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Hello Sup Forums,

what are some hidden gem GC games? Or just your personal favorites?

Gamecube thread

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shameful self bumb

Nice collection, OP. Pikmin 1 and 2 are my favorite GC games

Metal Arms
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

Those are some nice games, but they appear to be missing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

that isnt his
fire emblem path of radiance
eternal darkness
baten kaitos
custom robo
gotcha force
donkey kong jungle beat
lost kingdoms
WWE day of reckoning

all exclusives and are hidden gems

Lost kingdoms
Crystal chronicles.
Gotcha force
Custom robo

Baten kaitos isn't good.

Can't really think of anything that isn't in that pic besides Custom Robo.

Honestly not to much side from what other anons have said you're missing tales of symphonia

paper mario TTYD

what is this from

>bottom right
It's not even hidden user, its in one of the places of note.


its called reviews on the run old ass show that was on G4 canada

Mother fucking Custom Robo god damn it

Also the best Donkey Kong game ever made

Paper Mario TTYD
Super Mario Sunshine
Pokemon Colosseum
Wind Waker
Metroid Prime 1+2
Animal Crossing

that's it

I don't know about hidden, but here are some overlooked ones:
Wario World
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
Super Monkey Ball (even though I heard sequel was great, never hear much about the first one)

Tallarico was once cucked by Nintendo back in SNES days and he hasn't forgave them since

that's why he gave Mario 64 5/10 or smth

i still don't understand how the fuck a person DIRECTLY involved in the industry is allowed to review games let alone games he himself worked on

>Crystal chronicles.
>needing a GBA to play multiplayer

thanks nintendo

Faggot retard.

>that's why he gave Mario 64 5/10 or smth

he actually gave it a 8.8/10 but i see what your saying, tommy always hated gamecube exclusives as well as japense games (especially jrpgs) for whatever reason. victor was more open to that kind of stuff though


Sort of related question that doesn't deserve it's own thread. Is there a website where I can buy video games cases? A buddy of mine sold me his Gamecube and games last year, and all the games had their cases except Mario Kart Double Dash. It's really throwing off my autism.

ebay sells cases all the time man

You could probably find bulk cases on ebay, just reprint the label yourself and toss the case. Cheaper, and indistinguishable with a quality printer.

Sweet thanks. I don't ever go on ebay, so I had no idea

You can even find game booklets on ebay

A lot of sellers will have replacement case and booklets together but yeah Ive never seen some one just sell the booklet, shit whats worse if some mother fucker advertise the case as a black label then sells you a players choice which is the fucking worse

There's a lot of fighting games on gamcube such as soul calibur 2, Capcom vs snk 2 and BLoody roar

>needing a GameCube to play any games

Here's a completely random example

I've also received greatest hits instead of black labels. The worst thing about it is black labels usually costing more

FF:CC, Skies of Arcadia Legends, PSO 1&2/3, Gauntlet Dark Legacy, Evolution Worlds