and litter!

Who is this guy?

He says below that tweet that he has 120 or so Magikarp candies. So it's safe to say he's playing and dislikes the media's way of handling things.

>Everyone likes One Piece
Japs have bad taste

It's literally impossible for them to not bitch about non-issues

>Associate Producer at 8-4

This is who we have localizing our games?

I'd rather shame these kind of people tbhfam :^)

I think in japan if you like something, it's not something to brag about and generally kept to yourself. in the west it's more of a social medium that people use and there isn't a strong obsession with the activity itself so much as being part of a fandom or scene

>Media being taken over by unlawful movements
Is that sniper considered a hero then?

They're probably assblasted because Niantic is a western dev.

This. I always talk about my favorite anime and video games at my work place.

>Video games booooooo
>Pachinko and slots yaaaaaaaa

Bomb yourself, Japan.

>Justin Epperson
He's lost his right to speak as a real japanese man.

Normies aren't use to shit like this, they go around swinging their phones like their dicks and talking loudly because they're social people. Pokemon Go is in right now so you don't look like a total creeper for playing it.
Seriously, people are hooking up through Pokemon Go.

I don't understand, do you think he's making this shit up?

>Playing video games instead of working 16 hours a day and then being dragged to a bar for another 3 hours by your boss and coworkers.

shamefur dispray

Only a few Japanese shows are *allowed* to be liked by normal people in Japan.

There is literally no other country that is so self-hating towards it's own media than Japan. They're a nation of cuckolds.

To BLM, yes.

BLM is literally a terrorist movement.



If you really get to know people, everyone has nerdy shit they're into. A fascination they won't tell anyone they're into unless they know you won't be a judgemental prick about. Could be games, comics, movies or some kind of musical artist/genre.

You just have to balance that shit out with normie activities. Like go to a gym or get into sports for example. It gives you more elements to your character beyond just the one.

Never met anyone that thought anything of me liking games after they learn I play football in a club.

I'm UK though, dunno how American normie's are

Yeah, normie anime like One Piece and your fan service anime are totally the same kind of cartoon. I'm sure DB fans love Lucky Star too.

What are you even talking about.

>Sony, one of the biggest corporations from Japan, not to mention a spearhead in gaming
>Japan hates video games
lol.. what? Sales suck in Japan because nips are picky as fuck. They aren't retards like us who buy everything people fling at them. Why do you think there's so much shitposting and, "muh shills" everywhere?

>The myth that things like anime and games are more accepted in Japan is pretty much just that, a myth. Games especially.
Needs to be a banner.

Well it isn't like the suicide rate is high because they're so tolerant.

Konata has a pretty high power level man

I completely agree with you, however, I believe I should elaborate the differences between Japanese and American video game consumers.

The differences between Japanese and American video game consumers are as blatant as the differences between seasons 1 and 2 of Otomoe wa Boku ni Koishiteru (a nod to my fellow Otomoe wa Boku ni Koishiteru enthusiasts). Whereas the Japanese video game consumer is informed and discriminating in his or her purchases and endeavors, his American counterpart acts as a foil, stumbling blindly through the video games department at K-Mart, groping for the first video games with enough explosions or mammaries on the cover to slake their slavering decidedly non-intellectual lusts. Their hunger for Western garbage such as Madden and Halo is fueled by an almost sub-human ignorance that is as profound in the rest of their lives as it is in their choosing of video games. This disgusting display of American mass stupidity is no doubt the result of Christian indoctrination, adding another point on the list of reasons why the Japanese are more intelligent than the West, as contemptuous Western culture has left its people with little more than swiss cheese brains and an unquenchable urge for repeat football video games.

Are there actually any not awful games to play on IOS? Even the shitty anime card games can provide a short amount of enjoyment for me, so standards are low.


Why is a japanaese franchise releasing a new product in their own country after everyone else?

>japan is ruled by traditionalist crazy assholes


They had to link it to McDonalds or else half the country would forget to eat and starve.


Wow, an actual weeaboo. I thought you had to go on gaia to find those.

Pokemon and Dragon Ball are Japans top export. Without them Japan would be a 3rd world country.

Come on man, are you even trying anymore? You were implying he's right in the sense that One Piece and "Anime" are the same shit when they clearly aren't. Would you assume a normie loves Love Hina if he said he likes South Park because they are both "cartoons"? I'm just pointing out that one certain cartoon can be normie enough to not to be nerdy while other cartoons can be super nerdy. It's not that difficult to grasp that, isn't it?

unless its idols
Idols is the one thing you can talk about with your other male coworkers and even fawn over sexual merch

>Justin Epperson

Truly the most Japanese of names.

