Is this the worst monster added to Generations?
Monster Hunter
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Nah. I'd give that title to Malfestio. It's not much fun to fight as a Blademaster and totally trivial as a Gunner. It's a shame too, because I love the idea of an actual bird rather than yet another wyvern.
Maybe they could reuse his skeleton for something more interesting. Like an eagle
Best monster added in generations?
I'm hr5 guys and need a hammer armor set, been using the bulljaggi, any ideas?
I like his armor set.
Creative and colorful
But I enjoy tama's looks more, though haven't fought him yet
This. Malfestio has some 10/10 animations and concept but the actual fight as a blademaster is easy as fuck and the only complication the fight has is that he keeps moving.
Thunder-bug-wyvern is fun tho'!!!!
He's such a silly spazzfest.
Great to aerial the fuck out of.
Plus it's a rath fight that doesn't go like every other rath fight does.
Yeah, I hope he comes back for MH5
>Create literal actual factual very fun to fight against monsters in 3/3u/etc
>Reuse the old shitty monsters because nips and their nostalgia
Topples. Dude. And aerial jump off his face.
How good is Vault anyways? My kill times are crazy fast with his armor and aerial dual blades.
I thought the way he used his wings were neat, although the lightning columns can be pure bullshit
>same problem
>got it through a random drop and a cat at the same time
>made his set and weapons
That's y aerial. So u r never on the ground long enough to be colum raped.
I feel shame that I actually enjoy most of the dromes.
It's pretty good too, at least with aerial hammer and sns
They follow a predictable pattern, and if you stay behind his head, they are pretty much a non-issue
10% damage boost while airborne
Ends up being stronger than AuL when the weapon is 200 or above, costs a lot less too
>have nostalgia for Tri, my first MH
>no wroggi, baggi, or jaggi
>no peco
>no barioth
I guess they needed the space for more tigrexes and cephadromes.
I'm guessing they stack?
I started with 3U so maybe it's just I haven't been exposed to them very much, I would ask for a game with all the raptors but then it'd just be raptor hunter. However one or two dromes and a few aggis woudl be great, I just hope they keep Maccao around, he is great.
Why is aerial Hammer so fun to use?
Are there any good hammer armors in late LR?
Yes, but I'm unsure if there is a vault/attack set
You it only takes 5 gem slots to get vault from nothing so you could build for other skills but gem for vault
I mainly use maccao for stamina drain so vault is really just a bonus
Because it's really fun.
khezus are lewd and gross
knowing them, XG will have at least two more accaos
>KO mode is harder to hit than not-KO'd mode
If aerial hammer is fun, is aerial hunting horn fun?
Only if you I don't know
I guess I'll just have to try.
Someone pls halp.
>aerial SA
the shogun caenataur one
I just finished the first three of the flagships.
Gotta say, I think Gammoth is my favorite by design, but Astalos was the most fun.
Also, I went to check it's armor/weapons, and turns out it's got my two mains (hammer & gunlance) AND they're pretty nice looking.
The armor actually looks pretty sweet too, especially with that Chain Crit thing and it's weapons having natural 15% affinity.
Gonna have to kill me a fuckton of these guys.
>Aerial IG
So this is what it's like to be French.
how the hell do i get wanchovy for that fishmongress request? do i need bait for this shit cause i didnt fish up a damn thing after like 10 mins
No. Bubble cunt is boring as fuck and poses 0 threat.
Monster Hunter, huh?
What that game about?
meownster hunter senpai
You cook meat and manage a community of cats.
Farming and raising a family.
Yeah but _he's hella cute, though
A lone hunter's quest to become lord of all cats
Definitely the best raptor
>has a unique gimmick
>looks more than just a bigger version than their lessers
>does unique attacks
I would rank Maccao > -Aggis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Dromes
Hell I'd take a recolored subspecies since they're colorfully feathered
For your debating pleasure, V3 is now complete, using the most recent times.
>Halfway through the Prime Premium Sashimi quest I realize I'm having fun fishing
>having fun fishing in a game about hunting
What is wrong with me.
Bow is absolute shit.
Well fishing is like hunting, but on a really small scale.
Are bombing cats useful?
another GTA clone fampai
I would, on occasion, fish in Dundorma for about an hour with all my best fishing shit together. I could do it with my eyes closed, even.
It's 9/15 on Hellblade, that's mid-tier.
>Gunlance virtually dead last every time
>tfw your favorite weapon is shit
I got the reference don't worry.
Dude I don't give as hit. Monsters are for slaying not for being cute.
why did they turn Lagi into a death stun combo monster
>Make armor set with Ranger and Hunger Negate
>Spend fishing quest doing nothing but fishing for 40 minutes
It's relaxing compared to the normal hustle and bustle.
