Favorite game

>favorite game
>darkest secret

Get it off your chest

The witcher 3

i don't even enjoy playing video games anymore but I still like keeping current on vidya news and talking about it


I have a sort of discomfort in the back of my head, like right where the skull meets the neck, and I've had quite a few lingering headaches with infrequent stomach discomforts like it's lurching every once in awhile

Then sometimes I have discomfort when turning my head, and I think trouble focusing on stuff, it's been a whole two days since I got black out drunk should I be worried about this enough to pay a doctor

Legend of Mana

I was born without testicles and have to take artificial hormones since I don't produce testosterone naturally.

So, is the sack there? Or, is there just nothing?

Super Mario World.

I'm a hermaphrodite. It keeps me from finding a boyfriend thinking they will be disgusted by my nonfunctional limp penis

Were you born a man Varys?

At least you're not a trap
Well done user

I don't believe this

Jamie Lee gtfo and shill that diarrhea yogurt somewhere else.

Metal Gear Solid
I have a pretty terrible fetish and it's pretty much the only thing o can fap to aside from dickgirls[/spoilers]

I feel you, user

Everything's there except for the mentioned bits.

Yeah, I'm male in body and mind. Just missing that part. Makes me sterile though, which is a really sore spot.

The tertiary sticky needs to come back.
Fuck you cunts.

do you have ladyparts too

Prove it

God Hand
Not my darkest but Throughout college I enjoyed writing porn and papers for other people more than doing my own homework

Can you fuck for hours? I can't go 45 minutes without spurting.

Armored Core: For Answer
I have this aching feeling that two of my best friends use me exclusively as a bridge to see one another and secretly hate me. So I spend great deals of emotions being mad at both of them, hating myself for being mad, and feeling awful that nobody will care except for me.

Super Mario 64
I love the horror genre in movies and video games (mostly for the monsters and getting spooked), but don't share that opinion with anyone because I'm afraid people will think I'm weird.

So just to confirm, are you missing the sack entirely or is it like.... hollow or something?

Well my libido is shit because I don't take the hormones consistently. But that's my own fault. Either way, wouldn't really know. I'm not sexually active.

>Banjo Kazooie
I was really interested in finding the master race I read a lot about Hitler in middle school and thought maybe the perfect race are both male/female and wanted to get a hermaphrodite gf

I'm pretty sure this is b8 but a lot of people are into hermaphrodites...

Aren't the chances of that happening something like 1 in 5000?

What the fuck.
What do you think about tumblr special snowflakes who get offended by everything pertaining to your...situation?

Are you a girl? Is this really your darkest secret? Seriously?

Hollow I guess. Sack's there but it's just loose skin essentially.

Metroid Prime

No fear mentioning it here but the highest priority of shit I'd keep hidden from people when I'm not an user is my liking of futa shit.

Why don't you just bring it up to them? Do it when you're all drunk or something so it doesn't seem like you're attacking them as much.

Also depending on how long you three have been hanging out, if they really hated you they would have just exchanged numbers and stopped hanging out with you

Way lower than 1 in 5000

Although if someone really was a hermaphrodite and they DIDN'T get surgically "assigned" at birth, it would make sense they would end up in this shithole

The world ends with you

When me and my gf stopped talking I went to a club on New Years took a girl to her house and she gave me head. I am back with my gf now and I can never tell her.

This is called social anxiety my man.
Unless they just straight up blow you off/ignore you.

damn dude, sound like that would be uncomfortable
does the loose sack like ever get in the way?

No and no, but I won't even share my darkest secret with strangers on a Chinese knitting forum. That was just a secret that was 'dark' in tone.

thats not that bad, she just got you off. its not like you fucked or anything

Is that bad?
I can't actually fuck for more than like ten minutes, if that.

i like this game too. my son broke my xbox though. its also somewhat challenging

At least you have good taste.
Small time.
I've had guy friends who've hooked up with each other because their wives having affairs.

>about to call you retarded for thinking it would get in the way any more than a regular loose ballsack
>get the image of a hairy, empty ballsack in my head

no, that sounds normal. i downed half a jug of wine once and i was getting chronic headaches and stomach aches for probably almost a full week afterward.

If I had to guess it's probably like a neutered dogs ball sack. It's probably not large enough to get in the way or anything. I'd assume your ball sack would have no reason to grow much past it's starting size because there's nothing to hold down there.

