In her defense, Tatsu does look delicious

What did she mean by this?

Anybody have the picture?

Damn straight you're gonna eat a tatsu, learn to block you scrub


Is this running ''joke'' in the Japanese version too?

this game was fun but Overdrive completely ruins the flow of combat

can confirm.
shitty localization of an extremely generic mecha anime story isn't this game's only problem

Someone post the comic. The excerpts are the most retarded shit I've ever read.

>I spread my girl's legs to get a shot at the pusspuss but she hit me with that baby's breath.

>Made awesome Heropon in the first game

>Made a one joke character that wasn't that funny at the start but kept hammering down

I mean I get Japanese love of food jokes but man its sad what happened.

the game is a fucking mess all around. I don't really understand why so many people here seem to like it.

The worst offender to me was the lack of touch screen utilization for combat. Nintendo have been doing that shit with RPGs since the DS days. How did they fuck it up so badly?

Because shoehorning the touchscreen into combat is a terrible idea. The game played fine without it. X > Xenoblade Chronicles

I can't believe people lap up such a generic bog standard anime story full of paper thin characters. I remember when Xeno games actually had ambitious stories and characters that weren't one dimensional and weren't written to be liked by everyone. The story, characters, and dialogue in XCX is literally Power Rangers-tier.

Xeno series hasn't seen a good story since Gears. X was more concerned with world building and lore than the main plot. It seemed like a setup for something bigger.

>world building

What lore or world building?

>Le Mira

look, i'm not going to pretend xenoblade wii was deep or anything, but at the very least it was overall engaging.

looking back at X is just white noise to me.

Like 75% of the side quests had lore shit about the alien races or humanity's survival or the mims. Granted, the other 25% was goofy filler shit.

I personally love X. I have major complains but for some reason its the best open world game I played in a LONG time. Maybe it's because I feel like it's not really "do whatever you want" type of open world since there are goals that need to be done and the reward for actually going out is great unlike most open world with a bunch of nothingness and feel like a time waster. Like I can travel anywhere and I'm probing the world which gives me money, bonuses, ect. And lots of other things. Nothing is really a time waster for me since I feel like I'm always doing something to help me out later.

The two major complains I have is switching party members is too annoying, and finding items for quests is maddening without a guide.

Is the story simple? Yeah but I feel he did it because they wanted a more focus on just going around enjoying the world rather than focusing on the plot at hand.

While I do hope he returns to open world again I wouldn't mind another pure JRPG story like Xenobalde.

>Everyone kept telling me how this was their game of the year
>Pirate it and play it on loadiine
>Several hours in no mechs just shit mmo combat grinding and the same fucking tatsu joke that makes me want to skip all the cutscenes

Fucking shit taste all of you.

>The story, characters, and dialogue in XCX is literally Power Rangers-tier.

This isn't a bad thing, you just need the right mindset. I found the story quests enjoyable, though the side quests were much better.

Nah user you're the one with shit taste. Although X wasn't my GOTY. MGSV was.

There was a scene in the game where Lin is talking to Vandham in the Mech hanger and I was just getting sick of the lighthearted writing with the same Sawano song that I actually ended up skipping the scene. Nothing anybody was saying had any substance or depth. It's the first time I've ever skipped a cutscene in a Xeno game, but the writing, characterisation, and everything was starting to get so predictable. It sounded so peppy and family friendly all the fucking time.


MGSV and XCX were the best games from 2015 and better than anything that's come out this year desu
I also think both games have a lot of things in common, including the hate they get.

Ma-non are for ____

Mine was Splatoon but they all were good.

pushing over.

Oh great. Another comic relief race. Fucking Takahashi, since having children and joining Nintendo, his games have become so fucking family-friendly and whitebread.

Yeah that was a good one as well. Too bad they're ending Splatfests already.

