Anyone wanna play some csgo?

Anyone wanna play some csgo?
Competitive dust?

What's your rank?

what rank? dust 2 ?

im silver 4, dust 2 yes

>inb4 everyone is under dmg, the majority of Sup Forums is gn2-mg2 yet they think they can talk shit about cs:go when they can't even get good at the game

Valve is absolutely fucking retarded and the hackers, shitty servers and rifle inaccuracy compared to pistols make the game unplayable at times, but if you talk shit while being gold nova your arguments are invalid

>game crash
>votekicked for no reason
>vote kicked again for no reason again today
>7 day cooldown
>7 days pass
>play a few matches, everything going well
>4th match, end up in shitty team, vote kick me for no reason again
>7 day cooldown

thanks gabe
I didn't like your shitty game anyway

that's what it is like on low ranks, i got kicked many times for clutching in gn1-4 because russians are fucking retarded and can't decide if they want to win the game or throw it

ive literally never been in game with russians....

I was DMG but then I stopped playing, now silver 4 and spend every game griefing with friends having fun.

Is MG1-2 considered low rank? Cause that's where I'm at and it sucks.

then you must be a colossal faggot with cropped hentai profile pics or something

mg1-2 is ok if you have like 300-400 hours/under 100 wins, you should be over dmg after 1000h

I have 200 hours and I keep ending up in games with people over 1000 hours. And if I make a single mistake I get votekicked. Hell I even got votekicked while top fragging.

that's why soloqueueing is a bad idea. you can't trust your teammates unless they are a rare type of smurfs who actually play the game for fun. talking shit, baiting your team and buying rifles when others are ecoing and accusing teammates especially if they are a premade make people quick to votekick you. just some advice, since votekicks happen in nearly every match at low ranks

>rifle inaccuracy
Learn spray control or how to one tap you retard.

>implying rifle inaccuracy isn't a problem especially in 64 tick
i've played my games of 80% hs rates and 4+ man spraydowns, but ak47 and m4a4 are pretty much useless at long ranges like A to B doors in dust2 or short to ticket in mirage

>havent played in 4 months
>was ak
is it time to start the game to fuck with shitty players

>try to play with a friend
>do terrible
>feel guilty
>never play with him again

story of my life

if you get so emotional in csgo maybe you shouldn't play competitive games. if your friend got mad enough to not play with you again because you were bottom fragging or fucking up a clutch then he's not your "friend"

i bought this and i love it

how do you go from dmg to silver 4...
sounds like bs. I dropped from supreme master to eagle after months of not playing

by deranking? i assume he dropped to something like gn4-mg1 and felt there's no point in tryharding anymore

this guy is low rank for sure. pistols should not be able to win ecos the way they do. $500 vs ~$3000 for a rifle with pistols being better at close range and m4 cant even headshot

>considering playing with Sup Forums
>nobody here is above AK

>that's what it is like on low ranks

bullshit, supreme has votekick-happy faggots in it too

deranking from dmg to silver 4 is like 80straight losses. he must have pissed off a countless amount of people. hes THAT guy


How much did you spend? And why didn't you just get a knife at that rate?

It's not expensive, like $20 right now. Irrelevant since 99% of items in the game are rapidly losing value thanks to the new betting clause.

cs is fucking dead

>doesnt even look like an anime character

youll never use the aug ingame (unless you actually play casual)
youll never trade up
youll never gamble it
why waste the money

I wish I could disagree but the AUG is fucking terrible compared to the SG.

Is it really?

I'm LEM but not very good

Most people suck at counter strike, especially Sup Forums, I like to justify it to myself by thinking they are south Americans

i paid 32 for well worn. price did drop a little

AUG sprays above the reticule in a nonsense pattern, even when scoped, in exchange for better long-range accuracy... which again means fucking nothing because of how bad the pull is. SG has a less retarded pattern and can still hit a fair number of shots from across the map. Both guns are rendered pointless by the AWP anyway

Who the fuck buy an aug? What's your rank?

the SG has a simple spray pattern, it deals more dmg than the AK if i remember right and it has nearly perfect first shot accuracy, especially scoped-in. in some ways it's a better version of the AK since you can actually onetap from any range. aug on the other hand is just a m4a4 with a scope and a worse spray pattern

I know you boys don't like it, but this is THE MOST "counter-strike-gun" ever. It literally says "CS:GO"

>comparing aug and sg to an awp
how does it make sense to compare them? one is a single shot $4750 gun and the others are files. and if you buy an aug above silver youll be kicked for griefing anyway so who cares about them

I'm LEM, nobody buys an AUG because it is a terrible gun but some people like the SG on range heavy maps. This is the point.

oh, and i honestly don't like knives. i usually like engraved/etched skins, but i just had to have the anime AUG

I buy an AUG now, friend gave me a fac new Fleet Flock for my birthday and I fucking love that skin.

