This is a Japanese character designer

This is a Japanese character designer

This is making me hard

Aoba is not for sexual!

She missed puberty it seems

I want to cum on her pajamas

I want to design a baby with her.

Rule 34 says otherwise

I wanna fuck this legal adult


**Sexually appealing characters

Same thing.


bullshit she's just making NPCs

Why is that little girl working and not in school?

I want to design characters with her, knowwhatimsayin?

Go away Hifumi

No she isn't. She is a character artist, not a designer.

pedo thread in disguise

yeah the character designer sleeps naked

I want to impregnate Aoba and make her raise a child alone!

Calm down Tyrone

I remember you

No, you don't.

What the fuck do you think the C stands for in NPC?

Yeah I do

No you don't.

Yeah I do


No you don't.
Go away.

>all these animefags who have never even read New Game!'s manga

Every fucking season

Yeah I do

Is this the equivalent of a game getting a pc port and a flood of undesirables come in?

Respectfully disagree

>i-i-i liked the anime before it was cool

Yes I do, dad.

I don't really like reading 4koma

This is a Japanese college student

I must be a fucking Japanese super centenarian then.

I though that was a designed Japanese character

Is this why New Game threads are complete trash? Crossboarders?

Technically she's a 3d modeler. The girl without pants does the actual design