Sup Forums is the real enemy

>Sup Forums is the real enemy
What did they mean by this?


>Sup Forums thinks Sup Forums is the reason why it's shit

I used to consider Sup Forums my homeboard, but it just became worse and worse as time went on. Sup Forums's still worse right now, but I could see it changing pretty soon.

Degenerates faced with the realization that they are degenerates but not being able to cope therefore inventing a phantom.

>Cyber Vermin
I didn't know Ghost browsed Sup Forums.

So the same thing that happened to Sup Forums after 2007 is finally happening to them huh.


Why should we care about what a bunch of weeaboo anime watchers think?

Honestly he's kind of right. This thread is a good example of the kind of Sup Forumsermin that go to Sup Forums. Sup Forums really is getting worse and the shitposts are noticeably like the ones here.

Polite sage for not vidya.

Screw the meta board I want my board wars back

Everyone hates Sup Forums.
What a surprise.
People hate the worst board.

>other boards blaming us for their shit quality
Every time.


>Sup Forums shitting on literally anyone else

Back to Sup Forums, you piece of shit.

An optimistic point of view
Things seem to stay the same on here. It's just a different flavor of bad every time.

Sup Forums has fucking awful taste in anime, who cares what they say

>"Observe the Sup Forumsutist out of his habitat. So engrossed in the environment he once knew, is now withering on his own stupidity"

I don't think Sup Forums has ever been good, but at the same time I don't think there were half as many fat threads before we made that comic. Now it's non-stop thickposting.

>Sup Forums can't tell them to fuckoff
Nigger I see in threads where it's not even called for. Dunno why Sup Forums is trying to take the high ground when they need to get rid of their tumblr infestation.
At least on Sup Forums people own up to how bad the quality of the board can be instead of Sup Forums thinking "nu uh it's not us it's them"

I browsed Sup Forums for 3-4 years and it is by far the whinest fucking board on Sup Forums

Sup Forums is a steaming pile of shit too but at least most people know it's a steaming pile

Sometimes I get upset that I have over 2k hours in DotA 2, but whenever I remember that some people on Sup Forums have put double that time into watching moe shit, I'm comforted slightly.

Has Sup Forums ever been good?

It's always been a shitposting and circlejerk board like Sup Forums but with anime related posts.


Maybe they have a point.

>implying containment of boards is a bad thing
Crossposting is like race mixing, it seems tempting but everyone would really hope if you didn't.
>inb4 Sup Forums

That poster is absolutely right. I have visibly seen Sup Forums's quality decrease over the years.

>What did they mean by this?
You know damn well.

Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/ are pretty much the bottom 3 boards. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are better, but only by a tiny, tiny margin.

Sup Forums is shit but its still not as bad as Sup Forums

and mindyou i dont even have a problem with what is discussed on Sup Forums, but the board culture and the way people started to format their sentences got extremely obnoxious around 2014

old Sup Forums was still cancer but at least they could format a sentence or two, new Sup Forums and new Sup Forums is just 12 year olds spamming trump memes

Funny, because meta threads (confession threads included) flat out had people revealing the contrary to your post.

This is ironic, right?

Fine, let's try to have some civilized discussion: the Sup Forums way.
Who's you're waifu, user, and why do you love her so much?
Hard mode: Why does she love you so much?

The holy trinity of cancer +1 is Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/.

Sup Forums is easily worse than Sup Forums is about being able to stay in containment, not that the guy in OP pic is wrong.

Well you're right,
I think /cgl/ is even worse than that though too.
Probably the worst board bar none.

Yeah, it's ridiculous how they attribute everything bad in the world to a trumped-up, demonized bogeyman and claim that anyone who disagrees with them is an outsider in league with the enemy.

Why, that's just plain delusional.

Pol Is at lesast funny 90% of the time. /v is shit 85% of the time.

Is it actually hard for you to grasp that this place is overrun by underage redditors?

No guys, it's ok.
Reddit's not that bad.

I laugh everytime I see an Sup Forumsnon on /qa/ talk about Sup Forums being one of the best boards when half their threads at any given time are waifu threads.

Anyway, mine is from a manga that no one read, here she is. I like her because she's autistic and loves swords like me.

Sup Forums bitches about Sup Forums more than Sup Forums

all Sup Forums does is feed itself into a coma of memes until every thread is consumed by them and then they chill out before starting all over again

it's like Mass Effect with the Reapers over there

This is pretty much how I feel. I gave up /r9k/, I gave up Sup Forums, now all I have to do is give up Sup Forums.

The only good "big board" is Sup Forums. Because at least those guys pump out tons of OC and don't format their posts with Sup Forumsermin and Sup Forums lingo. They do their own thing.