Friend A I've known forever but they just keep giving me shit every time I see them. I'm growing increasingly tired of this, but I've invested so much here and I'd hate to se it go. Friend B hasn't been as long, but they are alao close to my heart. My issue is that if I'm wrong, they will actually do so just to torment me. And since they are better fit to mock me and trash on me than I am for them, they will hurt me far worse together than I can deal with. I am genuinely afraid of what worse could be there. All they do is hurt me, but I just want to be friends with them.

They also already hang out and don't invite me to events, from what I've been told.

Nah. It's not even noticeable really. I always hear my friends complaining about sitting in a way that hurts their balls and I've never had any discomfort from it. It never particularly gets in the way or anything.


I don't know, I know my top 10 but can't pick a favorite.

I finger my own anus while shitting. What I do is cover my finger in toilet paper then scoop the shit out from inside my butt. It feels amazing and I poop way more that way. I'll also wiggle my finger around in there to loosen it from inside my intestines and more poop comes out. This is not a joke, try it.

hyperlight drifter
I'm not Trans
I know I told you I was
but that was just so we could stay together
I had nothing
I was willing to change my self for you
but now that we are apart I don't know how much longer I can keep up this charade
we are best friends still and I am so ok with that but I am so afraid to not transition
I don't know who I am now
I gained so much weight after we broke up and now I hate my self
I force my self to throw up after every meal and I starve my self every day
I have lost 80 pounds and I haven't left the house once
I've had 4 therapists but I haven't said anything to them of truth
I'm so fucking good at hiding how sick in the head I am
I'm so fucked in the head and I'm too afraid to get help
if I don't become skinny again I'm most likely going to kill my self
but I don't want to set off red flags because I'm so scared

I don't want you any more
but I just want some one to hold me as I cry

I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm so fucking scared
now i just want a cuteboyfriendto hold me

My gf is extremely "no sex before marriage" type she even is sad that I had sex before I even met her.

can't think of a favorite game but I really like halo reach
have been enjoying underrail recently
my greatest shame is that I stole pokemon and yugioh cards as a kid

if you can go for more than 20 minutes without cumming then you're on viagra or you have a limp dick.

Resident Evil 2

I like little girls. I would never do anything to one, but the thoughts are there

>Wifes son

Fixed that for you user.

>Lets be gay, that'll show them!
That is the funniest thing I've read all night

Majoras Mask

My crazy bitch cousin almost raped me one day when I was about 12

Ok, so stop hanging out with them. I don't see why this is even a problem. If they're shitty people then this should be easy bro.

Don't let your fear of being alone make you hang around people that don't like you.

Nice blog faggot, link your gofundme so i can donate thousands in your expedition.

>My gf is extremely "no sex before marriage" type
And you're okay with this?
Usually those types of girls are crazy as fuck.

I share your shame. I live next to two little girls that are very attractive to me, but I'd never do anything to them. I wish I wasn't like this. I feel like a deviant every time I see them.

>red dead redemption
my low self esteem, social anxiety and depression keep me from ever putting myself out there and meeting new people and all I can do is joke about it.

Tf2, too bad it went to shit
In my early teen years I briefly fondled my sister and cousin(male), who are younger than me, they were asleep. In addition i jacked off while my mom was sleeping next to me. ~10 years old in that case.

had tons of sex with my twin brother when we where 13 till we were 15 and now hes romantically broken and has difficulty having relationships with girls

w-what fetish

Your terrible fetish being..?

>Ace Combat 5
I lied about graduating university to my parents and everyone else I know. I got professionally done grad pictures from off campus. Lucked out on how easy my school's diplomas were to forge (no stamped seal or anything) so I did that myself. They believe me completely, and it haunts me that I will somehow have the whole lie exposed one day
Bonus secret
I fantasize about being dominated and fucked in the ass, but don't find males attractive

Mega Man X
I am deeply ashamed for ever having looked at cp on this site. I think it's partially to blame for my lack of confidence and self-loathing. I got fired from my first job for browsing Sup Forums at work. At that point I was pretty sure I would never be a productive member of society and really began to hate myself and wish I was dead. Thankfully I am holding down a job now but I still hate myself.


>almost got raped by their cousin
What a loser. My older female cousin made me eat her out when I was a kid. My mom found out and told my uncle and I didn't ever see her again.

