What are some games where I can grab people by the throat?

What are some games where I can grab people by the throat?

The darkness 2 i think

The Godfather game had a pretty cool grapple system. You can shake down show owners, like bakers, by holding them up next to a furnace.


Also Crysis and Crysis Warhead were great Chink Choke Simulators.

jedi academy or battlefront if you play sith

More like predator simulator

remember me asshole?

>play Crysis
>expect Predator Simulator
>suddenly big flying aliens n shiet
What a fucking letdown. Are the other Crysis games worth playing or are they just actionfest?

Wow deathknight

>Implying there weren't aliens in predator
Besides, you stalk those little ines and grab them and throw them around, and theyre plenty of fun to shoot.

looks like he's having an orgasm


Loved the interrogations.


Metal Gear Solid series
You know you like giving it from the back

Godfather 1 was the shit, becoming the head of the crime family was satisfying to no end


look no further friend

spore levels of disappointment, can't wait!

Interrogations were easily one of Conviction's only good features. Don't know why they felt the need to pussy out in Blacklist, but hey, that's Ubisoft for you.

Mortal Kombat