>you will never hear the actually decent symphonic tunes for the first time
>you will never first start playing thinking it will be as huge as Xenoblade but with a feeling like phantasy star
>you will never fight a tyrant for the first time on foot again
>you will never get your first skell before you realize how disappointing they were
>you will never chuckle at how stupid the joker voice is
>you will never feel the satisfaction of saving a pilot by cutting the right wire or saving the woman at the water purification factory
>you will never be hyped for the game's sequel

Nearly everything revolving around them ends in some of the most fuck up shit man.

i LOVED xenoblade X, great game with awesome combat and the mechas were just a blast. exploring the huge worlds was also great, lots of scary fucking moments too like the giant sandworm that comes out in the middle of the desert and eats you.

I think maybe the team right now is focusing on Splatoon 2 for NX. It's pretty amazing how big that game gotten in just a little over a year. And seem with it's success Nintendo is more open to doing more crazy stuff with their "younger" (by that I mean late 30's and 40's) developers.

Have you even heard their voices?

Have you even seen one commit suicide?

I clocked in more than 100 hours on XCX but holy shit that ending made me so fucking MAD.

It was good but with a bitter aftertaste.

Lin would've been fine if she was just separated from Tatsu.

I legitimately liked X more than any other RPG since probably FF6 and Chrono Trigger.

Linly is not funny.
Linly is NOT funny!

I think they were pretty unnecessary, however, the game would be worse without their inclusion.

Prone > Wrothian > Professor B > Nopon > Orphean > Ma-non > Zaruboggan > Marnuck

I disagree. She had some pretty good bantz. Even her eat-Tatsu schtick was funny when she actually had him in the pot. The one and only time, granted, but it caught me completely off guard.

The ending is sequel baity as fuck. Maybe in a couple of years down the line, Xenoblade Chronicles X will actually prove to be fucking amazing for setting up a spectacular story, but who knows?

They have all of the pieces in place to tell a pretty good story, so I'm assuming that if there's a next time, it'll be damn good.

I actually liked the story, and especially Lao. He was pretty shitty at first, but the whole revelation scene at the end actually made him out to be a tragic hero.

It was just some low effort trolling on her part. Tatsu was a complete retard who fell for it every time so she couldn't help herself. It's like playing peekaboo with a three month old.

>Probes need to bury itself deep
>There are places with hardly enough depth to do anything
Baffling. Also fuck ones with in caves since there's hardly any way to get around there without getting into fight after fights with bats and plants.

Japanese can't into humor.

>he didn't save the woman at the purification plant
Shit was clearly a horror movie, rule #1 is never let anyone wander off alone.

I knew about it, but only because someone told me about the woman dying in the water plant.

I actually saved everyone I could. Even the Wrothian babe.

>the game is a fucking mess all around. I don't really understand why so many people here seem to like it.
I'd be lying if I said I hated it, but the game was a disappointment.

worst part was how bad the combat was in robots. That was the main selling point of the game, and they fucked it up.

Also ground combat wasn't good either, the voice responding heal system was stupid. Overdrive is just spamming a basic mmo rotation to keep it going forever. In the first game who I controlled and who was in my party mattered, not in X.

Then the absolutely retarded forced online shit completely ruined postgame. In the first I did everything and it was paced pretty well without a lot of grinding. In X to get upgraded to fight superbosses you farm the same dumb world threat boss to buy mats because farming them in the game consists of going to enemy that drops it, one shot it in Ares, exit and re-enter mech, repeat.

Yeah, the cave ones are a bitch. Also, fuck the ones that are in plain sight, but you can't get to until you have not only a skell, but skell flight.

I like those ones. It gives you something to really look forward to. The caves however are just annoying because it seem like there's never a good way to walk around them without getting into a fight every 5 feet. Normally I just book it to the probe and hope I can mash the button before getting attacked.

The only bad part with combat is how useless the AI is outside of a mech. Inside of a mech, they're smarter than the AI in the original (not a huge feat, all things considered), but outside, they're fodder.

Except Lin, HB, and L.

I guess. It's just obnoxious, since those are the last 2 you need to plant in Oblivia and Primordia, and they fill in a huge gap in the Frontier Nav.

>and especially Lao
Good taste. Guy was majorly fucked up, and I think it helped show just how catastrophic everyone's situation really was. You may play the game as a pioneer on a wondrous new planet, but everything everyone ever loved is dead or hanging in the balance. His English VA's delivery was on point too.