I would hold you but I ain't cute or gay
but suicide is not the way to go I know when I was in deep pain yelling in the trauma center for God to stop the pain yelling over and over i'm sorry.

It wasn't my best moment, but it was a moment that stuck with me, I was laid out for half a year bro. Don't walk down that path, I don't even joke about kys or that shit anymore cause of that experience.


Street Fighter Alpha 2
I may or may not be D.B. Cooper.

>~10 years old
I don't think I had ever even tried jacking off at 10 years old.

not to be rude or anything but I'm just genuinely curious, why did you fondle your male cousin?

You're right. I'm just going to bait them out into saying what I need to hear and then just using it as a reason to never hang with them again. I really have grown cold because of them. It's a shame, because I had really loved A with all my heart, and B was a great friend. But I honestly would rather enjoy myself than be burdened by friends stepping on me.

maybe not, is she a christian?, why did you broke up with her in the first place?

Custom Robo Arena
I accidentally pushed a kid on a jungle gym pretty much face first into a sliding bar and then down to the ground and then didn't say anything when the Mexican kid with us that could barely speak english ended up getting the blame

I'm a 20 year old neet who can't drive that spends all his money on virtual game items which provides temporary happiness.

I could believe some of this bullshit but the really fucked up stuff is too outlandish.

thanks man, ive been geting better, but the thoughts are still in the back of my head
ill try my best

Wow, you should consider yourself lucky
My probably equally crazy male cousin decided to plunder my butt when I was 7 years old

And the thing is, I wasn't the first kid he fucked.
And instead of using his inheritance money to go to therapy and get a fucking grip, he blew it all on coke, hookers, and a car that he totaled.

One day I spent all day having sex with the gf and came like 4 times.
that night when I went at it I couldn't get off and just pounded until I fell asleep

You lack a sense of accomplishment, you probably work a job that is the same shit every day so you can't even draw satisfaction from that.

Find a hobby that you can be proud of and work on it slowly.

>I wish I wasn't like this. I feel like a deviant every time I see them
Same. Life is suffering

Chrono Cross

I never regretted my attempted suicide at 17. I still think it was the smartest decision I done in my life. I am not ashamed of it. Its been 8 years afterwords, and things aren't getting better.

Got Steam?

> I'm a pedo, too scared to seek help

Good on you, user. Fuck em; you'll be ok.

My first time ever orgasming was behind my sister sleeping watching late night pay-per-view

The implications of me being caught and having done that are so revolting I seriously wonder why the fuck I risked it


I made a friend playing with Sup Forums who I ended up falling in love with, despite knowing he wasn't into guys. He's autistic and says I'm his only real friend, even if only online, and every day I live a dilemma between feeling like shit for having feelings for him and being glad someone likes me this much.

can you describe some of the sex you guys used to engage in that sounds hot

>hes romantically broken and has difficulty having relationships with girls
what about you?

>used to fuck my girlfriend anywhere we possibly could
>move in together
>end up having a kid
>now we fuck maybe once a week

You'll find friends that actually value you and care about you, and realize that ditching assholes A and B wasn't a big deal after all. Just don't waste any more time on them.

She was a crazy bitch tho, after that happened I never talked to her again too

Wario Land 4
[Spoiler]I'm not capable of feeling romantic affection toward women for some reason. I always end up hurting someone's feelings because I just play along even if I'm not truly interested. Not truly dark but that's all I got desu [/spoiler]

Got curious and bored. We were sleeping in the same bed.
I hope to god nobody was awake when I was doing this shit

That is a understatement. She waited outside my work until I got out at 2am to see if I was walking out with a female coworker
Because I left to visit my sister on thanksgiving when she told me not to.
She said I left her alone.

Mega Man X
I am very glad this site exists. It has improved my self-esteem by loads. I got a promotion because I wasn't stupid enough to browse Sup Forums at work and was. At that point I was pretty sure I would be set for life. Thanks Sup Forums!

Hi Fever

do you have a decent career?

Metroid Prime.

I've become so bored of my cubicle job at work I now try to masturbate at any chance I get to feel more excited over someone may catch me and I'll be out of a job.

It's a small office with 15 people, and I have a suspicion that boss knows and she waiting for the right moment to embarrass me.

Kids are fucking annoying, and they have no curves or body to them. There's a reason puberty happens; it's to make humans not look boring as fuck.