If a board just so happened to be removed entirely, what do you think would happen? Would they spread out like a sack of spider babies, or would they vanish entirely? Keep in mind that different boards have diverse groups of people with different mindsets.


They most definitely do not.

>Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums
I really want to know what Sup Forums looks like right now, is it full of waifufaggotry and moeshit?

I know we are still not as bad as /vp/, but that cap is just too retarded for me to fully believe it.

The general problem with boards is that when new people pour in, they start acting like the stereotype that they have about the general opinion of the board, and that has certainly hit Sup Forums hard. It was never good, but now all those meta-jokes have became more or less reality and it's impossible to say anything without getting buzzwords screamed at oneself.

All that "Sup Forums hates video games" stuff is lightweight when compared to that shit.

Sup Forums has been filled with Sup Forums crossies since the dawn of time, the biggest problem on that board now is that the majority of the posters are either former/current Gaiafags or current MALfags. Sup Forumsermin is the worst and most unironically chuuni insult I've ever seen, Sup Forumstards worked better because it draws a direct comparison to Sup Forums.

Considering what happened after /r9k/ was first removed, they flood other boards with their cancer and do irreparable damage to them.

Been browsing both boards for a decade and while Sup Forums more or less stayed the same angry shithole since 08, Sup Forums became more of a whiny circlejerk. Only in the past few years have they had the "Sup Forumsermin" boogeyman and it only happen.s when fags don't share the same opinion. I've seen Sup Forums, Sup Forums and even old shit like me doge meme posting that get free passes but if you don't agree with their shitty opinion, prepare for the tears.
Its also ironic that they cry about Sup Forums yet still post over here, as if crossposters haven't existed since the start of the site. A decade and you really believe people only browse one board? Get fucking real.
tl;dr: fuck Sup Forums

Honest question, how many of you actually believe that telling someone to fuck off over the internet will make them do it?

Yeah but it's OC of the same three memes over and over again for five years

Depends on a lot of things. If /po/ got deleted then it would probably take months for non /po/ users to notice.

The most annoying shit Sup Forums does is avatarfag with headshots of trump.

It's like people who use Simpsons reaction images, 99% of those posts will be cancer no matter what.

I find it funny how Sup Forums considers itself a quality board, even when there's no real reason to do so. How do they manage to tell themselves that without realizing that something is off?

Fucking racists.

I refuse to believe that anyone is still using Gaia in this day and age. Next you'll be telling me that we have a problem with Myspace users.

On that front, Sup Forums always struck me as a bunch of grandpas railing on about kids these days and the things they do without realizing that the kids had moved on from that decades ago.

It actually is, if you look at their accounts you'll notice none of their posts are even remotely similar to that, they were just ironically shitposting on Reddit so they could screencap themselves and post it on Sup Forums constantly.

Waifufags are literally cancer.

I dunno, Sup Forums still seems much better moderated than Sup Forums.

But u guess that's comparing a little moderation to no moderation at all

I miss when ebaum's was still around. It was more fun to scapegoat them than reddit

The mods need to to do an experiment someday. Ban people who post on Sup Forums from the rest of Sup Forums for one day. Then follow this by Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /r9k/, etc. This way we can determined which one is shitting up the whole site.

Sup Forums is the best board on Sup Forums though

When you have denizens spamming loli guro porn in shit threads, that tends to speed up the process.

Ban evasion is too easy, especially since most shitposters are mobilefags.

They hate it so much they can't get our dick out of their mouths.

What a surprise.

>people who post memes from other boards
I saw someone a while back on a smaller board who was legitimately confused when someone kept going REEE. He deduced that it was some kind of false flagging signal used by a certain group of morons trying to push their agenda.

Why was Keit-ai banned from Sup Forums

I'm happy Sup Forums mods let us have our subtle vidya clothing threads, too bad Sup Forums bans them


I miss Naruto threads turning into GET threads. Honestly, Sup Forums would be better if we could get all those kinds of dubs that got disabled.

I think of boards like /po/ as so separate from the rest of the site that they barely even count as part of Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is at this point the other three's stale meme dumping grounds.


People complain about Sup Forums now, but comparing 2016 and 2015 Sup Forums with the utter shit and lowest of the low that was 2011-2012 Sup Forums, at the height of ironic shitposting, Sup Forums is much much MUCH better these days.

It was the worst of days and the best of days (a few weeks after Sup Forums and /vg/ split was the best Sup Forums has ever been since 2007, then both all fell to shit)

Point out where he's wrong. Sup Forums posters on Sup Forums are fucking cancer, same with Sup Forums posters on Sup Forums. If you post on one, you shouldn't be allowed to post on the other for 48 hours.

>Keit-ai banned from Sup Forums

Holy shit really?

What did he mean by this?