>Enemies can open doors
Enemies can open doors
Other urls found in this thread:
>enemies are can openers and you are a can.
He just cut his taint open. Check the Cwcki, guys.
>enemies are doors
Did he do it himself how is he not dead from infection
He wants a pussy, and it looks very self-inflicted.
>Enemies are HONGRY
He's literally going to get a huge infection and die or have to get castrated holy shit
it's in the same spot as the taint ring.
look on kiwifarms
>mfw there's a picture of it
jesus christ he's gonna die from his retardation
Is it really? It looked further down.
In a world.
Where people can be raised to be so delusional.
That they mutilate their own taints to become women.
This summer...
So... who's going to call the paramedics to chris's house?
He was probably denied Sex Reassignment Surgery so now he's gonna force the doctors' hands.
link to the article? or at least post the article title
How do I search for it?
Nevermind, I found it.
The word is "un-clit 2.0".
So this is it. Chris has reached critical levels. He is really going to kill himself this time.
>I have eased and cured the worst of my autism
This clearly doesn't show that
What if the infection kills him?
>playing SOMA for the first time
>high as fuck, pitch black room
>thought that looking at the monster made you lose the game (i think it was a feature in Amnesia?), so constantly hiding from monster and not even looking at him
>run into some security office, close the door, turn off the lights and hide in corner
>sitting in corner of room, heart pounding
>*sound of door sliding open*
Do you think that Chris decided that he was transgender based on the fact that its the new hip form of mental illness?
Autism/Assburgers was so the 90's/00's
this is insanity.
>Autism is not a mental sickness that needs to be treated
Liberals... never seen Chris-Chan.
>Enemies can open doors
>nobody even posts a fucking picture
He's doing it because he thinks he'll get lesbians. He's said this a lot, ever since some troll told him to "get in touch with his feminine side."
He has a perpetual look of someone who is eternally confused.
If anything if you have played Binding of Isaac, he seems to be the real life Isaac, a lot of fucking weird disorders inside what could be mistaken for an average human male.
here faggot
Sorta. He's so terrified of boyfriends that he's scared to become one. The transgender business is nothing more than part of his quest to get laid.
im fucking dying from laughter
It's not worth seeing user
I think it's some mix between his desperation for a female, thinking since no girls want him they must just be lesbians, so he'd have better chances as a woman, and his hatred of other men (specifically those better than him) so severe that he doesn't want anything in common with them, including being a man himself
I'm positive he did it because he thought he would have better luck picking up women as a lesbian tranny.
I'm more thinking that his female persona is an means of disassociating from his autistic self. He hates being chris deep down and wants to be someone else. It's like when molested kids develop fursonas.
Who the fuck ever said that that was the case? This has nothing to do with politics, no shit it's a mental sickness. You can't just fucking cure it though, it's a brain defect.
And they say transgenderism isn't a mental illness
Can someone post a barf reaction image for me?
It ain't that deep.
>abilities are taken away
It's hilarious that random quotes from people complete change the course of his life. Wasn't he originally Christopher until a Mall Santa called him Christian on accident?
This, I was on the fence about this until he made a video asking fans to join his lesbian slumber party,
What are some games that let me descend into madness?
>Try to force myself not to click
>Takes a few seconds to load and remains a question block
>Feel relief that it wasn't the picture
>Click it again
>Whole picture fills my screen
Well that was a terrible experience.
Play tetris upside down/
Chris isn't transgendered, he's fucking retarded.
Chris went to the mall when he was about 6 or so and talked to an animatronic band. I guess the lead had a voice box and was monitored by some dude backstage who could hear kids that approached and talked to him. Chris, being Chris, mumbled his name and the dude misheard it as "Christian." Being the retard that he is, this was ground for a legal name change.
Eternal Darkness.
That would be ascending.
>having spoilers on
Don't forget to watch the documentary if you haven't yet. We may be seeing the end of an era.
Fucking Chris.
>The Chris Chan story grows ever darker.
>enemies can open doors
>they will open locked ones you can't open just to reach you
Thanks guys
Stop shilling your crap documentary. If people want to know more, just read the Cwcki.
>Its fake
Damage control
Its not mine. It's just fucking fun to watch.
Is...is that right on his poop hole? Human anatomy doesn't work like this
Chris thinks that anything he shows proof for can be instantly denied and everyone will believe him.
I can just imagine a single, plump maggot crawling out of that hole.
>>Chris isn't transgendered, he's fucking retarded.
Isn't that the samething?
It's directly above his asshole.
No, it's right under his sack, you can see him pulling his balls up to get that shot. He had a piercing there didn't he? So pretty sure this is an infection that's started from that.
spec ops
If there was ever an argument for that, Chris would be it.
They are better off listening to the Father Call
Best showing of Chris's insanity
Probably because that's how his life situation has always worked. :(