>You will never be a Pokemon master
>You will never be a Pokemon master
>fuck all to do with pokemon
wow surprise
Check this 7
This white fuck made it to CNN news and you didn't.
How can you even compete Sup Forums?
what...look at the bottom
That man looks like he plays video games VERY seriously.
CC a gun if you're that scared.
worst type of post on all of Sup Forums
>All of them
>Normie who thinks there's only actually 151
He's in for a rude surprise.
mind if i save this image, friendo??
DNC chair caught all the STD's
Find his address and fuck him up when PvP comes out, obviously.
Cant be the very best when he cant even beat some instinct fuck with a punch of birds
>guy was with team valor
eat shit reddit
>I've caught all the pokemon
>None of the legendaries are even out
>Not to mention Gens 2-6
Yet he caught them, while you're here whining on a fucking imageboard with your virginity intact. How does that feel, big boy?
>This guy trounced all of you.
What do you have to say for yourself?
>Yet he caught them
He didn't though, this is just some click bait like that police department that tried to get criminals to come turn themselves in to "catch a charizard"
>like that police department that tried to get criminals to come turn themselves in to "catch a charizard"
>Are you safer than in 2008?
>2 mayors shot dead
>2 football punters die in crash
>Dad of slain star: I want revenge
>Mayor, 4 others killed at meeting
>I've caught all the Pokemon
so fucking smug
>A Brooklyn man is laying claim to being the first person to catch all 142 Pokémon available in the United States. CNN reached out to Nintendo and Triplepoint PR, the firm representing Pokémon, for confirmation and has not yet received a response.
> After work he'd meet his girlfriend for dinner and the two of them would go on walks catching Pokémon together, though he'd often stay out later than she.
>"She was very supportive through all this," he said, adding that she is also a big Pokémon fan.
>The road to Pokémon mastery was certainly not without adventure. Johnson said the craziest thing he did to catch one was order an Uber to drive him around Jersey City after another player tipped him off to an abundance of Dratini, a kind of Pokémon, there.
>Catching them all isn't quite the end of the journey for Johnson. He said there are three regional Pokémon that are not available in the United States. The region exclusive Pokémon are Mr. Mime in Europe, Farfetch'd in Japan and Kangaskhan in Australia and New Zealand, but he'll soon have help catching those, too.
>Johnson told CNN that Marriott Rewards offered to partner with him for the rest of his journey. A spokesperson for Marriott confirmed, saying, "Marriott Rewards will be helping Nick on his international journey to catch the last remaining Pokémon."
Fire type starters should be put in jail regardless.
What the fuck do Americans have against mayors?
>Dad of slain star: I want revenge
This is incredible
it's been over 20 years and they've never specified what a pokemon master actually is
it was in Mexico
Another Punisher reboot.
>Are we safer than 8 years ago?
>7 titles about violence happening
Okay. I guess not.
It was in Mexico you retards
>Farfetch'd is only in Japan
God just another reminder CNN is the most garbage news source
Being the very best obviously
But with those 3 it would be 145.
Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres/Mew/Mewtwo account for 5 more.
What's the last missing one?
ditto maybe
Ah thanks.
Also Tauros is Murrika exclusive one apparently.
Mr. Mime is Europe exclusive.
Farfetch'd is Japan exclusive.
And finally Kangaskhan is Australia exclusive.
>catching all the pogeymans is now newsworthy