I'm gn2

I'm also LEM and I've literally never seen anyone buy and Aug or SG past the AK ranks. Except as a joke

Oh, okay. Enjoy being able to use shit guns while you still can

Next you'll say you have never seen a Galil buy either.

I have seen gal buys occasionally, shit I see mag 7 bought 100 times more then the sg

>tfw MG before the derank update
>now stuck in silver purgatory

a-atleast I have $1000+ in skins

Jesus, you are fucking cancer, how fucking bad are you if you are silver. I'm honestly curious why you would invest so much money into a competitive game you are terrible at

>shit I see mag 7 bought 100 times more then the sg
but the mag7 should be fairly common in maps like cbble and inf, i assume you don't play dust/mirage much since some people main sg as the rifle for A long/ mirage mid

>play competitive mode
>do shit for giggles like buy shotguns all game or play stupid corners
>end up in supreme because the people who play this game really are just that bad

>sg/aug used at similar frequency as galil
do you even play cs or are you silver 4
ive never seen someone buy sg/aug for serious play. only griefers/DERANKING XDXD

I only soloq on my main
I don't have prime on my smurf, so it's only hackers...
I don't q for dust because that's where all the retards go and i get outshot a lot on that map

Play dust every time I play, I have never seen it bought. Dust they always buy awps for the long spots

>tfw MGE in 40 games before derank
>took a 4 month break
>mg2 right now, but win much more often than lose anyway
Feels good

>be top fragger
>don't talk to my team other than communication
>no shittalking or anything, just communication
>winning the game by a margin because of me
>13th round
>the four friends who queued together votekick me telling me that they don't like being told what to do
>actually get booted off

fuck this game

ive never seen an sg bought for dust or mirage
I dont think anyone mains sg at a rank above silver
just admit youre silver already

This happens once a week for me. I wish I could queue with someone just to stop this bullshit.

>not throwing the game as soon as you realize you're teamed up with a 4 premade
you're doing it wrong senpai

>playing team based competitive games
No thanks

This has never happened to me on 1000 plus hours. I've only been kicked like twice, and once was a joke

>be top fragger
>getting exit kills
>not pushing sites with your teammates leaving you last alive to get 1-2 before dying
>"im so good at this game, why are people kicking me, we are only winning because of me"

I found myself to play a bit worse when I am with someone. Dunno why.

>tfw i'm going to reach gn1 just by using xm1014

I'm LEM and I main SG for mirage when I'm playing mid, don't act like it's a shitty weapon.

>mfw was le
>great deranking happens where everyone and their ranks get fucked
>gold nova 3
And I've been happier ever since

>I'm LEM
>I main SG

It helps to realize most people on here are fucking hot trash. The best is when they say they are stuck in ELO purgatory or some bullshit. Or the people who buy expensive skins and still suck.

this is why no one takes CS community seriously. Let me assume you're a faggot boosting girls with hacks / being boosted by hacks and think you're totally hot shit and could get to rank A on ESEA

>I'm honestly curious why you would invest so much money into a competitive game you are terrible at
Thing is I haven't sunk any money into the game, I only trade up and shark little kids.

My AK alone is worth 90% of my inventory and I got it out of sheer luck

I'm trying to get better, too. I turned off mouse acceleration, am practicing nades, and already know how to spray control.

maybe he's...

from North America

>tfw NA
>worst I get is the occasional spic, which is a 1/100 chance
How can europoors even compare?

No you don't know spray control. Don't waste your time learning nades in silver, an hour of target practice on an aim map and two hours of death match every day until you can frag evenly on a public dm server like frag shack.

