>that friend who you played vidya with you then stopped
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>that friend who you played vidya with you then stopped
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>used to play with a bunch of people in a game
>game went to shit
>never hear from them now
Fuck Russian devs and their shitty long term planning
>hey user, lets start a vidya clan
>invite kids from school
>get our own server
>have fun
>join a gaming league
>friend takes it way too seriously
>fuck up and cost us a match
>freaks out
>dude, it's just a game
>kicks me out of the clan
Fuck you Robbie
>get invited to join a clan while pubbing because I'm good
>they all banter about but ignore me
>not even in vidya can I get popular
>user buy this game so we can play together
>I don't know, it looks like shit
>it's awesome user, trust me
>few days later
>hey want to play the game I just bought because of you?
>naw, it sucks, lets just go back to the game we played before
Some private server on WoW.
One day he was ignoring me for some reason. This went on for a week, so we stopped talking. Then it happened again a year later and I cut all ties with him.
Not putting up with his moody bullshit.
>that friend that gets a girlfriend and has her play vidya with you but she sucks ass and you can't say anything
I really wonder if he doesn't notice how bad she is or just doesn't care
>used to play with a 4 man squad in league
>me, a friend, and his brother and cousin
>friend stops playing because real life shit
>just playing with his cousin and brother
>do this shit for like 2-3 years, playing at least couple times a week
>I completely stop league because it gives me cancer and I move on to overwatch
>they stuck with league because they are poor fags and can't run most other games
feel kinda bad but now I don't have cancer anymore
Yosef, Will, Charlie, and Eric. I know you're still on here Yosef, you jew.
I went to dragoncon with my best friend. We met a group of pretty cool people in line although I mostly just listened and talked to my friend. Ended up walk around with them. I go to the bathroom and come back and they're gone. Friend doesn't answer his phone so I waste half an hour looking for him. Ends up calling me saying they left to go to a restaurant and he didn't notice I wasn't there. Told me to meet them at the restaurant even though he took the car. End up taking a cab there but they just finished eating when I showed up and my friend acts offended when I get mad.
>Start playing some old mmorpg like 10 years ago
>Spanish server
>Find a lot of people from south America
>Eventually made a lot of friends
>Learn that most of them are secretly GM's and Admins
>They take me into their team since I'm a responsible guy and play by the rules
>They make me Forum moderator
>Have a great community for like a year and eventually everything goes to shit thanks to the greedy server owners
>Kept talking and playing vidya with a few of these guys for a while but eventually lost contact with all of them
Those were good times, being 14 years old, going to school and spend my free time playing mmorpg's and moderating forums.
>like Terraria
>hear it's better with someone else
>set it up on my friends computer
>leave a notepad next to the shortcut with how to connect to a server
>this was 3 years ago
>we've never played once
all he wants to do is do arenas on WoW, which I played with him for a long time but I got tired of it.
>group of buddies since college
>always went out drinking
>no matter how drunk I was I always watched out for them and keep them safe
>including chasing after our runner friend who liked to run by the roads when he got too drunk for some reason
>years of this
>the first and only time I got pass out drunk out
>they just leave me on a public bench in New York City during winter
>come to and feel like death
>realize they left me
>through the sheer force of anger find my way back to the apartment
>hey user, you made it
>calmly ask whose idea it was to ditch me
>no one answer
>punch the closest friend
>have to be tackled and restrained
>somehow I'm the bad guy when they retell the story years later
I will always be mad
>Never really went into MMOs other than the obligatory Runescape
>Finally dabble with the genre and stick with Mabinogi
>This was a little bit before the second anniversary for NA servers
>Never really go into groups and always did stuff solo
>One day while doing nothing in Tir Chonall I got asked by these Paladins and Dark Knights to join their guild
>I experience riding on one of the horse mounts and couldn't believe the speed we were going at
To keep it from getting longer, we did some dungeons and hung around but then the guild died. I've stopped dabbling with MMOs but sometimes I would log in and see what I've missed every once in a while. I haven't left the guild and I still wear the guild robe even though it's been dead for a long time. Rip Astartes never knew you were fuckers liked WH40K until I recalled you just now.
