Shall we gather for Whiskey and a Dishonored thread tonight?

Shall we gather for Whiskey and a Dishonored thread tonight?

>play The Knife of Dunwall
>spare Timsh
>import save into The Brigmore Witches
>find Timsh locked up in Coldridge

It's the little things.

Shit, really? I never saw him. Does he have any special dialogue?

No, you can't talk to him. If you open his cell (A04), he'll just cower.

Oh, that's kinda lame. But still, a nice detail.

You can still go near his cell and hear him yelling at the guards, however.

>put point in Shadow Kill
>mfw bodies still leave blood spatter and weapon on ground

At least enemies don't notice.

The sequel is the only game I'm looking forward to.


Daud was a good assassin he didn't do nuffin

The fuck is the point of a game with magic in it when blink was literally the first thing you got AND the most overpowered

It's like if doom started with the BFG in level one and kept giving you ammo for it

Daud killed the queen.

>playing Brigmore Witches again
>get to the part in second mission where the witch set ups an ambush by crying for help
>take out the two witches waiting for me
>talk to the witch faking pain
>have the option to call her out on her bullshit and interrogate her


I would love if Dishonored just released consistent Knife of Dunwall/Brigmore Witches style DLC, where you have new powers and gadgets, but uses the same engine. Honestly, it would be a more fun episodic game style to me than the Telltale style, and you could just ignore the ones that didn't look fun. Plus, I just want more shit in the Dishonored universe.

Fun, I guess.

Also since the game borders on Kill & Spare as a gimmick to sell, there wasn't a lot of non-lethal powers, even less for stealth-nonlethal.

A Telltale Dishonored would make for a good side spinoff. I enjoyed Tales from Border more than its series main games but the one they did for GoT and WDS2 were meh.

these games would greatly benefit from mod tools to make custom levels but it'll never happen because lolconsoles

4 year later and I still cant finish the DLC. After I finish the base game I'm just so burnt out on the games core mechanics that I can't be fuck'd to play more of it.

Damn shame since I've only ever heard stellar things about the Daud DLC.

Daud has different gadgets and powers that can be used in pretty different ways than Corvo's kit. Even his blink is different. I'd recommend it, they are stellar.

Do you even sarcasm?

You can talk to him though, your game must have glitched.

We need mods. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't it use the source engine?

Every time people have asked about mod tools for 2 Harvey steps around the question so there may be some support in 2.

Nah, moving from UE3 to idtech6 (or rather Void) is a good decision.

I'm sure the first cosmetic mods would be Assassin's Creed and Thief-related.

I would love a spin-off game in the Dishonored universe where you play a thief without any powers.

1 uses UE3. 2 uses a customized version of idtech6 called the Void Engine. From what I read it shares about 25% of its code with idtech6.

At least I think it's idtech6. A lot of places are saying 5 which doesn't make any sense.

Yeah but custom levels would be nice. Thief inspired levels.

any dishonored fans picking up new dude sex on day 1?

Yeah and dishonored 2, I guess.

Only two games I'm buying this year.

Hey anything that lets me go full artistic bloodbath is a good thing.

Shame the game didn't have a NG+

A week after I suppose. There'd probably be week one updates.

Deus ex, dishonored 2 and persona 5
These games share similar themes. Thick as thieves.

Nope. Loved Thief but didn't particularly care about Deus Ex let alone the new ones.

Yeah, that's what I mean. Get a couple episodes with a character with tons more gadgets and shit, but no powers. Inversely, one where you can play a witch with limited gadgets, but shit tons of powers. The only thing I would change is make it so you could wield anything in either hand, and not be locked into using the sword in your right hand.