You will never be an autistic creepy Sup Forums reject making 5k a month to dick around in unity...

>you will never be an autistic creepy Sup Forums reject making 5k a month to dick around in unity, creating a mix between hitman, deus ex and bully with cute anime girls while having a fanbase that largely consists of 12 to 16 year old girls

Say what you will about Eva, but he fucking won.

kill yourself faggot

I know nothing about Eva but I am glad he achieved his dream.

8ch threw his ass to the curb as well

I remember talking to him a couple years ago in a dev thread. Why did he leave Sup Forums?

He's not going to release it because then the Patreon bucks would stop.

Cause we called him out for a being a whiny bitch, amongst other things. Then he went to the hugbox called 8ch for a while, and then just recently they kicked him out cause they got sick of his shit

He got rejected by communities he actually wanted to be a part of, how's that winning?

As far as I can tell he is pretty much a parody of himself, even by 4chin standards. I'm probably a better programmer then he ever will be and yet he gets to make the game of his dreams without any fucking obligations what so ever. It's not fucking fair.

Thats pretty funny, not even the uber autists want him

If I ever become a famous indie dev, will you guys promise not to be mean to me?

so i have a artist friend how do we get into scams like this furry vn?

As long as the game is free and you never post about it outside Sup Forums and make a game that isn't shit, then yes.

actually he left because he was a huge pussy who couldn't take constructive feed back and decided to be in a circle jerk on reddit

Make your fucking game instead of blogging and whining and people will like you
Delete your anime reaction folder just in case

It's a really lucky happening. If you shitpost about it enough here then people will think it's something important and follow it

>Eva is making $5k a month for a Unity game that will be e-celeb Youtube bait and make even more money when released
>Mike Z is $40k in the hole, using Kickstarter money to painstakingly build his own engine, with a team full of animators killing themselves, for a shitty SJW game that will likely bomb

It's like pottery. It rhymes.

>that largely consists of 12 to 16 year old girls
>This is what lonely faggots actually believe

Become the programmer or get a programmer. Your best choice imo is Gamemaker because it is far easy to handle.

Or RPG Maker hentai like the japs do

t. YandereDev

>you will never be an autistic creepy Sup Forums reject
I think I actually won OP.

>autistic creepy
Because that's exactly what the game is about I think he's the perfect dev for it

>painstakingly build his own engine, with a team full of animators killing themselves
>shitty game
You sure didn't make it sound shitty.

I played the demo. The animation is fluid, but the designs themselves are hideous. The only good thing about the gameplay was that it worked. it was dull as dishwater.

just do porn and fetish art.

guess ill start learning then his art is really good and when i showed what people are making for their shitty art he was in we just dont know how to go about it

>Talk a big game
>Doesn't act on it
>"It's not fair you guys! ;_;"

>I played the demo.
Not him but wow, so you played the barebones pre-pre-pre-alpha and found it a bit dull eh? Tell me more about how shit the finished game will be.


>western cuck
>making anything "anime"
At least he's one step closer from removing himself from the gene pool.

Reddit's starting to turn on him too, hilariously enough.

So... How many of you are actually gonna play this garbage?

t. Kike Z

good for him, that's awesome

idk what the guy's supposed to do after this, though

Holy shit, when I thought his past couldn't get worse. How can someone be this bad in social skills?

If his game ever does get finished vs just being 3000 updates, the tears of some people on Sup Forums will be sweet.

What made reddit hate him? I'm curious.

It will just be a Minecraft thing where you buy it, but it's sill early access breaking shit

Duke Nukem Forever was "finished game" too.

I've never actually looked into this, but holy shit, the game has small animal murder and torture?

And I'm sure there were tears for that as well. It's fun to watch people bitch. Sup Forums is exceptionally good at it.

>I'm probably a better programmer then he ever will be and yet he gets to make the game of his dreams without any fucking obligations what so ever. It's not fucking fair.

It's perfectly fair. Regardless of YanDev's personality or history, he's making a game that many people find interesting and want to see come to life. Don't like it? Make something more interesting.

He's been hinting that he's gonna plow on forward with the Yakuza beat 'em up shit despite (saying he wouldn't and) the incredibly negative reaction and that's getting a lot of people riled up. So same shit as everywhere else, really. Refuses to listen to any criticism and his attitude flares up as a result, etc etc.

People with the yandere fetish are trash, just like their fetish.

At least they aren't diaperfags

It's the weirdest thing. I'm big into yanderes and yet Tharja does nothing to my dick. I wound up going with Tiki.

>Yakuza beat 'em up shit
Is he a retard? He is literally going to change entirely the gameplay of a game that already got fans.

I guess he will kill his own cashgrab soon.

>$5,036 a month
>He won
I make around 4,250 after taxes, and I am a college dropout. Do I also won at being an average Joe?