>Met a girl at the league of legends club at my university
>We talk a little bit and trade numbers
>kinda awkward but we get along alright
>Halloween swings around and I really want Harrowing TF skin
>poorfag uni student
>Watching movie with her in her apartment one day
>boring movie since i've watched it before
>start talking about tf skin in exaggerating maner
>she puts her hand on my leg and gives me the signal
>going in
>end up eating her out for 20minutes
She gifted me the Halloween skin the next day at least. Pretty cool skin.
Fuck you
>Work at grocery store
>Co worker talking to his cute friend, let's call her 'Red'
>She sees me working
>We talk and she tells me to smile more
>Year later
>My dad basically ran from home
>Getting evicted, move in with Red
>Played all kinds of vidya
sounds shitty famalam. Hope it got better and you found better friends.
was she hot at least?
sounds like it was a good experience
unless you're closet gay
do you fuck?
No she wasn't. 4/10 average I suppose.
One of the most degrading moments of my life. It felt like my tongue was going to fall off from how tired I was. It smelled like shit, it looked like a fucking clam with 4 shells and she came when I was done. Which is essentially just piss.
But we still hang out every now and when we do, she doesn't hesitate bringing up the fact that I ate her out for a LoL skin while I'm secretly plotting her murder.
maybe you can at least work out a free blowjob from her
Fucker just quit playing anything with me, stuck to only shit on his ps3, and ended up doing shit i had to ditch him over.
>one day I met a guy on tf2
>he seemed pretty cool, I friended him and he invited me to this group with his friends
>we play matches of tf2 near every day and even stream movies every now and then
>one day we decide to meet in some shitty cafe in LA, we end up just walking around and generally fucking about
>one day original friend stops replying
>group slowly dies
>one of his friends who knows where he lives decides to drop by his house some time
>founds out he committed suicide and his little sister was one who found the corpse
If there is some sort of afterlife, I'd love to play tf2 with you again, you stupid bastard.
My brother turned from a guy I could play Chrono Cross together with and other JRPG classic to a normie who loves mountain dew and Gears of War. Does that count?
It counts, man. Sounds like shit.
Can he possibly be redeemed?
How about
>people you talked with you then stopped
>have 7/10 friend who plays vidya
>go to same HS
>stay in contact after graduation
>find out we attend same college
>still play vidya occasionally at their apt
>they clearly are into me
>tfw too lazy to ask her out & commit to a relationship w/ a person i've known for 5+ years
feels weird senpai
This happened the other day
>Hey, bro, you're gonna buy FFXV, right? You can't miss the latest FF!
>Nah, I don't like that shit anymore
Admittedly, he might not be into it because it's Boyband Fantasy XV, but still. He's happy as he is and that's fine by me, I just don't know what happened to his taste in vidya.
I know an anti social guy by that name who plays tonnes of single player vidya.
What is it with that name?
>Older brother
>Used to play them togther to bond
>He lost interest later in life and is only semi interested in playing mario baseball for the wii
Miss those times but it's better this way, he's a well paid memberof society with a big social life
Don't worry, give it a couple years and you'll be posting a greentext story about "the one that got away"
you know friendship is just a relationship without sex, right
>make friends at uni
>he starts playing league with his friends
>say I'll give it a try because I play dota anyway
>his friends are constantly getting mad on skype
>decide to ignore them and leave when the game is over
>what happened? you said you play these kinds of games
>yeah man it's just not for me sorry
>stops inviting me to play any vidya
Usually I'm the one who does the awkward shit other people stop hanging out with them for. Why would you pick league and skype rage over good times playing battlefield and killing floor?
>abandon relationship and bonding expriences with your brother for empty social relationships with strangers
Blood is thicker than water senpai, he's not very good at being a brother
Fuck I'd buy the shit out of that. No idea why.
Holy fuck, does everyone have a vidya cancer Kyle?
cuz ur dum
Kyle's aren't bad people. You have to believe me.
Regret is a cathartic feeling, user
Fucker got done in for sexual harrassment and only ever wants to smoke weed and play vidya games, it's no wonder he has no friends.