>"Because of you there's only 20 million of us left... that leaves 9.98 billion reasons for me to want you dead!"

Those final lines were fantastic. It's no World's Strongest Spirit Bomb vs. Kid Buu, but it was still a hype as fuck ending.

Xenoblade X was utter shit, dont let anyone here tell your otherwise.
Its a fact that the devs focused entirely in making a huge open world for exploration, leaving aside everything else like plot, characters, and pretty much all that made Xenoblade Chronicles so good.

Fuck off retard.


She's too busy writing Skell Fanfiction to learn something icky like video games.
Not even once.

>tfw fell for the hype

I don't remember the last time a game left me this disappointed. Forced myself to finish it and now all I feel is hatred. Enough that I could just give the game away for free. I wish I was joking.

Nothing he said was wrong though

>Get sick of hearing the "let's eat tatsu lol" joke.
>Doing an affinity thing with Lin.
>One of the three options is "Let's finally eat Tatsu."
>Choose it thinking it'll give the most affinity.
>"What? We can't eat Tatsu." +0 affinity

You don't get to make jokes. Not about Tatsu, nor about mutiny.

Honestly seeing Lao's arc and then seeing how characters post-game are really antsy about their real bodies (because only the main 8~ party members and probably some Reclaimers know the truth) made me so mad that you didn't get to see how NLA reacts to the inevitable "We fucked up -Management" speech. They start getting to some actual interesting shit in the last chapter; the dubious morality of Elma's plan to just copy over everyone's brains into EZ Bake oven bodies, lying to everyone about the set up of the White Whale, the inevitable backlash and then the game fucking ends. Give me some in-house conflict. Let me see how people react to their terribly shitty situation.

Not to mention there's so much stuff you could look into about Mira. So there's all these remains of ancient civilizations who are dead, and none of the species on Mira are confirmed to be native (a sidequest reveals Nopon aren't native to Mira fyi, the other contenders are L who's 'lived there for eons' or some shit which could mean he's just longlived and another denizen, and the Telethia who is literally from another world and related to plot shit which makes their Miran indigenity questionable) while lots of species have been shipwrecked on the planet, and the species with ships can't escape despite trying. So basically, all these civilizations fucking DIED on the planet and never escaped. There's in-built translation and other bullshit going on. You could have entire sidequests about characters investigating this shit. But there's barely anything. I don't even need answers about the planet, I just want it to be recognized in universe.

Its funny how even with the boring food jokes Lin is still the only fun character in the game.
Everyone else is so fucking bland and boring I wonder if they were even trying.

I wanted Tatsu to just go full blown bad ass nigger on her and tell her to shut the fuck up with that retarded shit.

>Several hours in no mechs

Just go fast.

That's my biggest concern, the characters. The game would be so good if the characters had good, interesting dialogue.

Imagine if Shulk was a silent self-insert. It just would not be the same. That's what XCX is to me.

It was actually all wrong. Well, mostly wrong.

Protag isn't silent, though. You also get to choose their personality in a way, since there's always a set of options for you to choose.

>Maybe in a couple of years down the line, Xenoblade Chronicles X will actually prove to be fucking amazing for setting up a spectacular story, but who knows?

The entire final chapter is fanservice for people who played Gears
It turns out that the Lifehold Core is a Kadomony, It starts spitting out grotesque bioweapon abominations, and it turns out the party's resident Ayy Lmao was telling half truths to you basically the whole time.

Too many characters are written in the same tone. Every sidequest NPC sounds like a teenage girl. It's not as bad as something like Borderlands, but it gets old real fast.

I thought plenty of the characters were charming. Yelv, Murderess, Nagi, Vandham, Mia, Boze, Lao. Even Elma had some good dialogue, like when you say you're an Elma person.

Everyone could have been fleshed out more for sure, but I'm happy given the size of the roster and quality of the side-quests and affinity missions. Hell, it's obvious that they wanted to cram in even more characters given the complete absence of any cat people from your party.

They pulled a Bethesda with the NPC voice actors, but whatever. It's tough writing unique and interesting dialogue for 200+ characters. There's going to be some stinkers. It's inevitable.

