These games are 10 years old

These games are 10 years old

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Lets discuss the best pokemon gen together!

Why were they so good?

Damn. I remember those summer nights I spent chaining for shiny pokemon. Also that soundtrack, I remember leaving my DS on to fall asleep to it

I want to play DPP on an engine that isn't slower than a tortoise.

>No they aren't what the fu-
>September 28, 2006


My main problem with D and P was that

1: most of the new pokes where new evolution and you had to beat the game to see them
2: no firetypes other then rapidash which had barely any fire moves forcing you to either give up on fire or go infernape.
3: combat was slow as shit

Platinum on the other hand fixed all of that and was greet

Defog made Sinnoh a great region to a mediocre region. Maybe Rock Climb too, but that one was kind of cool.

Diamon and Pearl was the gen when I realized Pokemon wasnt for me anymore.

I did play the fuck out of HGSS though, but every other pokemon game after made me realize how far the series has fallen, and now my friend got really into the competitive side because of his gf and I have to pretend to be interested in what he says about pokemon whenever he visits.

>gen 4 remakes will be neutered to hell like ORAS

The remake would be excellent if they eliminated the need for HMs to progress through the game or incorporate it into a face button. Point is to just improve on this aspect of the game.


Maybe they'll be HGSS tier.
You gotta have faith user. I guess we'll see how Gen 7 turns out first.

>best starters
>comfiest region
>best music
>best rival
>second best endgame
>best legendaries
>gave attention to old pokemon
>best champion
>best evil team
>best ending theme
Too good mang. Platinum is the best game easily.
2006-2011 was literal god tier for games.

>tfw Sinnoh was so big and mazelike that Japanese children complained it was too confusing
>Game Freak makes Unova and Kalos 200% linear as a result
>tfw 4th gen was the last we had of 'normal' Pokemon games

I think the irony is that Sinnoh was literally designed to be a maze-like system of mountain ranges and caves with valleys inbetween where you'd usually find towns. They did a good job in contrast to Hoenn's tropical and spanning ocean environment. There's practically little to no ocean water you surf on in Sinnoh, pretty much 95% land mass.

>Diamon and Pearl was the gen when I realized Pokemon wasnt for me anymore.

Same. HGSS is all I play now. I used to play Crystal until my SP broke 1.5 years ago

What game has your favorite endgame?

Get an emulator.

>2006-2011 was literal god tier for games
gens iii-v, honestly

I know. I bought Pearl to play with a teacher during HS senior year and that was 2007. ;_;

You know, I'd appreciate his DPPt remixes much more if he didn't spend 3/4ths the video going ham on his solos.

Like damn dude, just play the damn song!

the magic died after i played 400-some hours of X/Y. only played 150 hours in OR/AS. i really like breeding -- and used to giveaway 5-6IV level 1s all the time -- but that just doesn't do it anymore. graphics > content thing really killed it for me, i think

what can i do now -- except competitive battling -- after i play the game and the usual new-gen postgame? the looker/delta episode was nice for more lore, but it just isn't enough

i'm actually trying to attempt to play Y as serena now and dress her up in outfits

>there will never be a pure 2d pokemon ever again


>D/P are some of the worst pokemon games in the series
>Platinum is one of if the best

It's a fucking shame we'll never get a Z version. If XY was improved as much as DP were, Z could have easily been the best pokemon game of all time no contest.


>Always waits to buy the third game
>XY never got one

>tfw GO has made me want to replay my old games
>All I can find is Pearl
I wish I could find my HG copy. 2nd gen 4 lyfe.

nigger, HG is gen iv


I mean you have to understand that these are like 1 or 2 minute loops at most. Gets boring after awhile unless you do something with it

I mean 2nd gen Pokemon, not games.

I got so bored of pearl that I broke the entire game with my gameshark
noclipped into one of the legendary battles when I wasn't supposed to, all the NPCs had generic dialogue and the scripted events didnt happen
Entire game came tumbling down and I couldn't even continue the story because the script broke

Also found the special promo areas with the green hedgehoge and giratina


It only feels like 3 years. This is horrible.