My cousins. I used to be the cool family member who knew the answer to every vidya question they had. We're all adults now and they don't play video games. They have relationships, successful jobs and now I'm just the weird, single, unsuccessful one who still plays video games
>friends force you to play game genres you don't really like
>ask them to play genres you like
>they say no or spend the whole game complaining how stupid the genre is
>know a Kyle from HS
>played a fuckton of MGS, Source engine games
>now he works random IT jobs and collects old volvos and saabs
>still plays vidya, but spams his facebook page with random pics of stanced 90's euroshit cars
wtf is it with kyles
Just do what makes you happy, fuck them if they can't have social lives outside their jobs and girlfriends.
There are plenty of anons on here that play Vidya and work.
At least yours has a job.
I play vidya and work, I just don't have a good job
Used to play quite a bit of vidya with a guy named Kyle as well who just slowly got into watching anime 24/7. Doesn't even turn his PC on now unless he reading fucking chinese light novels.
swear that name's a curse
Kyle detected
Anime is a pit of despair. I grew out of it and so can he, even if his name is Kyle.
It's a pretty good skin, senpai.
Definitely worth some carpet chomping.
>scribbling on the fucking box
yeah he grew out of the anime about a year or so ago but now spends all his time reading chinese light novels
kinda interested to see what he moves on to next t b h
The thing is, I would rather have a shit job and enjoy my life then have a job where I work day in and day out and retire when im too old to enjoy what I've earned. It seems so counter intuitive.
Go away Kyle.
I'm content with my job, but I don't like this air of superiority they seem to have around me. It's amazing how people can act to their own family, especially when they grew up together
My autism would shatter the charts. I don't know if I'd be able to keep a straight face
thats really fucking disgusting m8
are you ugly or what
>meet cool guy from Sup Forums
>play vidya for years
>good times
>he finds a new group of online friends
>vidya playing lessens
>eventually starts ignoring all messages
I hear you man, it's why I completely split from my dad's side of the family, they are gossiping and uptight asshole now, forgot where they came from.
Fuck what they say and how they act, don't bother associating with them if they keep acting superior. We split off from that side of the family and it's been much better.
I had two very close friends throughout high school and college, spent our free time playing vidya, learning Spanish, pulling pranks on people and just talking about whatever was lifting us up/bumming us out at the time. I don't talk with them much anymore since they've moved to other countries, but I know they're both quite content with their lives. I'm happy for them, and wish I could find some more good friends like them, but everyone I talk to in social situations seems so shallow.
>cousin is 7 years older than me
>I was kind of a brat as a kid to a lot of people except for him
>always looked up to him and never gave him any trouble
>skip forward a few years as I'm starting to near 18
>realize that he actually despises me and only would put up with me
It feels bad as fuck.
Started this expansion awhile back before I stopped, is it worth getting back into it?
>I'm starting to near 18
>We split off from that side of the family and it's been much better.
That's good man. I plan to eventually, it's just hard to accept it and move on
I'm 24 now user.
Are things any better with him?
I understand that, my uncle on that side was like a father to me. He would take me out all the time while my dad was busy with work and take me to jobs he worked with him. It was hard to accept that person changed but once you do you'll feel much better unburdening yourself from that stress. It's their choice to treat you as lower than them and you shouldn't feel bad about it nor do you deserve it.
I hope it all goes well for you user
I stopped trying to interact with him when I realized that he didn't really like me. I'll talk to him at family gatherings, but I always keep it as frank as possible.
We talked ab out Dark Souls 3 last time and I guess it was an okay conversation. Certainly doesn't feel exactly like it used to.
My old best friend from high school lived with me for 2 years after his mom jumped ship to New Zealand with her conman boyfriend. We lived and breathed vidya for those two years. Eventually we had to find him his own place because I needed my personal space back, and after a year or so we just lost contact. I'd like to see him again but I doubt I ever will since he has zero online presence.
Thanks man. Feels good to talk about it. I hope things continue to go well for you
>since he has zero online presence.
What about someone who knows him?
If he had other friends, I never met them. I honestly wouldn't know where to begin looking for someone who knew him.
Nice thing that never happened, show us your eviction notice?
inb4 "i threw it in the trash long ago"
This shit brings out the crazy in me. I was looking for a friend a few years ago and couldn't find them. I don't know how many peoples facebook profiles I went over trying to find anything about them.