I would love that. I was thinking that it could be a set up for a plot connecting all of the worlds. Considering they're trapped on Mira, everyone understands each other, and Mira is pulling in people from multiple timelines (Professor B), you can piece together some bridges to connect it to any of the past Xeno games.

>It sounded so peppy and family friendly all the fucking time.

>The sidequest where you track down a serial murderer who straps bombs to people and feeds living aliens to wild bugs
>The sidequest where the local "Make Mira Great Again" NCP shoots Ma-Non in the face (if you let him) and one runs off a fucking cliff to it's death to not get shot.
>The sidequest where parasites lay eggs under people's skin and they fucking cocoon and have monsters pop out of them
>the sidequest where a squad gets captured by Ganglion and one of the survivors recounts the tale of watching their friend gets ripped limb from limb.
>the sidequest where one of the bug people is attracted to his own daughter

>family friendly

Did we play the same game?

>the WiiU has literally TWO jrpgs
>one is made by Monolith Soft, great jrpg devs who worked on Xenoblade, last gen best jrpg
>the other was supposed to be a cool crossover made by Atlus but that in the end turned into idol shit
>somehow Xenoblade X ends up being complete garbage
>FExSMT crossover idolshit ends up being pretty decent

This is some bizarro world shit right here.

But X was amazing. It had its flaws, but they were so minor in such a large game that it didn't matter.


Fucking Doug's AI.
>You're the squishiest character in my party, stop going for fucking melee attacks!
>You have a giant cannon on your back, use it dipshit!
Every time.

Some classes were just not meant for melee fighting. You should be able to lock them in a certain mode, at the very least.

>Remove all of Dougs melee arts
>He still goes in for melee autos

holy shit
what kind of dark shit is this

Yeah, and you get so many voice lines. In BATTLE, where it's mostly just comments on what just happened in front of our faces.

Both are shit.

That quest was the best.

Also this one.

It would've been a huge hassle to get 12 voice actors to voice over 5k lines of dialogue just for your character. Playing charades with everyone is much easier.

>Doug, a fucking Photon wielding Galaxy Knight, shouldn't be melee attacking even though that's the 2nd best melee class in the game

My little anons can't be THIS bad at this.

>things that never happened

You can use party commands to tell specific party members to attack in a certain way. I think you press + in battle, hit x to shift through menus until you get to 'commands', then use ZR/ZL to issue member specific commands; tell them to use ranged attacks.

I don't know what's worse, the Ma-non getting murdered, or the stiff as fuck run animation on the Ma-non.

We've got stubby little legs, ok?

Photon Sabers are only good actually the best if you can combo.

AI cannot.

Yes, but that also affects the other party members.

I don't want Lin switching to ranged when she's got to taunt the big motherfucker attacking us.


Nope, Blossom Dance's def ignore property is just too fucking strong so Longsword is the best.
Only thing that can compete is Black Bane centered knife builds, and that's a fucking hassle to set up.

Oh dear god. I'm not that far into the game (~Chapter 7) and the darkest thing I've seen is the guy with the exploding plush lobsters.

That's why it would be better just to have an actual character. Like Shulk.
Nobody loses, there's no point to having a self-insert in this game.

>Nobody loses, there's no point to having a self-insert in this game.

Did you even fucking do a sidequest?

You couldn't have scenes like
Because a character "like shulk" is GOING to step in and stop that, no player choice.

The extra combo damage is insane, though. Rondo is especially good with how much its damage spikes. Plus, the top tier weapons heavily benefit you from going Photon over Long, even though you can get a really good Long at Dadaan.

Except apparently there needs to be
>muh open world customizable characters
I guess. I think there is a way to compromise though. Just make it so that you can't customize voices, but you can customize everything else. There you go. You have now boiled it down to 2 different VAs, one male, one female. Problem solved.

What's surprising is that after this fucking scene the rest of the sidequests involving him are so lackluster.

I just wanted to give people clean water to drink. How the fuck did that place go so fucking wrong?
Don't forget the religious nut that caused the girl Ma-non to kill herself.