Fuck, I can't play with russians anymore. Some of them are ok, but overwhelming majority is fucking atrocious.

sorry for being the 99.9999% and using proper weapons (like awping if im gonna play mid). I guess all of us just spent too much time boosting girls with hacks (???)

nova 1 smurf here who wants a carry

>he only uses awp at mid
or even worse
>he plays mirage with only one player on mid
it seems you are the one who's playing in silver

>playing fucking dust over and over
I got fed up with it almost 20 years ago

What's your main rank?

LEgendary Eagle

>projecting this hard

I've been saying this forever.
e-sports fags will defend $500 pistols 1-tapping vs a Premier CT rifle costing 3100+ and not being able to 1-tap point blank.

SMG's need buffs.
Shotguns need buffs.
Pistols need nerfs.
Rifles need accuracy buffs, and m4 Should NOT take 5 hits point-blank / medium range.
>114 in 5
Literally trash game design.
Also, AUG is 7.62 AND bullpup, should be able to 1-tap at 1/2 its Range.

Tec9 is 9mm and should never 1 tap.

Shotguns damage shouldn't fall off so harshly, because they aren't bb guns.

R8 Should be able to cock the hammer like a real revolver.

Taser should have slightly longer range and still give cash.
P250 should get its ammo back
USPS needs 1 more Magazine.
Deagle needs accuracy recovery buffs.

T's need an alternative starting pistol.
Say, a Glock 17, chambered in .45 that is less accurate overall, but can 1tap slightly farther than glock 18's 1-tap, and has only 3 spare mags.

Glock 18 needs a damage buff
>108 in 9
It's not a BB gun for fucks sake.

You should be nowhere near accurate while moving with AWP, ever.
Jumping shots should be so rare that it's amazing when it happens and not "Oh wow, another jumping awp noscope RNG is gay as fuck"

Counter-strafing is bullshit and shouldn't exist.
You literally cannot stop all of your body's momentum in an instant to become 100% accurate.

Anyone who defends counter-strafing just because "It's been part of CS forever" can kill themselves. You shouldn't be able to full speed run around corners Tap the opposite direction, right click, left click in less than half a second and 1 shot someone with AWP.
The AWP movement nerfs were pointless because of counter-strafing and 'quick scoping'.

>Glock 18 needs a damage buff
in 9
only 9mm lol

Any Globals?

Yeah id be down to carry some nerds. My Smurf is unranked since I haven't played it in a while.

Anyone interested

good kek, but seriously

Nice hacks m8

Haven't played this game since that retarded MMR nerf/reset which dropped me from DMG to MGE when I lost a single game I couldn't carry right after I had to go on a 10-0 win/lose streak and carry 40 retards. Could be fun.

>Nice hacks m8

>35 wins
fuck off
only way to get global with that low wins is to play in a premade with a full global team and not get raped

>tfw Silver Elite
>1000+ hours
>all of those hours are spent playing at 20fps on ultra low
Kill me

>giving two shits about ranked matchmaking

Why do people subject themselves to this utter torture?

>SMG's need buffs
easy there buddy
>114 in 5 Literally trash game design.
agree with this
>USPS needs 1 more Magazine.
i'm fine with only 1 more mag, more than that is a nope
>Deagle needs accuracy recovery buffs.
maybe a bit, on 128tick it's pretty much fine but the deagle is definitely useless on 64tick. just don't make it OP like in CSS
>Glock 18 needs a damage buff
maybe for bodyshots, but it shouldn't have as much armor penetration as the P2K
>Counter-strafing is bullshit and shouldn't exist.
not sure about this one.
the running acceleration is definitely overkill on CSGO and was better on 1.6, but there should be different types of movement mechanics which can be also used to aim better

>35 wins
either you got boosted in every single one of those matches or bought a pre-boosted account

either way kys

Cuz it's still better than circle jerking cancer of customs and unresponsive lag feast of quick matches.

You're probably Silver and just jealous.

>stuck in games with lower rank players
>carry for ages
>can't carry 1/10 games
>lose ranks or struggle to continue progressing

I know solo queuing is a bad idea for reasons such as this, but it shouldn't be this bad.

ive tried fresh accounts and won every game
you dont get global that fast without premade

I'm a pro player dude, how dare you

Not possible to get global that fast period. Just a shop and you all took the bait.