I never did find them
I had a small group of friends, I'll give a brief description of them and what happened to them.
De: De was the girl that everyone liked, and always asked for help because she was amazing at anything computer related. Last I heard of her she became a NEET and still lives with her mom.
Ja: We never really talked, and from what I could gather he really likes airplanes. He just vanished one day.
Al: Al was like Ja, but I played and talked with him more. He grew up and left us a few years ago, just like Ja
Luc: The youngest, he was always picked on for his age. He became IT and works for a small company.
Jim: Jim was the only nonwhite other than me, he was a shit FPS player and didnt understand Google. He works at a restaurant now.
The last one I'm going to only use one letter because his case is unique and i dont want him to be recognized.
C: He was my best friend for many years. HE grew up sexually abused and had accidentally killed a cat and dog, he was poor as fuck but the only reason I stayed in the group. He was funny as hell, not that smart, but I spent some of the best years of my life with him, playing Counter Strike and L4D. His girlfriend cheated on him and he killed himself in 2011.
>I completely stop league because it gives me cancer and I move on to a newer cancer
>Feel kinda bad but now I have a more advanced cancer now.
Fixed it for you
That friend who prefers his circle jerk artists friends over his IRL friends
Keep your chin up. Good luck user.
>used to play tons of TF2 together with friend years ago
>still play other games together
>overwatch comes out
>friend refuses to play overwatch with me or my other friends
>only plays with his tryhard premade 6 man
what the fuck
It's Whore, thats her name.
I'm sorry to hear about C. That sucks.
>before moving, a boy in my french class who talked to me about video games gave me his copy of Harmony of Dissonance
>still have it to this day
Feels guilty as fuck. Great game too, and he just gave it to me.
Holy shit you could have died. I would guilt trip them about it for the rest of my fucking life.
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out how I could have saved him.
I've got a latino cousin named kyle
he's got a gf of a couple years, a job, and is well adjusted in life
Don't torment yourself. It's not on you. It sounds like he was a tortured person, and sadly those stories just don't tend to be written with happy endings in mind.
It's not your fault, through action or inaction, that he died. Don't let that guilt eat away at you too bad.
I used to play a game called Graal Online. I had a pretty good friend, he was poor like me with a shitty computer and even shittier internet. We played on Zone, Maloria and eventually Era/Zodiac, even Unholy Nation. We kept in contact through MSN, and then eventually Steam. We played Runescape and stuff together, too. One day he told me his dad was selling his computer.
Last online: 2366 days ago.
I doubt anyone would care, but I miss him. Or her. I have no idea.
I hope that we meet up again someday, Rlion244.
just because they don't play vidya doesn't meant their not happy
muh normies reeee can still have hobbies and derive joy from their families
most people honestly grow out of video games
sorry but you got too spergy for me dude
I hate runescape. Every god damn picture I see of that game hits me like a train. It's like it's haunting me. I forget it exists and then out of nowhere, I see a picture of it. I want to go back to 2006
I do too
>best friend since 5th grade
>both love vidya, play tons of Smash and basically everything else
>last game we played a lot was Hyrule Warriors
>went to cons together, best friends for over 10 years
>made more plans for this summer too
I wish you were still alive man. I miss you so much.
>used to play league of legends with a bunch of people
>game went to shit
>jumped to dota
>was having a blast with a friend
>he went back to playing league
>play hooky from hs
>sit there for hours on end listening to fucking Black Sabbath and grinding willows
>not a care in the world
>finally hit 60 wc, go immediately to cut yews
>stay at them despite it being slower than molasses
>finallly buy full sara after god knows how long of grinding yews
>go to train on lesser demons
what a time
You were in the right. Unless you are being a babby and it was like just chilly outside then they are fucking shit friends
I dropped £35 on Guild Wars 2 for this bullshit.
Living the dream, dude.
The new OSRS woodcutting guild is ridiculous. 8 yews and 6 magics less than 15 steps from a bank, and an invisible +7 woodcutting level bonus while inside.
>Eating out for 20 min
Fuck that. I mean I'm not against oral but that shit better be a 2 way street. That bitch owes you a good dick sucking