What are some games where I can sustain permanent damage to my character?

What are some games where I can sustain permanent damage to my character?

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please delete this, it's horrifying

So what exactly did he do?
Slice it open with a knife or something?

What does he think about Sonic's new games?


God I wish he would just fucking die already. Not because he annoys me. He doesn't. At all. His rabid fanbase of strangely curious weirdos looking to find someone who's worse off than them has always bothered me a bit.

Seriously, if you have to look at this train wreck to feel better about yourself then fuck off. If you're in it for purely scientific research, then kudos to you, however.

>And I just won

>Chris won't live to see Sonic's next game

When I was young, this was in the 80s before high functioning autism was really a "thing", I see many parallels between my life and CWCs. I played with toys well into my late teens, I obsessed over video games, I even wrote shitty comics that were a mash up of g.i. Joe and transformers. The one difference I see between him and me is my mother. My mother beat the living shit out me on a regular basis. I was anti social and she forced me to go outside and play with other kids. If I didn't she would slap me in front of them and tell me to "be a man". She threw away all of my toys. When I acted socially awkward in public she would beat me and tell me to stop "acting retarded". When I became a teenager she berated me for not having a girlfriend and called me a "faggot".

I have always hated her I didn't even go to her funeral. I am a grown man now in my late 30s and I am married and have children of my own. I suffer from pretty bad depression but I still manage to force myself to get up and live this life that I don't fit into.

Now that I see CWC I realize what my future had in store for me if I did not have my mother. She was horrible to me but do I owe her a debt of gratitude now? See him evolve over the years has given me extreme internal conflict. Without her that would be me.

it's literally not about that

Can someone like call the fucking police? He's gonna die from infection.

You're probably still a fucked up loser. Hell, you're 30 and posting on Sup Forums.

Had a self-done piercing and it got infected(of course). Removed it and now he thinks his abscess is a vagina

I won't forget your story, user. I'll carry it with me for as long as I can.

>putting points into resistance

He had a piercing in between his balls and ass and eventually ended up removing it, apparently it's gotten infected as you see in the picture (it's an abscess) but he is believing that binural beats gave him this new "vagina"

Other people need to know that you can intact beat the autism out of your children.


Fable 2

E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.

(It's semi-permanent. You can reverse some things but after investing a bit.)

He actually might die this time, he's too stubborn to go to the hospital

Alright I'm here for the pictures of Chris Chan's new "vagina"

Someone post the link

What a retarded statement. Might as well say anyone posting on Sup Forums is a loser. You're just throwing out that he's older than you to make yourself feel better.

k here

>it's literally not about that

So what is the point? Making fun of someone who's brain is wired incorrectly and can't help it? I'd rather make fun of a loser who could help it. At least they deserve it

>she beat me and told me to stop acting retarded
This is way to satirical to be a real incident

chris chan thread in disguise

reminder to report and hide

You grew because of the hardships you faced, not because some crazy old bitch was abusing you as a child. It's simply a testament of your perseverance and character. So don't thank her, thank yourself, because you were the one that created your own success.

>mods are newfags

>reporting Chris Chan threads
Why do you function like this


Enjoy famalam

>in disguise

Well if you can do it, I can probably improve too.

Any Megaman Battle Network game with Dark Chips in them

I feel like this is pasta, but I could be wrong

Why was the post deleted? It didn't show any primary or secondary sex characteristics.


I expected more blood and infections.

The only person you need to thank for your achievements is yourself.

Jimmy Hill is Revolver Ocelot

>This....is the greatest Electric Hedgehog ever made



for anyone wondering what (s)he did to himself



My mother called me retarded pretty much every time I fucked up. She would also slap the shit out of me. I'm not making this up. She would slap me in public too it didn't matter. It was the 80s no one gave a fuck.

Fuck you now I need to format my drive

You may have only been developmentally stunted in the first place because of your mother's abuse.

Recent science seems to indicate that things like slapping your kids makes them more of a cunt, not less.

A homemade paginer counts as a primary sex characteristic.

fuck do i get infected just by opening it?


You know its just pasta user?

user, everyone have something fucked up.

W-Whats happening to my computer?!

you're not getting me this time

i see that filename you mother fucker

So what happens if you don't treat that?

post >yfw Chris will die in your lifetime

>Another name to cross out in my Notebook


To ward off future cwc "vagina" images.

The abscess explodes in your colon and you die a horrible painful death.

malware-bytes is running

Is there something wrong with me? Because I fapped to it and I'm honestly not sure why

Fuck you my phone rang as soon as I opened this, I've never been spooked by Ray Parker Jr. before

it's abcess, and it's on his taint aka the most unsanitary part of his body, not to mention he's admitted to fingering it "like a regular vagina" and he's been toughing through the pain because it's just "growing pains."

It's going to get very infected, and likely explode and kill him.


You bastard.


What the fuck is his problem? Is it legitimate autism? If so, how come it's untreated?