There are 2 potentially good Sonic games currently in production

>There are 2 potentially good Sonic games currently in production

You can't possibly be naive enough to believe this, right?

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Somebody post the Sonic cycle.
Either way the music is going to be fucking fabulous. Muh Sonic CD 2 soundtrack is all I really care about.

>Project 2017
>Colors and Generations were good meme, literally in the trailer

No, just Mania.

All right buddy, now's your time to shine.
I liked Colors and Generations.
Tell me why they were bad.
Convince me and I'll refer to them as average from now on.

Away with your bait, fisherman.

(You)'re too slow!

What the sonic cycle actually is: promising trailer -> friends -> more friends -> stupid gimmicks -> game sucks
what neo-Sup Forums thinks the sonic cycle is: game announced -> game comes out and is anything below a 7/10

Course not, Sonic games were never good.

I'm the kind of person who hated colors levels too shallow, too much slow 2D platforming but Unleashed Day and generations were fucking great though.

Adventure is absolute shit and i don't say this just because it's old, the friend shit is half baked and feels like filler between the sonic/shadow stages.

The people who are already hating 2017 before it even comes out are just triggered youngfags who hate the way classic Sonic looks.

The normies love it, which is what Sega cares about.

Not him but I will go out on a limb to defend Colors. Colors, to me, is the only good 3D Sonic. It's cohesive, it blends 2D and 3D quite nicely, not perfectly, but damn well good enough. I'd gladly play a Colors 2 or something with the focus of Colors.
Generations is inherently bad because it's only half a good game at best. The classic sonic segments are a total sham. Did they even have 2 acts? I honestly don't remember but it didn't feel like it The bosses were unnecessary retreads. They were hardly better than the originals except for maybe Metal Sonic and Silver.
The Boost2Win re-imagining of old stages were fantastic but it's only half the game's content so fuck off and give me a full game or actual good Classic stages on par with what I'm seeing with Sonic Mania.

Funny enough, Generations on PC ended up picking up the slack fantastically through Project Unleashed. To me, that made the game feel whole as I've never experienced Unleashed thanks to werehog bullshit.

>still the boost mechanic
>Wisp gimmick, and not just new mechanic, no, a LEGIT HAMFISTED GIMMICK
>shit story
>lock-on homing still fucked up Unleashed

>Classic physics screwed up
>Casino Night is DLC
>Modern is stupid to play as ever, QTE's like sliding under a rock included
>especially the fucking rails

I really don't even know where to begin with the current state of Sonic, don't even get me started on the Red Rings replacing radical Special Stages.

I'm reading this and all I see is "not muh classic abloo bloo bloo"
>Casino Night is DLC
I totally give you this, though.
You also forgot
>Online time trial bullshit that's completely broken, breaking the achievements for it

Actually, I'm more pissed that it's Generations 2, which is lazy as fuck.

However, the trailer does have me thinking Freedom Fighters, which would be sick, for at least one game.

>Classic physics screwed up
Why does no one complain about this? Made me not even want to play it.

I'll take lazy over experimental from Sega in this day and age. Every time they try something new they usually fuck it up majorly. I'm tired of them reinventing the wheel every time.

Read what you want, but how they managed to make the lock on and rails WORSE than a decade ago is beyond me.

Honestly, the only thing that seemed radically different to me was the spindash. I never got a sense that the physics were fucked. The level design seemed a bit too punishing for those trying to stay on the top though.

There is literally nothing wrong with boost gameplay
Only people shitting on it are jaded CD and Adventure fags

And, that's what Mania is. Not afraid to admit it, actually went nuts when I saw the Christian Whitehead logo. Gonna be fun.

I'm more upset that Sonic Team can't seem to get core mechanics right, more than anything. Shit, they've had plenty of time.

>WORSE than a decade ago
How so? The game actually gives a proper heads-up for when you've locked on to something

Mania can't be worse than Advance games, so I can be hyped for that

>b-b-but advance were good

No, they weren't and you're a tutorial kid if you like that shit.

Jump is too short, momentum was fine enough, but angle/path physics were WAY wrong.

I mean, I'm not saying I never want a new thing again, but I'd like them to take a little break from experimental for a little bit, at least until they find a system that actually works.

And for God's sake Sega, playtest your fucking games.

>tfw enjoy the classics
>tfw enjoy the adventure games
>tfw enjoy a few of the dark age games
>tfw enjoy the modern games
I am literally the happiest person on the planet.
>inb4 liking shit games
Yes i'll admit they have flaws but what doesn't. Every game has flaws of some sort, some bigger than others.

If anything story-wise this is a Sonic Chronicles sequel where everything was fucked up by the time they returned from that prison dimension with classic sonic shoehorned in because lol classic gameplay.

>boost mechanic is a bad thing

Fuck off with this retarded mentality.


You don't get the forward movement that you used to get in Adventure/Heroes, and that's both a learning curve AND causes sequence problems during enemy bridges. Sonic 4 screwed this up, too.


The jump seemed a little on the short side yeah. Though it didn't really ruin the experience for me, or take the fun away. I liked this better than Sonic 4's horrendous job at least.

By angle/path physics, what do you mean? Like, how Sonic is on auto-run in certain sections?

There will never be a Colors 2.
Despite its good quality, is was deliberately made to be a budget game, hacked together with the engine from the Wii/PS2 version of Sonic Unleashed. It was something thta they put no effort in and shoved onto DiMPS to fill in a gap in their schedule.

