>It's an american level
It's an american level
>sequel never
>you will never rape a child
feels bad man
Forget bloodlines, this is the game I always reinstall when someone posts it.
Look at her face, she's just asking for it!
That damned succubus.
I dare you to type out the full name without hyphenations
What's going on here?
Don't do this. He's trying to get you auto banned
cultural enrichment
Should I ask what game this is?
>no hijab
Into the trash
That seems like an incredibly silly reason to autoban. Why not just filter it?
Hijabs didn't come until nearly 250 years later
Because SJW
You should have seen the VG threads with nothing but USER HAS BEEN BANNED FOR THIS POST posts all down the thread
Under alter something, I never remember this niemcy clusterfuck.
UnteralterBach, kiddie porn game. Story is better than the porn though.
>tfw UAB is one of the funniest games ever and you'll never be able to recommend it to someone outside of Sup Forums because it's about cheese pizza
Wait a minute? The name is autoban?
Did I get a poor user banned for getting me the name a week ago?
Jesus it's like when I got banned for saying nigger. Mods need to not ban for saying a video games name on Sup Forums
Post best girl
I doubt you get auto banned.
She really should stop eating junkfood and do some sport instead.
Lets find out. Unteralterbach.
Wish me luck boys
Shut up! Nele is cute!
godspeed you black emperor
She is fat and dirty.
Oh it's one of these threads
Weed girl was best tbqh
Okay seriously what the hell is wrong with germans?
Slav genes, courtesy of the Red Army.
They wanna fuck children but the law won't let them unless they're refugees.
Bernie And Those Rascals Under an Altar Block
The name isnt an autoban, youre just not allowed to discuss it on Sup Forums because its based off real child models and its basically a pedophilia defense game where it tries to tell you that if youre against CP then youre probably some sort of hypocrite or dumb politician in a very tongue in cheek way.
is it easy to fake your way into islamic families? Memorizing the quran or something? I don't believe in shit, but nothing gets me going like a ghosty girl. Are there crazy rituals like cutting off parts of your dick? Can I answer all these questions with a google search?
have you seen german children? you arent normal if you dont get boner
Wait so is it actually CP? Or just Loli?
German women definitely. I have been to Hanover and every white women was like a supermodel.
But children is just wrong.
Not even banned
I walk back from the maws of Hell
Shit nvm.
Not underages, like actual fucking arab womins.
It was an autobanned word for a few months when the game was released but that's since been removed.
The mods do pretty much immediately shut down any attempt at a General in /vg/ tho, and those usually carry bans for anyone in the thread
Its pretty obvious the creator looks at cp.
i'm afraid not, it's actually _________comedy________
The creator said he diddled some kids apparently.
>children? you arent normal if you dont get boner
Reported to the FBI enjoy your v&
Loli but its in clear defence of cp and childlove, and one girl is pretty much traced from model laura b
List of webms?
convert to islam and move to europe
Its all static pics, its a VN
There has been loads of webms of this game posted here, and none are hentai. What are you guys talking about?
I know none of these people
Is that bad?
Not even the last one? kek
Its a fucking vn.
Its still images with texts.
Sometimes theres a dumb stiff rigid animation of a picture moving. riviting shit
It's a piece of cake to fuck a little kid.
That's the way, it's easy!
Well besides her and Laura
Forklift simulator
You have to say it three times with all your tabs closed and antivirus protection off.
Why were these poeple in the game? any german here?
Hey guys how do I kill the president without the government finding out??
It tries to be, but it still has an underlying message.
i'm sorry man but if you're taking it seriously on any level you're making a mistake.
Think of the adults as the GOP and Hillary.
The kids I think are NN Gravure idols or the kids of the adults I think.
Did madthad play this game?
Kill the government first.
Can you go and be a faggot somewhere else?
gonna need sauce on this shit user
t. my dick
I dont know, can you go be a faggot in some other lifetime and kill yourself?
The cosplay is lame. They look better without it
I don't have an sfw picture of daddykink-chan
More webms like this? Looks like a funny game.
Use saucenao.
You talking about obongo? Send him a poisoned banana.
Wouldn't pedophiles be more left leaning? Or is being conservative good cover?
>was hyped for Laura and weed girl
>they ended up having shit scenes
Who /witches/ here
Based on the most recent polls I can confirm that people of all ideologies dislike pedophiles.
Except, of course, muslims. Muslims are pedophiles by default.
What? Weed girl had a great seen.
Annemarie is a goddess.
No other girls compare.
This is the best girl.
The only one I recognized was the last one and that's a stretch
Most of those are pretty crazy similar.
Are you sure it's okay to post what seems to be underaged BDSM?
This is best girl.
The sister scene was pretty fucked up
How did you get these pictures of me?
The sister was the cutest looking girl
Well I like loli but I'd probably put "doesn't like pedophiles" on a survey.
Bernd und das Rätsel um Unteralterbach
Is it still on the autoban list tho