I agree but yanderefags are more rampent, furry levels of rampent, diaperfags are the worst of the worst but they are mildly contained.
Do you shitpost about your fetish everywhere? If not you are one of the acceptable ones.


Maybe. The thing is the cash isn't from us or Reddit or 8ch or weebs or anything like that. Pewdiepie found out about the game a while back and did videos on it, kicking off the LP fandom for it.

A lot of the money he's getting is from kids. He tried to defend this on Sup Forums with "this is a good thing because I'm fucking over PDP fans" like that's something to be proudest.


Hold up.

Is this Evaxephon, the old trip/namefaggot that spammed his streams here constantly?

The one that looks like a 13th century Jewish troll?

Can I also get a life update on that toothless Jammku gaylord?

Yes, good job user.


I don't think i have ever seen a game shilled so much that the majority of Sup Forums hates
There was undertale but still

Why the fuck are you even trying?


Yes, it is. He's making a Yandere game where the set-in-stone Senpai is, no shit, an idealized version of him. He even originally considered voicing Senpai himself.

I just want you faggots to know I'd use this site to shill my game and once it gained traction I'd throw every single one of you niggers away and pander to bigger fanbases like Reddit, Tumblr or autistic children.
I understand what Notch and Eva did and I'd do it in a heartbeat.


sup Sup Forums

>creepy Sup Forums reject

that's redundant

Is anyone else genuinely excited for the game? I remember the excitement and fun of the original threads, but it's all gone now that we know the dev.

I still want to play the game, I'd gladly pay $2 for it when it's done.

He was a faggot since day one. I stopped reading his circle jerk threads after he started narrated the drama of him being a faggot after his favorite independent developer gave him some constructive criticism. Then, PewDewPie played his unfinished mess and every 12 years old started following him and he grew an ego bigger than a fusion of Trump and Obama. He also loves to say that he's a one man team, but he basically has cucks who work for free and do his job for him, from animators to artist trying to piggyride on hype, if he even put them on the credits, oh, but what I am saying, the won't be no credits because the game will never be finished.

>Set in stone
You can fully customize his appearance and gender.

>mix between hitman, deus ex and bully with cute anime girls

Is this legit? Maybe I will give the game a try then.


Nothing wrong with BJD and dressing them up.

It's fucking them which is the weird part.

Yeah, it's the spitting image.

Keefers was better

I'm not seeing the resemblance tbqhf


>A project starts on Sup Forums
>A project gets attention on Sup Forums
>A project is posted about on Sup Forums
And yet modern Sup Forums wonders sometimes why nothing ever gets off the ground here

Inb4 dev or shill or whatever other super creative dismissals

>autistic creepy Sup Forums reject

that nigger is as normalfag as you get

garden variety v poster with some marketable skills

>while having a fanbase that largely consists of 10 to 12 year old boys


>That nose
Sup Forums was right yet again.

So what? It's pretty easy to be successful with shitty ironic meme games using unity marketplace assets, good for him.

>garden variety v poster with some marketable skills

I have genuinely supported on Paetron several porn games that got fully released and were worth every fap promised.
Although Yandere is not among them. (It's just not my fetish)

What are you gonna do about it nerds?

Also if you're gonna ask for leaks their already out.

Didn't he say he was adding in Senpai customization?
That's about as generic as an anime schoolkid can get.

>And yet modern Sup Forums wonders sometimes why nothing ever gets off the ground here

Stuff does get off the ground. It's just that any smart dev knows that once an idea gains traction, the best thing to do is to leave Sup Forums because nothing attracts shitposting more than something that's popular.

>Make a good chunk of money
>Have a reputation for a popular e-celeb game
He can do whatever he wants after this

What's your job user


Touhou1990 bought me a mouse once so I can never dislike the guy too much.

I know the indie community embraces diversity but this is ridiculous!


and? obvious normie

This explains why all the other characters are just her, but with swapped ugly, over-the-top neon-colored hair.

Diesel mechanics. It is like an mechanical shop, but for trucks. If I actually finish my studies, I can get paid $44 an hour.


>ugly, over-the-top neon-colored hair
Eva didn't even make those himself. He got his fans to pay for someone else to do it for him, and that guy recently came out against Eva on a forum.

>new update video
>game now weaves together relationships between students in school causing special cases.
>only thing people are talking about are protesting the Tarantino anime blood splatters and killing cats
Why did this game have to become a meme?

Why. Why tell people this.

Are you familiar with the term "pity party"? That defines the essence of evaXephon's existence.

If the guy still got paid, then I don't see why he would be upset about it.

he's upset about how the game was handled, how eva was a hack and how he would sperg out every time the guy offered to replace the store-bought assets

You're giving him way too much credit thinking he made that in his own image.
It's an asset store model.

I'll give this a shot.
I saw a bit of footage and I could oly think of Naughty Bear.

Also, rampant*

Anyone have that picture of Xeno saying how Sup Forums is a piece of shit and in general just sperging out?