>there are people on Sup Forums right now that un-ironically have a Youtube gaming channel
There are people on Sup Forums right now that un-ironically have a Youtube gaming channel
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YouTube is fucking wierd.
Do you ever stumble across channels with 4million+ subscribers and watch their content and it's just some girl talking with fast editing about fucking nothing.
And they're stuck doing it even though they're getting like 10% of their subscribers to watch.
i always wanted to do it but im way too introverted
kinda like gaming related podcasts because it would be like shooting the shit with friends...
just made a podcast with a friend and i regret it. whenever i started talking he looked at his fucking phone, then responds with "HUH WHAT WHAT DID YOU SAY? REALLY???"
he fucking uploaded it too.
thats painful to hear
I have a channel were I upload my shitty music then show it to all my friends who clearly couldn't give two shits, is that worst than having a gaming channel?
I have a gaming channel. It's strictly a fun hobby I have.
That's where most people fuck up, thinking you'll be rich and famous by playing video games and that it'll only take a year. I'm never going to be famous or rich from this. I just really enjoy making dumb videos and meeting a bunch of new and cool doodz.
It's not the channel that's cringe worthy, its most of the peoples attitudes.
recommend some good youtube channels to me pls
I'll shamelessly plug my channel.
I did a breakdown on mighty number nine and how it sucked ass.
wtf i love filipinos now
you have probably the most voice/accent I've ever heard
annoying *
I'm sorry user but it's fucking atrocious.
The voice, half-faked accent and le badly written titles make it unbearable to watch. Jesus fucking christ.
lol I found your channel on my recommended list.
pretty good stuff and I subbed.
had a feeling you were from Sup Forums
i hate people who shill, but i watched your video and subbed
my channel is more of a hobby right now. its way more work than i realized, even though it seems like its easy.
hers my Furi review.
top kek senpai, thanks for subbing.
thanks for the sub user
But user, how else can I bling bling my mad skills if not through youtube?
>tfw your channel has no focus
It's this odd hodgepod of gunpla shit, anime reviews, shitty video edits with changed faces/subs, and the occasional video game upload. Not that I mind since I only have 5 subscribers, but still.
>ksi & H3H3productions in a nutshell except they're somehow popular
Leafyishere is probably the worst offender of "How in the fuck is this popular" content, but ksi is definitely up there. h3h3 is definitely not very good but at least there is a decent amount of effort put into some of the videos.
>Websters dictionary defines...
I turned it off. Please stop using cliches.
>Mic spam is funny lol XDDDD
Come the fuck on.
Why does Sup Forums suck at making entertaining content?
>stop using cliches
didn't know it was a cliche but I'll work on my intros, thanks.
>the video is about mic spamming
t. faggot who doesn't watch past first 20 seconds
>hi guys,
>I turned it off.
thats what you sound like
thought about doing some shit like talk about the origin stories behind different things in vidya like SMT demons and shit.
Would make for a good excuse to get people to unintentionally learn something about folklore and mythology.
And I wouldn't feel like a piece of shit for talking about video games on the internet if it was of at least some value.
Would people even be interested in that kind of content?
This was such a trainwreck at launch. Searches didn't even separate live streams from videos, so you'd see one stream, and ten old ass videos on the screen and it wasn't clear which was which. I think they fixed it later but the whole thing was set up to promote already big YouTubers who also happened to stream and nothing else.
Shameless plugging? What pile of shit would do that.
That guy would.
I honestly just play whats on my shelf and can download for free that my comp can run. I don't care if you watch or think i'm a fag. I'm a guitar teacher, not a pile of shit youtuber.
I just do paraody videos.
T-there is nothing wrong with that, right Sup Forums?
>almost 10 years
>sub 50 subs
>fucks given? 0
that's interesting user. it's hard to market tho, the initial impression I'd get is that its for a niche audience.
so i suggest you start now, so you have some vids by the time persona 5 comes out, then make a vid about arsene or something, so you can ride that wave.
>let's play undertale
>gmod ttt
you are cancer
What kind of filth would violate the sanctity of a Sup Forums thread by shamelessly plugging their youtube videos?
Honestly though, the production aspect is just fun for me. I was smiling like an idiot when my audio equipment came in the mail.
the gaming on YT is way to oversaturated these days to try to get anywhere
literally no one is going to find your channel unless you shill it
where is a good place to get one of those dead cat windfilters?
Swearing like that infront of your mom?
>unless you shill it
for the most part yeah/
unless its so niche you might get it in your recs,
>haha your videos are cancer
>post a lets play BUT WITH HIS MOTHER
We're Serbian.
Cursing doesn't exist in our culture.
I hate doing it. I did it for my guitar teaching channel and got views but hated it. Feels so sell out to me. Soon i'll be doing facevam and acting like an autistic child who freaks out at loud noises.
I hope this is just a bait, and you found that by some accident. Otherwise you might be some of the biggest cancer I've seen around these youtube threads.
Woah! I didn't say anybody's videos were cancer.
if it's just for your friends or because you want attention it's pretty dumb, but putting out there to the public is fine, the people that care will see it eventually
how do you check to see who subbed?
Is Youtube Gaming separate from Youtube?
>there are people on Sup Forums right now that un-ironically go to Youtube for gaming reasons
How so?
