Hello darkness, my old friend

Hello darkness, my old friend...

Okay, someone fill me in on the newest cwc news.

it seems he cut off his penis and is growing a vagina


there's a disgusting picture of his "vagina" that i didn't and won't save. it should be in that link he posted, if he hasn't deleted it already

Why did I click

jesus christ I don't know if this is worse than the r9k dude who literally cut off his balls a few months back

delete this

he cut his taint, very different

use this thread

that thread is far past bump limit

You didn't at all try to read that fucking thread, did you?

No, but seriously, it's like he didn't even fucking try with that statue or whatever the fuck it is.

spoiler that shit nigger


Fuck you
Every time I think I'm safe it happens again

I really wanted to masturbate today, but I think I won't be able to get a boner for a month now.

What was it?

a vagina

Sup Forums hates them

>Subliminal Frequency Hypnosis Wizards Binaural Beats

Have a link to it? First I've heard of that.


i was hungry so i decided to get some pizza, came back, old thread 404'd, looked for new one, found it in literally three seconds, opened it, scrolled down, hovered over this, saw the mangina for the 10th time, and nearly vomited pizza sauce everywhere

i should just sleep