Kojima tried to warn us but we didn't listen
Kojima tried to warn us but we didn't listen
Not like there was anything we could do about it at this point or when this game was made, the system was rigged before we were even born.
Warn us about what?
How american government and politics aren't really influenced by people rather is decided by other people in the political establishment.
You'd have to be 10 and stupid to not know this already.
No shit that's why I said this.
It's comforting for simple people to imagine some all powerful force behind everything when in reality we're just a bunch of cunts on a rock hurling through space
Meh, sometimes I wish I could go back to being a simple minded person not worrying about the people who control life around me, but after waking up to reality I can't go back
About the (((patriots))).
well you obviously can't read, that's simple enough.
I think you also misread, how do you not believe that there are people who control the way of life works here? There are powerful people that tend to rig american politics for their own benefit.
because cnn told me so. hillary rodham clinton wants what's best for the american people, so that's why him with her.
I'm not here to prove anything wrong, I'm just saying that you think you've come to some sort of realisation of a world where everything is wrong when in reality you're telling yourself that nothing truly can go wrong because someone behind the curtain decides everything that happens.
>tfw tried to emulate mgs2 but it ran like shit and kept speeding up/slowing down
I'll keep trying but I've just started Snake Eater in the mean time.
Why the fuck are you emulating a PC game for?
We'll thanks to wikileaks and the recent leaks of hillary's emails it shows that the dnc has been against bernie sanders the entire time despite the fact that bernie was more favorable for a choice of candidate than hillary clinton. Not only that some of the delegates were given to hillary clinton because she won't make any real changes to benefit the american people.
Well is that not how it really is? how does it not seem to be that way?
No skateboard minigame on PC, dumbass.
it was from a stupid game that had it's writing so far up it's own ass
you seriously believe that crap?
And you really think Bernie's policies would benefit anyone but the most corrupt, you little lost summer child?
How is it not real? Please try to prove me wrong.
>you seriously believe that crap?
Not him but what reasoning do you have to believe against it?
>implying im a bernie cuck
I wouldn't want bernie as president.
I don't argue with Sup Forums. They deny facts.
the timing of the newest "leak" seemed too damn convenient.
He was the best choice out of the leading 3
The conversation with the AI at the end about censorship and memes was a lot more relevant to life going forward than anything Johnson said.
I-i-i'm no burncuck! I swear!!
Why is everyone so afraid of differing opinions?
Yeah, that's why it's caused resignations, because it's a bunch of crap. Do you live under a rock?
If it wasn't legit why do you think she resigned then?
I skipped that conversation because it was the Roy AI talking.
what the fuck are you talking about?
Because politics are now high school tier agoraphobia
No bernies policies would drive the country further into the fucking ground, don't automatically assume that I support bernie because i mentioned that the dnc was against him, they are and they don't want some guy who is against political establishment.