>games are the equivalent of mc donalds to cooking, transformers to film, harry potter to literature, justin bieber to music, deviantart drawings to painting
>there are people who still argue that games are art
Games are the equivalent of mc donalds to cooking, transformers to film, harry potter to literature...
Compared to what?
inb4 sticky
McDonalds to "cooking" doesn't make sense. One is a place that sells food, the other is the act of creating food. McDonalds doesn't make food because it is literally a geographical location, a business building. Please try again.
So is shit art not art then?
this is some grade school cafeteria level of thought, user.
film = cassanova, gone with the wind, chinatown, the bridge over the kwai river
literature = shakespeare, borges, cervantes, dante, voltaire
music = beethoven, mozart, vivaldi, handel
painting = da vinci, caravaggio, van dyer, rembrandt, monet
scultpture = michelangelo, donatello
animation = evangelion, wreck it ralph, lion king
comic = berserk, allan moore comics
there's nothing games have made that comes close.
>animation = evangelion, wreck it ralph, lion king
>comic = berserk, allan moore comics
Tetris, MGS, Deus Ex.
McDonalds is bad due to it being so cheap, and even then it's not horrible. Games cost a lot more to make than paintings.
The transformers films aren't even close to being the worst movie franchise.
Justin Bieber can actually play five instruments, and it talented despite the meme centered around hating him.
Deviantart has good artists. A lot actually. The entire website isn't the same skill level.
Video games are a medium though, not an entry in a medium like what you're comparing them to.
fucking dark souls.
Metal Gear Solid is more deep and artistic than most of that
even if some of the plot is silly
shit list for shit taste
everyone knows cory in the house is the best animation you downs
Games are a composition of multiple art forms(music, visuals, storytelling) to make a new piece of work, like film. By a strictly technical definition, games are art. The question still remains as to whether the games industry has produced good art, which is a different issue entirely.
planescape torment, xenogears, suikoden 2, fallout, games as art isn't the issue, why do people get so butt hurt at the comparison, most literature isn't art but stands on its own two feet as an important medium of expression
>film = cassanova, gone with the wind, chinatown, the bridge over the kwai river
Have you ever actually watched any of these? There's a reason nobody under 50 has.
Why would anyone want to argue about whether games are art, anyway? Art is by and large fucking garbage.
OP doesn't know what art is, what a surprise because OP is a fag
You've obviously never played the first Shenmue or The Last of Us.
Games are art galleries. They contain art, and that art can be good or bad.
No. I meant, you wrote "the mc donalds to cooking, Transformers to film.." but Video games are a thing of its own. You didn't point out a specific video game.
>comic = berserk
Is Berserk even on the same level as anything even remotely artistic?
Also this.