Isn't it sad that they stop fucking up when they stop trying to reinvent the wheel?

>Hold X for a speed boost that lasts until you run out of energy, and then you have to get an adequate supply of rings before you can use it again.

>Hold down and press jump for a speed boost that you can immediately use again once you start to slow down with no repercussions.

Boost is objectively better.

It's so constant (not hold boost to win, clearly) but so frequent, that it just feels unnecessary.

Same thing with Snaking in MKDS.

Because it was considerably LESS fucked than sonic 4, and Sonic Genesis, their 2 most recent attempts at classic physics

>adventurecucks are still butthurt

Ohhh, I understand now. You mean when Sonic goes up a hill or something and he flies in a diagonal direction. Yeah, that wasn't good.

It's so constant (not hold boost to win, clearly) but so frequent, that it just feels unnecessary.

Same thing with Snaking in MKDS.

Largely referring to Classic Sonic there, not matching the Genesis physics where you can make big jumps with skill/timing. Modern rarely needs that.

Considerably so, in my opinion. 4 was a fucking travesty. Classic felt like a breath of fresh air in comparison. My God I had lost all hope after 4.

But what if both games end up being well-received?

I don't want the "sonic is bad" meme to end, Sup Forums!

I've never tried the classic 2D games, only played the 3D ones and Advance 1/Rush Adventure. Nostalgia aside, any of them worth playing today?

Best Sonic song ever created:

>how civil this thread is

I picked a good night to smoke this cigar. Doin' good, Sup Forums.

Advance 1 is somewhat similar to the classic games, if you liked it you'll probably like them as well.

Show me Amy's pantsu please.

That's not a cigar, that's a cock.

I was about to go out and buy a cigar tonight, but it's raining cats and dogs.

Which one are you smoking man?

>le sonic cycle meme
>hasn't been relevant in at least 5 years

Isn't that how the old Genesis games worked? At the very least that's how the non-Taxman Sonic 2 port worked

Psh, I see them first, dammit.

Well, it's delicious, if true.

Oliva Series V Melanio Figurado (make sure it's the Figurado)

Never fails to hit the spot.

Honestly, I can say that I didn't really enjoy Advance 1. Loved Rush though.

Well, it hasn't been relevant because nobody was hyped for Lost World or Sonic Boom tbqh

Is it? I should break out my Genesis and play again, it's been a while since I've played the real Sonic games. I'm usually lazy and just use roms on my PC.

I'll see if my local cigar shop has some. If you're ever in a head shop, try some kratom out if you haven't. It's good shit.

It still wouldn't apply to them even if people were hyped.
It's a shitty meme

>mfw people are actually excited for a sonic game

Kratom, got it. I'll look for it.

Also Classic Sonic played fairly similar to how Sonic played in the Rush Series, which were generally regarded as the most well done recent 2D game at the time

What a time to be alive, 2017 is looking to be a fantastic year for videogames

Advance 1 is basically a watered-down Sonic 3 & Knuckles, except the physics are worse because the characters feel way more stiff and heavy than the classics and they take a while to accelerate.

The classics definitely flow better than Advance, but if you're expecting something speed-oriented like Rush you'll probably not enjoy them very much.

There's always a high level of anticipation with Sonic games, even if it can't be always described as excitement.

SAdv 2 was basically a prequel to Rush. Adv 3 was CD mixed with Chaotix but worse than both.

Maybe they were patterning sonic advance 1 on sonic 1 physics and not s3&k physics, since sonic in sonic 1 takes 5-6 whole seconds to reach top speed

Mania will probably be the best sonic game in well over a decade.

Not that it'll be 10/10 or anything but just going off of everything else.

Really not feeling 2017, though I didn't think Generations was dog shit.

Sonic advance 2 was a very fast paced game, since it was modeled after sonic 2. Sonic advace 3 had an exploration focus mimicking the larger, more varied levels of s3

Sonic Mania is if Sonic was made during the Saturn era but with heavy Sonic CD inspirations (Studiopolis Zone straight up sounds like something from the CD JP soundtrack)

For what it's worth, big Sonic is a lot funnier than medium Sonic.

I don't really want to make a whole new thread for this question, but are there any other 2D or 3D games that embody blasting through scenery at top speed as well as the Sonic series?

There was that furry game from like last year or something that was sonic



>Sonic Mania is if Sonic was made during the Saturn era
This. It feels like they're taking a ton of inspiration from Saturn-era Sonic art. I've always wanted a game with that aesthetic.
>that intricate level design
>those perfect physics
>lightning shield
sonic is finally back and i'm so fucking happy

saturn era sega is a sad story

>There are 2 potentially good Sonic games currently in production

Sega isn't making Sonic Mania so it's definitely possible.

Taxman straight up said that they're aiming for 32-bit Saturn era with CD and Chaotix influences.

>Red Rings replacing special stages
Oh yeah. I remember all the special stages from Unleashed, Secret Rings, Black Knight, 06, Shadow, the two Adventure games.

Oh wait, they dropped special stages along side conventional classic sonic level structure, and when they decided to make the emeralds a bigger part of the story.

The only 3D game that has classic level structure (2 acts, special stages, boss) is Heroes. Heroes is the true 3D classic Sonic game.

when the fuck was this announced?

No joke, I thought this was gonna be Sonic 4 levels of mediocre until I saw the Taxman logo

I have reached maximum hype