How do people even play games like this or GG? Just looking at the tutorial is nauseating

How do people even play games like this or GG? Just looking at the tutorial is nauseating.

it's fun

What do you mean?

Like, visually?

BlazBlue actually has a really good tutorial, though.

>can't pull the most basic input in a fighting game
man this is some low quality bait, i feel so bad for you that i'm gonna give you a (you)

this meme again

>Can't even make it through the tutorial

What about it is nauseating?

Personally, the Arcsystem Works games are my favorite fighting games. The aerial movement and number of options in any given situation makes it so fun. I also like how most characters have their own little mechanic to differentiate them from similar characters in the genre.

People aren't huge faggots like you, op.

Learn the bread and butter first.
Don't bother with combos until you get gud at basics.

Like Dorf fort, losing is fun.

I know that feel. I couldn't get past the tutorial on KoFXIII because they wanted me to do a "Dream Max Special Cancel" something or other.

Rising Thunder's got the right idea - simplify the inputs and see who's actually skilled at the game, instead of who's managed to memorize and spam strings of twenty commands.

Its not bad but aerial combos are fuckong hard I thought tekken had hard combos.

Nice b8 m8, I r8 it an 8


>Rising Thunder's got the right idea
How to spot a ginormous pleb right here
There's a reason why nobody takes that game seriously.

I bet you also think naruto/dbz games are fantastic fighting games that should be played competitively instead of just party games.

How come I can play BB just fine but GGXrd I'm suddenly unable to air combo effectively and my ground combos/mixups are suddenly way easier to slip up?

aerial combos are fine. It's combos that require one or more dashes that always stump me.

>instead of just party games
Do you think Smash should be played competitively?


Someone explain how anyone can pull this off in a real match

I don't know enough about it to care.


Don't try to do it all at once. Just work on each part progressively until you have it down, then work the next part in. It's a bit tedious, yes, but its a great way to work on combos (if the execution is what you are struggling with).

Pratice, lot of pratice, on both sides.

Practice. And that picture makes it look WAY more complicated than it actually would be to execute. Once you reach a certain level you understand which moves chain into each other anyway so its not like you're memorizing a 50 input sequence, but instead just inputting a set of related moves.

Also, trial mode combos usually aren't well optimized.

If I recall that correctly, there should be something like a turbo/cinematic/auto-combo/whatever-they-called-it mode, if you're too unskilled to master the standard gameplay.
Same thing happened with the Jojo Dreamcast game.

Play the first game, the best version of Continuum Shift and drop everything else (at least if you care about the story)

I don't even like anime but the second game plot had some actually interesting parts, all the protagonists were well characterized and the soundtrack was nice.

The last game's story is just so cringy, it's weebshit overload and I actually fucking SLEEP each time I try to play it

Not even joking, I was never able to stay awake for a full hour of that shit

Truly a shame

Come on pull out your deadspike senpai

The same way you'd do a giant speech in a movie or play - practice part by part until you've got everything down.

Getting good to play at a competitive level in fighting games is like getting a college degree. Gotta put in a lot of effort of you want to do well.

Try for 5 mins, fail, give up, and start shitposting on Sup Forums about it

>Play the first game, the best version of Continuum Shift and drop everything else (at least if you care about the story)
>Playing fighting games for the fucking STORY of all things

How are the VNs?

I have the three mainline BBs, but have yet to touch the story in CP, because I want to recap first.

>I play fighting games for the story


I'm glad that KOFXIV is dropping HD in favor of a less stupid max mode.

Why not play a fighting game with an actual scene? Or at least one without arbitrarily retarded inputs.

so in a fighting game situation where i have been knocked down and the opponent can grab overhead or hit low and all these options are currently avaliable to them how do i le predict what they will do

You react.

mash dp

Roll away? Depend on the game, knockdown are full of mind games.

God smash players are so obnoxious. Go fuck off back to one of your containment threads.

I think you posted the wrong image, we're talking about fighting games here, not party games.

I think KoFXIII should have given you the option to put the combo down the left side of the screen a la Guilty Gear/BlazBlue/Persona instead of cluttered up at the top, makes it look harder than it actually is.

>Sup Forums claims they're hardcore at video games
>Can't even do a simple quarter circle forward
Fucking pathetic.

To be fair, the game's mechanics aren't that hard but they always use the longest and most absurd names to describe it and the tutorials are garbage most of the time.

Not a fighting game.

GG and BB have very generous hitstop. Linking shit together is incredibly easy, and the games aren't quite as fast as they look.

Blazblue has rolls so you can just roll out. If you're playing with a friend you can learn their habits. If you're playing in a tournament most matches are played with multiple rounds and sets for you to learn your opponents play-style. If the start-up frames on their move are long enough you may also have time to react.

Both of these are acceptable.

how am i supposed to reaction tech a 14f throw in a game with input delay netcode and how am i supposed to dp as a character with no invincible moves

Think back to the previous times you've been in this situation with that player, and try to guess based off of that. Aside from getting stuck in an unlockable set up, there's no 100% guarantee what's going to happen next

Depends on the game.