I didn't have a problem with Diamond or Pearl other than the complete lack of Fire-type Pokemon. Is Platinum really that good? What am I missing out on?

XY really was just a breeding and eugenics simulator wasn't it?

At least they're fixing that in Sun and Moon

I was on vacation in Tokyo when Diamond and Pearl came out. Had no idea that was happening. Wound up buying a copy of Japanese Pearl on launch day.

Managed to get a darkrai and shaymin because of a bug that existed in the first wave of Japanese copies.

Good times.

>no more sprites
>no more pure competitive meta since gen iv

>/vp/ dead and full of normie scum -- who actually stayed -- when they came over after they read kotaku's "gen-/vp/" article
>literally interviewed redditor in article
>same normie scum fought FOR janitors and won
>everything fun and to be laughed at are gone
>gone downhill and dead ever since

>all pokemon on trade market are hacked/edited/cloned
>literally have to ask for shiny pokemon with random natures and IVs to try to ensure legitimacy

what went wrong? i only play for girls now. hilda is also best girl. sina is there to express muh feelings.
/vp/ was also a really good freakshow you just couldn't pay for. there was good discussion there, too. now, it's just generic, 1-2 liners per post

my last gen with pokemon. platinum was a pretty fun game but emerald is still my favorite.

>no more pure competitive meta since gen iv
i got heavily into smogon in gen iv. it was cool and varied other than salamence/scizor everywhere. has the competitiveness really gone down since then?

I can't wait for Brilliant Diamond and Lustrous Pearl in 2017 for the new3DS

>10 years old
>10 years

>i got heavily into smogon in gen iv. it was cool and varied other than salamence/scizor everywhere. has the competitiveness really gone down since then?
it's better than 5 at least

>1990 was 67 years ago

To be fair, that's the Japanese release date. They're 9 years old in USA/EUR.

DPPt will always hold a special place in my heart. It was the last time I went into a Pokemon game blind, and it really did feel like an adventure. Obviously Platinum made everything better, but I can't hate Diamond and Pearl, even if they are fairly slow and whatnot. I spent hundreds of hours in all three of them.
The Platinum designs are top tier.

>They remake first gen again instead

since gen v, yeah. i don't play competitively anymore, of course. i stopped around mid-late gen iv. there honestly was a time where garchomp over-centralized the game, but it still felt "pure" and had a lot of room for creative pokemon sets

i remember when everyone lost their shit over how good swords dance scizor was supposed to be with the move updates, but it was really choice band scizor

Gen 4 was great, 5 was fantastic, and 6 was bland and mediocre.
What happened?

Gen 4 was complete shit

My hopes and dreams are 10 years old...

I really wish it was 2005-7 again. Now reality is harsh and I'm trailing down the virgin shut-in path.

This game is 11 years old

its also the best in the series

platinum and B2/W2 are better

i'm getting old

how many people here played gen 4 as their first pokemon game? be honest



came out right after i graduated high school. maybe few months. i really wished i was still in high school when they came out

>2006-2011 was literal god tier for games

I would say more like DS was literal god tier for games

Fuck that console had dozens upon dozens of fucking actually decent games. I don't see that often.

>Replaying Leaf Green
>All these reused assets from RSE
HGSS feel like proper remakes, while FRLG feel more like romhacks.
When you add trumpets to Kanto, it just feels like I'm in Hoenn.

Not me user. The first Pokemon game I played was my friends Yellow version. The first Pokemon I personally owed was Silver. Still have my Crystal version actually. I can't actually play it because I no longer have an SP though.

I personally don't know why but I love the graphics style from 4th gen titles. It's actually a good mix of 2D and 3D whereas black and white felt weird with the camera angles and all that shit.

What's the best DS emulator? I feel like playing some Gen 4.

not him, but what's the best emulator for android?