I'm supposed to be listening to some quack?

Thats retarded, play football if you like it not because you are forcing yourself into normalfag shit

berserk is part of the big 3 now
naruto ended and berserk went to pure shit


Pokemon Go is fucking cancer

But this man is literally everything wrong with the so called "adults": the person. I hope his whole family dies in a fucking tsunami.

two nukes weren't enough

>it's an "American talks about the REAL Japan" episode

Everyone knows that the only Americans who understand Japan are American-Japanese. People who only communicate with Japan in a work/cultural setting have no fucking idea what they're talking about. I bet most of these fucktards barely know any Japanese, never mind being fluent.

It's about discretion
Which goes in hand with respecting other people
Something that Westerners don't understand

I assume it's an island thing. Like Japan They have to something normal to fit into normies if they want to like socially unacceptable things like anime. Pretty pathetic desu. They can't just do something they truly love because of other people.

Too bad the "respect" gets to extremist extremely easy.
Japan bullies you into being a boring conformist retard

Fuck shame societies they should all burn

>Who understand Japan are American-Japanese
Kiss my fucking ass, weebscum. All diaspora know jackshit about their ancestor's country of origin unless they're interested enough to learn about it.

>its a "Im better than anyone else in the thread, post stupid shit with an anime image unironically I have the self awareness of a brick" post

Japan needs games about PROCRETE.

I said American-Japanese, not Japanese-American. As in Americans who move to Japan, live there permanently, have a family, and become citizens. There's a shitload of people who live in Japan as expats but not as actual citizens like this. Exactly like you said, people who aren't truly engaged in their society don't know shit. People who talk about Japan like they know everything remind me of globe trekkers from the early 1900s who visited Japan and thought they were all savages or retarded. These people are anime pocky xD tier weeaboos who should be immediately disregarded when they claim to understand a way of life that they do not partake in.

The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. I am no better than anyone, but that doesn't excuse shitters who claim to be better when they aren't.

"One Piece Go" when?

Hopefully never, one piece is garbage.

Go back to Gaia. Weebs don't belong to Sup Forums.

gaia is long dead

Goes to shit after the time skip.

who the fuck is the faggot?
there's nothing about him when you look him up

But isn't Shanghai a city in China?

>America has shifted to the far left
You have no idea what the "far left" is if you think America has shifted far left. It's barely left-leaning socially, and center-right economically.

You completely have no frame of reference with regard to the global political scale if you think America is "far left".

>the media, video games, tv, and movies have been taken over by libcucks and Marxist and other radicals such as BLM.
Nigger please. If the media really was pro-marxist, it would have been supporting someone closer to the actual "far left", like Sanders or Jill Stein, instead of sucking Clinton's cock, someone who's completely pro-corporate and only took a left-leaning stance on social issues once it was politically convenient.

>that shit about gun control in the pic
Senpai, if you're trying to say someone's Marxist and cite them being anti-gun, then you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Marx's views on guns were basically the same as the fucking Republican Party. That an armed populace was needed to combat tyranny.

I'm not even a leftist. I'm a fucking libertarian and I know you're a retard.

having lived in japan, anime & vg is fringe and universally frowned upon.

The indoctrination of rote learning into a drone job is hammered into everyone 24/7.
Talking to normal average people will make it immediately clear how sheltered they are to foreign ideas and media. Societal pressure weeds out everyone who doesn't tow the line of what's culturally acceptable.

so why the low birthrates
Youd think the indoctrination would include that

>berserk went to pure shit

the sad thing is that you're fucking right and I can't even deny it

holy tits what the hell ? It went from the most badass man against the world story ever to a fucking generic comedy harem bullshit


Requesting the pic of the nigger doing what the cat is doing in this pic.

The problem with all popular manga: not knowing when to end and dragging it for as long as possible, sooner or later it goes to shit.

Hahaha weeb salty about the reality

stop dreaming, a lot of people likes anime because it's awesome, but Japan is fucking shit

anime sucks m8

is this even a real person?

I used to be anti anime but really there are a lot of great piece of work in that medium

have you watched some ? I'm asking non-ironically

Almost like the Band of Hawk

Ive never been anti anime, Ive been watching anime for 25 years non stop

I can tell you that it sucks, outside a very few pieces that are remarkable if you like animation, its just fetish fuel and a time killer for me, but it sucks

ayy lmao

sprsk is an OLLLLLDDD GAF poster from back when it wasn't garbage and lives in japan. He's pretty reliable, though not sure about now. What he's saying is pretty spot on though. Maybe the yakuza comment is a bit much, but maybe not, you know.