In what OP posted you can tech roll through the other player taking all options and possibly having him whiff a grab for a punish.

>everyones talking about fighting game
>and then this nigga walks into bragging about a party game

that's such a dumb input display font

You tech throws by looking at the screen.

Think about what the guy you are playing has done before and make an educated guess. If they try to get you with something meaty, just block appropriately.

Option select for throws, either learn to react or switch to a shoto

Git gud.

The challenges are almost completely worthless, and not useful in real battles, so don't even bother.

Probably why you have such a worthless, valueless (same meaning because you're too dumb to understand so I said it again) and gay opinion

You should set yourself on fire before hanging yourself from the branch of a poplar tree you faggot jizz bitch boy buttfucker

Okay anime fighting games have a high skill ceiling.... but this image has got be fucking bait

Wow, I've never seen someone get so mad over someone else disrespecting fucking DBZ and Naruto of all things.

It's actually not less stupid, and they're also getting rid of drives, so if you don't fucking get that max mode shit down, your damage output will be nothing.

>fighting games
This is more like a visual novel, anons
You actually spend like 10% of your playthrough with actual fights, everything else is dialogues and choices

That's pretty interesting, BB has a solid gameplay for a fighting game (more solid than a lot of western games of the same genre), they can sell it without any kind of story and it would still work

Instead they ship it with a ridiculous amount of plot, at the point your barely fight at all if you play the story mode

And the thing is, it even had its fucking enjoyable moments before going full weebshit

I can't either. It's hard and just not worth it.

I'm mad as fuck you lotion wearing faggot

>Blazblue is a visual novel

Please leave this thread be

We aren't talking about the arcade game, user.

Not my fault if they're selling the console/pc version with a huge visual novel attracted to it.
Since that other user isn't clearly able to master it as a fighting game, might as well considering the rest of the contents offered by the game.

Post yfw you first pulled off a real combo that wasn't mashing even if you never truly got gud at fighting games

When I said HD, I mean that entire system, drive included, though drive on its own isn't too bad.

I disliked HD for the fact that for the big damage, you had to do some obnoxious HD loop, whereas Max mode just lets you do another basic string, with an EX special or two, then super for your damage as opposed to some needlessly drawn out juggle.

People that complain about motions or combos make me laugh.

They haven't tasted true despair, being able to do every motion and most combos but having a slow reaction time and thinking too slowly to ever being able to beat anyone but low tier players.

Shit felt like 2D Tekken with all the juggling that was going on whenever someone activated HD mode.

Post you reaction time, faggot

If you are speaking of Okizeme in GG and BB, learn the matchups and figure out most of the player characters Oki and then counter it with whatever you need: block, throw, dp, whatever.

UNIEL is harder to do combos

Learning is a process that takes time. You go from
>find idea
>understand idea
>implement idea
>take feedback (via ingame or from other players)
>repeat until you win SBO

>tfw Central Fiction isn't getting a dumb.
>Yoy will never hear Patrick Seitz INFERNO DIVIDER again

It hurts anons

I like literally none of the characters in BB. The whole thing just feels like a second rate GG.

>both my brother's and my face as I took 50% of his life with a single Makoto combo in Third Strike
>our faces again when I did it a second time in the same match


I like puppet kid but can't be bothered to learn to play him. Maybe I will in the next game when it comes out.

But user, /fgg/ told me that BlazBlue doesn't have okizeme!

hakumen looks good imo

Haven't heard that meme since calamity trigger, you must have been here for a while

You're not supposed to start memorizing combos from the get go. Learn the basics, get comfortable with how a character handles/their hitboxes, learn simple combos and then slowly start learning the more complex combos. Otherwise it's too overwhelming and you won't really have a solid idea of how to use them outside of practice.

How about you stay there. There is literally only 2 good people and everyone else just shitposts like it's r/kappa lite

Ability to react to mixup =/= reaction time
You're just making excuses where you should be practicing identifying a mixup and responding correctly.

Even Tager?

>time you take to react =/= reaction time

I see

That's not gonna change. All the KOFs are like that when you trigger the anime mode (MAX, HD, old stock, etc).

>not realizing it's a Gintama spin-off at best
Why don't people watch the only likable anime

It's like the third popular thing in nipponland and its series are normally occupying four-five places in the top 10 japanese anime series, according to critics

you don't react to moves, your body does. You train your muscle memory to press buttons on certain visual\audio stimuli.
If you're trying to process everything you won't block\break shit.

>identifying milia's mixups and responding correctly

you do know why milia blocker was made right ?

>There's a reason why nobody takes that game seriously.

What reason would that be?

Literally what is playing online

Boring characters and cooldown on special moves mostly

Also the fact that it's canceled and will never release

there's always Tekken

While I understand that on the intellectual level putting it into practice is another story, I never had to train that side of me in my life and I am way too bad at this.

What would you like to see in the next Soul Calibur?

Younger girl with bigger tits overall, and a new loli

> I never had to train that side of me in my life and I am way too bad at this.
this is why you're bad and you get better by training. If you don't train you won't get better. sucking is the first step on the road to become good.

This is a legitimate Indian shitpost.