DesMuMe or its core in RetroArch.



>April 22, 2007 was 10 years ago
OP confirmed time traveller.

Gen 4 best gen

I really love how bright and colorful Gen 4 and 5 were, they definitely made good use of the DS's color pallet. Platinum in particular looks really good, especially on a DSi.
The 3DS games just look washed out, and I FUCKING HATE the 240p resolution, fuck, I wish the 3DS would just die or something already so we can get an actual good fucking screen. So sick of the gimmicks.

I dislike the UI in gen 6. It looks really out of place.

>I would say more like DS was literal god tier for games
This, the DS was amazing in terms of a library.

I forgot all about the credits. I think D/P/Pt were mostly forgettable, but they kept to the Pokemon roots and didn't stray too far from the formula. It wasn't bad, wasn't amazing, just alright. Platinum improved on the first two, and I felt it wasn't afraid to challenge you in ways that Gen 5 and 6 didn't. It did get a lot of people, like myself, back into Pokemon though. Also the post game was very, very good.

X/Y really neutered some of the color palettes, I have no idea why.

it really does have GOAT pokemon music

Neutered is the right word.

Pt is way faster to begin with, both in battle and the overworld.

It expanded on some areas, like the Safari Zone and overall has a much larger selection of pre-Nat dex pokemon, Team Galactic is better presented and it's part of the post game. Speaking of postgame, Pt got a reworked Battle Frontier (not really Emerald-tier, but still pretty good), you can rematch the gym leaders and other important trainers, like your rival who, up until HG/SS actually dethroned Red as the highest leveled trainer in the series

FUck it you know what let's all play gen 4 again

God dammit silva


Not the main series but man the gen 4 mystery dungeon games were god tier.

>finish the game
>man that was nice
>the game keeps going
>postgame nearly eclipses the maingame
>the ride never ends

Why isn't it on fire?

This kong is a fucking disgrace

Because Gamefreak fucked up almost every single Pokemon model.

And this was all for a battle mode literally no one gave a shit about

The saddest part is that they all have grounded animations in Amie, so there's no excuse as to why they can't just change them.

>literally feels like it was just last year that I beat cynthia for the first time
>tfw 2006 was 30 years ago

>like your rival who, up until HG/SS actually dethroned Red as the highest leveled trainer in the series

Goddamn! The one enhanced version I didn't play. HG/SS is my shit though.

Honestly, other than HG/SS, I haven't played any gen past D/P. How are all the other gens after D/P? Am I missing out on further greatness?

Gen 3 is the still the best gen, simply because it had the best romhacks

If they do gen IV remakes, they NEED to have the ability to have the original music in there somewhere. The absolutely fucking atrocious music in OR/AS destroyed it, I quit just after the first gym out of disgust.

Not really. They fixed some annoyances (for instance, TMs have unlimited uses) but at the same time made these games easier.

Or maybe because you're an underage faggot.

>Game Freak still hasn't surpassed gen 4 in general
>Every generation after gen 4 added something the series desperately needed while taking away more good things

They've been making these fucking games for 20 years now, you'd think they'd finally fucking figure out how to make the perfect Pokemon game.

Gen 4 just did the least wrong.

And "fucking up almost every single Pokemon model"? How fucking retarded do you have to be to say that?

Gee, I sure do love watching Pokemon hover in the air for no reason.

>tfw Sinnoh was so big and mazelike that Japanese children complained it was too confusing
>>Game Freak makes Unova and Kalos 200% linear as a result
>tfw 4th gen was the last we had of 'normal' Pokemon games

Sinnoh isn't even confusing. Just following the plot gets you where you want to go. It has a linear path, but at least that path twists and turns unlike Unova's fucking circle of a region.

Why do you think the word "almost" is there user?

Especially Megamence. And some of the cries were ruined too. Just listen to Salamence's compared to gen 3-5.

Almost is fucking retarded too if you think they fucked up like 600 out of 721. That's what "almost" means.

I have another picture for you, wait.