Just got diagnosed with an autistic disorder. What are some good games for us niggas in da spectrum?

Just got diagnosed with an autistic disorder. What are some good games for us niggas in da spectrum?

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Total war.

Stardew Valley

>an autistic disorder
Full blown autism, Asperger's...what else is there?

And isn't Asperger's just "on the spectrum" now? High-functioning or something?

delete system 32 and hang yourself

or rust

Hearts of Iron 3


Aspegers can range from medium to high functioning, its mostly just salvageable autism, shit is clearly there and the though process is the same, they just won't tard rage you for touching them. Shit like difficulty seeing eye to eye and such can vary, but usually if its spectrum, its aspergets.

Sonic Adventure 2

Hey, wanna make some NPCs?

Whatever you played before you literal autist

So redpill me on autism?
How comes it has such a BROAD RANGE? The way news and reports treat it, it can be anything from a serious disease that affects motor functions, and the cerebral cortex to just a mild introvert behaviour.

It seems it can be just about anything.
>He post on Sup Forums
He has autism
>He likes anime
>he cannot associate with others
>He legit cannot speak, or empathize with people
>He cannot stay still; makes violent, sudden moves; screams his lungs out for no reason; cannot control his movements. He cannot look at people right to their faces because he says it causes him unberable pain.

Autism seems to be a lot of different diseases and disorders ranging from OCD, ADD, to soemthing as serious as brain damage, but the kind that affects motor skills, not intelligence.

>he fell for the autism meme

Well, there's autism which is a wide range of mental disorders, I'm sure you can look it up on wikipedia. Then there are weird kids who are introverted and pretend to have autism online for attention.

Hold up, I can't be seen playing the same old shit now that I am in da spectrum. I'm rolling with the real niggers now.

I have seen videos and reports and it only confuse me:
This is a girl with autism:
CWC was diagnosed with autism.
A Sup Forums moderator has autism.

Then what the hell is autism? None of those cases are similar at all.

All I can tell you is that it has nothing to do with being an introvert or extrovert.

This, also check out other games from the same studio.

>He fell for the "deny scientific consensus and decades of study because it's a bother to change my prior conceptions on how things work" meme

>he fell for the "he fell for" meme

I was recently diagnosed with autism too but that was after years of being aspergers anyway.

Autism as a definition is actually pretty cool, because it has alot of range. It's more often used as an insult, but it's also used to describe people who do really detailed and cool/crazy shit within small niches and it has also become a sort of comedy style with stuff like tales gets trolls(probably others I'm not aware of).

Autism as a word has added alot to culture in general.

>be aspie
>whip myself into shape
>nobody knows I'm an aspie, and can't really notice
>CDC or some shit removes Asperger from existence.
>now I'm a high functioning autist
>go to have surgery done
>look at doctors computer
fucking kill me

What they all have in common is that they have trouble communicating and forming relationships. Autism is really fucking broad. Seriously just look it up.


Factorio, SimCity, Farming Simulator, rhythm games, D&D if you have friends

I think it's being used as something of a catch all diagnosis these days.