I just got Generations. Did the weapon attack stat calculations or something change, or does the Iron Greatsword actually have the same attack as the Iron SnS?
Don't give up hope, someone might end up updating that eventually. Keep in mind that these time attacks are not set in stone and, not only that, but those three monsters are the only ones with a full set of time attacks for every monster.
...I wonder why.
it's not a big difference for a casual player
skill with a weapon will matter much more than how good that weapon is compared to others
motion values are no longer included in the display
the old numbers were white lies anyways
Shit concept you mean.
Not original like yians or gypceros.
Not an original actual bird like qurupeco.
Just a giant owl with shit tier flair and color scheme.
>Favorite weapon is just considered good
>not overpowered and not okay
Best area to be.
>It's 9/15 on Hellblade, that's mid-tier.
Being not the absolute worst on SINGLE MONSTER does not make it mid-tier.
I can't use Striker SnS, it feels like shit without the charge attack, which I use for positioning. Is the third Hunter Art REALLY that necessary, or is Striker SnS good for another reason?
Weapons display true raw instead of display raw now.
All the weapons before had a hidden modifier that multiplied the "true raw" to be what you saw in the forge and your status menu.
It helped people not make assumptions that each weapon dealt the same damage before they learned about how motion values worked, but they always had similar true raw values for similar weapons.
I've been hunting loyally with my Swaxe for 75 hunts by now. Only been using it. Someone recommend me their favorite weapon/style and why I should try it. This is my first Mon hun game.
Daily reminder
Ah, gotcha. I'm okay with that. Smaller numbers are easier to grasp and can be cooler. It's more hype to deal 25 damage in Paper Mario than to deal 6000 damage in Final Fantasy.
how are the lagiarcus weapons in this game?
Striker LS, Prowler, Aerial GS, and Aerial DB are all great fun
In previous entries, every weapon had its own unique "weapon value", which would artificially bloat the VISUAL ATTACK POWER only, without actually affecting the stats. That was a thing done in order to give people the impression of "Ah, so this weapon will be this much stronger than this other weapon on average", but in the end it was stupid.
This way makes it much clearer that every attack uses a different percentage and weapons with similar attack powers are probably going to get similar kill times, within a range.
Point is, tiering weapons is dumb. That's three monsters out of goodness knows how many. While it may be shit on the other two shown, that doesn't mean it's shit on all of them.
i love that feeling when you finish up the village quests before heading online and everyone is still in the starter gear. i showed up with the shogun ceantaur gear with a gore magala palico armor and the randoms were in complete awe.
Adept LS is fun.
Guild GS is great.
Adept DB can be fun
Aerial Hammer and IG are amazing.
Is it just me or is Adept LS legit one of the most fun playstyles in the game?
I know how you feel, I cannot use striker DB, not having archdemon mode just feels wrong, plus I don't like being reliant on dash juice.
It's not you. Adept was made for LS.
Is Adept SA the only one that doesn't feel like it's sword mode central?
being able to use the arts faster thats it
Thank you friend
>TFW Can't even draw simple monster doodles like those on the right.
I knew it. It just feels so right. I've been trying to improve so I can stop relying on Sakura Slash, but it's hard to let go of how damn stylish it is. Critical Juncture is pretty stylish, too.
>play with randoms at hr3 trying to hr up
>topple hell
>guy I played with start in 4u invites to room
>snowbaron lagombi
>broken horns
>broken chest
>assholed looked like a devilho fucked it
>trapped and capped
>all mexicans, didn't understood anything they said
These games are 100x more fun with friends who know how to play.
Not LS shitters who think they should hit head and topple the SnS/Hammer/CB user trying to stun the fucker.
Fuck you LS users, go topple some fedora fags instead
>There are wild moofahs
>there are people in this thread that have killed moofah
Also where do I dress up the baby moofah and the poogies? I just got an outfit for them.
I kinda find it shitty with people who know how to play. I just did a bunch of quests with 3 other competent players. Half the monsters were just stunlocked from full to dead. Boring as fuck.
talk to them and there will be an option to dress them up
Not like you can do that trick to Elder dragons and higher mobs.
Only shitty monsters that can be raped. And it's so satisfying.
That's weird, it just starts up the petting minigame.
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
you might be mashing too fast, because there's a menu that pops up that allows you to change their name and costume.
>Love my snowbaron armor
>At level 7, it just has something like 350 defense
>Meanwhile, level 2 hellblade already surpases that
Should I? Also fuck HB Glavenus, he doesn't even have the baller Glavenus theme
fucking kirin. shit tier kelbi elder dragon. what a dreadful fight
Striker SnS