I love to learn.
They recently created a portion of youtube dedicated to gaming, but they haven't separated anything from the main site.
Come on user...I was just testing the waters, nothing permanent or anything alright?
>link video on Sup Forums
>10 dislikes
At the top of your channel's page, you should see a bart with "subscribers", "views", and then "video manager". Click on subscribers and it'll show you who has subscribed, but only if they have the privacy option disabled.
That's the only way that I know of.
Can you guys check out my videos, I think this is my best let's play
They don't realize that the algorithm favors bad feedback over no feedback.
They're unintentionally helping you.
It's actually really entertaining, except for the shit wads of WWE2k16 playthrough Vince forced to shill.
What is this?
Holy fuck he sounds like Spongebob
>create twitter account for youtube channel
>34 followers on twitter
>tweet out your videos whenever they're released
>3 - 4 likes on the tweet
>no change in views (0)
>no new subscribers (2)
>no reason to live
And to make it worse, now I have a goddamn twitter account.
>Why am I still here?
>Just to suffer?
>have active youtube account for 3 weeks
>no subscribers
>look at account with 30k subscribers that I just happened to come across
>2 months old
>Dark Souls 3 releases
>I'm known among my friends for my mad skills
>they ask me to make a video
>so I make it day or two later
i know the feels bro
even when this happened i didnt get any views
I've been streaming a lot more lately but I been having the urge to upload a playthrough or two. Would it make sense to upload one of my streams?
lol same. all my "followers" seem to be mostly spam bots of some whores.
about 10 are actual people.
>you will never be a titty streamer
>less that 50 views
>that many people following
>those donations
is it againt twitch ToS to have a pick of some random model over your webcam?
if your sole motivation is how high your profile #s are you are a vapid attention whore and just need to fucking kill yourself
facebook people are not your friends.
Rate my Shit youtu.be
How am I doing, Sup Forums?
I'm gonna' work on my camera editing--specifically lighting and such--for next time, but other than that am I doing okay?
idk what to do with my life. I want this channel to do well, pls
I want high view count to make some money for myself because I haven't been able to get a job in years.
and I hope to actually start getting into film making. too bad no one thinks videogame review editing is "real" editing.
>using a well known band for views
is that still considered fair use?
copyright fuckery on YT scares me
Who knows, I used Daft Punk in one video and it got taken down, yet another video of mine has another song by daft punk and it works.
Who knows how that shit works, considering theres entire albums uploaded on youtube.
It is fair use. You just gotta know what the copyright Owner has bad blood with YouTube. Like WMG.
literally just tried to upload the gta vice city ambient water sounds with a screenshot overlay
instant copyright claim with 0 views
Rate my kino mix
give us a link, I'm interested to see/hear!
I don't understand hip hop basketball videos.
So I have ~900 subs right now and I want to start monetizing my videos but I don't know any of the technicalities about it--would any of my videos get removed since they're all gaming videos with music (from other games) on in the background?
Does anyone here have any experience in video monetization?
every claim is BS
i should be able to appeal right?
I started and stop my gaming channel before there was ever a Youtube G A M I N G channel shit or whatever from 2009 - early 2013.
they wouldn't get removed since that has nothing to do with monetization. though if you do have any claims it will not be able to be monetized.
appeal those suckers. never hurts to try.,
WOAH GUYZ.... check out this awesome little known channel I just found. Super good stuff and a great find my be if I do say so myself. please watch our videos
theres 4
if an appeal gets denied isnt that strike?
isnt it 3 strikes? and account is terminated?
whatever i checked them all and none of them come even close to matching
i watched a buddy upload a video that included 20 seconds of a lionel richie and he got hit with a copyright as soon as he hit "publish."
Usually you'll want to play it safe and check out the label for the band at the time of the recording. If that company is now owned by someone like WMG, try to play it safe and find a cover version or something.
>Why does Sup Forums suck at making entertaining content?
fuck it i'll take a crack at this.
the fullback is this?
Videos are monetized individually at your discretion, and scanned by youtubes automated bullshit in order to determine whether or not it's eligible.
Gameplay videos are usually fine as long as you have any kind of voice critique over it. Unless it's by Nintendo because Nintendo sucks dicks while they fuck youtubers in the ass.
I dont want this feel
oh fuck im working on a GTA vice city playthrough right now
i just gotta make sure to either turn radio off or something
>upload a 10 minute fallout new vegas video
>10 copyright claims
so much fuckery involved in this shit
i wish they would just give exception to game music that is from the game or something
Good to see something that isn't a Let's play.
Subscribed, you better get more like these.
those look like claims not strikes.
if you got a strike, you'd know it. they'd limit your ability to post anything immediately on the first strike and you'd have to wait 6 months to get those privileges back.
but claims can all be appealed and hopefully they drop the claim. if not, just reedit the video or delete it if you don't want them making money off of your vid.
>copyright clam gives you option to play match
>its muted
I saw your content in the last thread and subbed. You're doing well, especially with scripting. I don't think lighting or camera editing need that much work, but as long as you're improving someone will appreciate it. You probably just need to focus on more content and figure out what clicks with your audience and make recurring content out of that.
can claims turn into strikes?
I have music on in the background since I'm a review channel--does that mean I can't monetize anything?